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Example sentences for "dranke"

Lexicographically close words:
dramaturgy; drame; drames; drams; drank; drap; drape; drapeau; draped; draper
  1. Of the two men, that dranke a pynte of whyte wyne to gether.

  2. Of the two men that dranke a pynte of whyte wyne to gether.

  3. In this Temple were reasonable lodgings, where they fortified themselues as well as they myght, and dranke one to an other, but theyr supper was very slëder.

  4. And it fortuned while they eate and dranke together as signe of great amity there chanced a strange and dreadfull case: for there was a Hen which ran kackling about the yard, as though she would have layed an Egge.

  5. M416) Touching their beuerage, some of them dranke the sea water, others did drinke their owne vrine: and they remained in such desperate necessitie a very long space, during the which part of them died for hunger.

  6. And as we were going away, they made great shewes of friendship, and dranke vnto vs from the shore; but more for feare then loue, and requested vs to come on shore for our men, whom then they deliuered.

  7. Then he dyde of his helme and dranke of the water his fyll, and he had no sooner dranke therof but incontynent he was hole of all his woundys.

  8. He dranke three or fower beere glasses of sack, and he ran away so lightlie.

  9. Would I had dranke the water cleare, When I did drinke the wine, Rather than any shepherds brat 75 Shold bee a ladye of mine!

  10. Then he fette to Lytell Johan The numbles of a doo, Good brede and full good wyne; 115 They ete and dranke therto.

  11. And when he came to Nottingham, 25 And had tooke up his inne, He calls for a pottle of Rhenish wine, And dranke a health to his queene.

  12. Philenio thinking no hurte, toke the cup and filled it with the wyne, and dranke it vp at one draught.

  13. Colonel Popham's great tankard, the dutches Y: dranke it (almost) off at a draught.

  14. I remember he dranke at least 1/2 pint of faire water, according to his usuall custome.

  15. Germany did better; he kept bottles of good Rhenish wine in his studie, and, when his spirits wasted, dranke a good rummer of it.

  16. How blood lett whilest the waters are dranke lookes, and how it changes ?

  17. At Bagshot, near Hungerford, is a chalybiate, dranke by some gentlemen with good successe.

  18. Bathe, and some few made use of it Some of the Devises, who dranke thereof, told me that it does good for the spleen, &c.

  19. After this he led them courteouslie to his chamber, where they sate and dranke togither.

  20. After sixty he dranke no wine, his stomach grew weak, and he did eate most fish, especially whitings, for he sayd he digested fish better then flesh.

  21. Being well in health, he made a feast; ate and dranke plentifully; went to bed; and found dead in the morning.

  22. And so, making a virtue of a necessity, he sailed with a light heart from the chance of assassination at Rome to fame and fortune in the East.

  23. There was going to be a show of gladiators in the Forum, and the magistrates had enclosed the arena with benches, which they meant to hire out.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dranke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.