And it seemed that everyworde the more proper it was, the worse he liked it, for the cumbrance that he had to study out a better to passe it.
Howbeit in conclusion whan it came to his course, we that had spoken before him, hadde so taken up al among us before, that we hadde not lefte him one wye worde to speake after.
A worlde it was to see howe he marked every mannes worde that spake before him.
Translatio, translacion, that is a worde translated from the thynge that it properlye signifieth, vnto another whych may agre with it by a similitude.
Barbarismus is, when a worde is either naughtely wrytten or pronoũced cõtrary to the ryght law & maner of speakynge.
The fourth called Chria, which is a very short exposicion of any dede or worde wyth the name of the author recited.
Improprietas, when a worde nothynge at all in hys proper significacion is broughte into a sentence as a cloude: as you shall haue syxe strypes you longe for.
Who hath not in hys mouthe nowe thys worde Paraphrasis, homelies, vsurped, abolyshed, wyth manye other lyke?
Of the whych, that on is committed, when anye worde is fautely spoken or writen: that other, when in many wordes ioyned together, the worde that foloweth is not wel applyed to that that goeth before.
Preassumpcio, when a sillable is added to a word, the significacion of the worde therby nothyng altered, as: He vseth to slacken his matters, for to slacke his matters.
And therfor as in rites your Masse doth differ from christes supper / so whẽ ye saye your pleasure of your rites / ye ar not to be beleaued: for faith hath no place where goddes worde doth not shew it selfe.
Lykewise all houshold duties and offices appointed in gods worde must be obserued / els shall he offend / for as Paule saithe: [[1.
Now theise men in their masse do all in the Laten tongue / which is to the common poeple vnknown / and they do defend this theyr doing euen against the wordeof godd.
The sayd conjunctyve hath two futures, the tone hath alwayes this worde mais, goyng before the verbe, as mais que je soie joieulz, etc.
These fyve uowels be consonantes when they receyve nat their full sounde, as in this worde jamais the fyrst a is a uowell, and the seconde is a consonant.
But that dolt had not a worde to say for him self, but was as doume as a bitle[420] in that mater.
The Second reassone is, Becaus that your helth springeth of the worde of God, for he workith all thing by his word: it war tharefoir ane unrychteous thing, yf ye should stope your earis from me teiching trewlye the word of God.
But to the faythfull man, all thingis ar sanctifeid, by the prayer of the worde of God.
But in so far as thei ar not conformeable to the commandiment and wordeof God, I reprove thame.
Please to gar have this, or the copy, to the clergy and kirkmen, and keap the principale, and thy Grace shall have experience gif I go aganis ane worde that I haif hecht.
But when in 1509 Henry VII died, De Worde for once seems to have let his craftsman do a bit of original work for a title-cut to a funeral sermon by Bishop Fisher.
Julian Notary's business was on a far smaller scale than those of Wynkyn de Worde and Pynson, for less than fifty books are known to have been printed by him.
Thus the total number of English incunabula at present known is about 360, but Pynson and Wynkyn de Worde were both large printers in the sixteenth century.
After Caxton's death De Worde made a cautious start, only issuing five books in the first two years and not putting his own name in an imprint until 1494.
For in his worde is all his force and myght And he that alway thretenyth for to fyght.
But concernynge the translacion of this boke; I exhort ye reders to take no displesour for y^t, it is nat translated word by worde acordinge to ye verses of my actour.
But concernynge the translacion of this Boke: I exhort ye reders to take no displesour for y^t it is nat translated word by worde acordinge to ye verses of my actour.
And with that worde assemblit thai; 145 Thai war to few all out, perfay, With sic a gret rout for to ficht.
The castell and the towrys syne Richt to the grund doune gert he myne, And syne to Bothwell send has he Schyr Edward with a gret menyhe; 670 For thar wes fra thine send him worde That the riche Erll of Herfurde, And othir mychty als, wes thar.
This worde sholde rather be resalgar, wherefore I will shewe yo{u} what resalgar ys in that abstruse science, whiche Chawcer knewe full well, althoughe he enveye againste the sophisticall abuse thereof in the chanons Yeomans Tale.
Wynkyn deWorde printed, anno 1516, "The Lives of the Three Kinges of Collen.
Towards their owne hoorde and nation to be true in worde and deede.
The first taken from the verie name it selfe, for that the worde Turke signifieth a Shepheard or one that followeth a vagrant and wilde kinde of life.
Whiche when I remember doe prouoke me to be bolde to declare vnto you mine entent, whiche by youre onely worde you may procure, the fruite whereof being gotten, you shall winne the heart of a king, to be vsed as you liste for euer.
At which worde the teares ran downe in such aboundance, as where she thought to make further supplication and praiers, she had no more power to speake.
Call to thy remembraunce and consider, that when thou geuest the signe and watch wordeof the battell, our twoo armies shall bee but a ridiculous spectacle to them.
The anguishe and sorowe would not suffer the Prince to aunsweare one worde for weping.
For so muche as she excused not herselfe, but the innocencie of him, without speaking any worde of her owne particular iustification.
I danyel bain translatyd into vulgar ynglysch wordefor werde as fonde in latyn.
And against that ordre it doth manifestly repugne, that any woman shall occupie the throne of God, that is, the royall seate, whiche he by his wordehath apointed to man.
And what may a people or nation left destitute of a lawfull head, do by the authoritie of Goddes wordein electing and appointing common rulers and magistrates.
Drama there is no single work yet found, which bears the name of Winken de Worde as the printer of it," he committed one of those singular over-sights of which very learned men have before been sometimes guilty.
Fac-simile of the First Book on Fishing Printed in England by Wynkyn De Worde in 1496.
And to speake a worde for all, me thynket it is a better syght to beholde a temple rychely adourned, as ther be some with bare wolles, fylthy and euyl fauorde, more mete for stables to put horses then churches for Chrysten people.
Whereas this worde lent is properly of mony or some such other thing, as men do commonly borrow, for vse to be repayed againe, and being applied to loue is vtterly abused, and yet very commendably spoken by vertue of this figure.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "worde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.