Howbeit in teachinge those thynges that we haue rehearsed, the master must neyther be to much callyng vpon, neither to sharpe: but vse a continuaunce rather then be wythout measure.
They prouide that the bodie of the sonne maye be wythout faute, and shulde bee made apte to do all manner thynges comelye, but the mynde, by whose moderacion all honeste wyrkes do stand, that they care not for.
Sidenote: Emulacion is an enuye wythout malice, for desire to be as good as an other, & to be as much praysed.
And againe of them to whom their euyll condicions & wyt wythout all lernyng hath brought infamie, contempt, pouertye and myschiefe.
It is sayde that beares caste oute a lumpe of fleshe wythout anye fashion, whych wyth longe lyckyng they forme and brynge into a fashyon, but there is no beares yonge one so euyll fauored as a manne is, borne of a rude mynde.
Nor wythout cause dothe the olde manne in the comedie thynke that there is greate difference betwixte a master and a father.
And because the fyrste teachyng of chyldren is, to speake playnly and wythout faute, in this afore tyme the nourses and the parentes helpe not a lytle.
But nowe wyth what compasses, and hardenesse be chyldren troubeled whyle they learne wythout the booke the names of the letters before they knowe what manner letters they bee?
And wythout fere came to hym and putte hym to deth incontynent.
Wherfore he concluded in hymself to breke it, and toke it, and smote upon a rocke wyth all hys myght iii tymes wythout hurtynge ony thynge the swerde, and clefte the rocke to therthe, and colde in no wyse breke the swerde.
Whan Charles sawe al this, he thought that al way doon in good entent, and equyte, and wythout barat.
That I may by your req{ue}st her gode grace gete ¶ And what payn or greef ye for me prouyde ¶ wythout ony grutchyng I shall it abyde.
The thyrde daye they came vnto Tlacopan, whyche was also as all the Townes of the lake, wythout people, there they were lodged in the Lordes house of the Towne.
In this it is fautye to come to the kynd that is nye vnto it, whyche is called dissolute, because it waueth hyther and thyther, as it were wythout senowes and ioyntes, standyng surely in no poynte.
But these honors be nothyng worth, where the Mynd is voyd of contentation, and wher the hearte pryckte forwarde by desire leaueth the Bodye and Mynde restlesse wythout quiet.
Ire beyng wythout measure, and anger wythout Brydle or reason, it is not to be wondred, if in al his actes the Captayne ouerpassed the iust measure of vengeance.
And it seemed not without Wonder to Mustapha, that his Father, wythout necessary cause, shoulde arryue in those partes wyth so great a Number.
But the poore soules made their reconinge there wythout their hoaste, faylinge halfe the price of their banket.
But if any do violate and prophane the holy Lawes of Loue, and peruert that which is Vertuous, the faulte is not in that holye Saincte but in hym whych foloweth it wythout skyll, and knoweth not the perfection.
And wee ought not to be so curious or scrupulous, to reiect merry and pleasant deuises that be voide of harmeful talke, or wythout sutch glee as may hynder the education of Youth procliue, and ready to choose that is corrupt, and naught.
Wythout water coulde lyve neyther man nor best, 665 For water preservyth both moste and lest.
As, by occasyon, for the same entent, To a serteyne wedow thys daye was I sent, 140 Whose husbande departyd wythout her wyttynge, A specyall good lover and she hys owne swettynge!
Yet maye ye on water, wythout any wynde, Row forth your vessell where men wyll have her synde.
The devyll hym-selfe, wythout more leasure, Could not have gone halfe thus myche, I am sure!
To that I aunswer, that we are wel contented wyth that aduyse: for not wythout cause and iust reason our predecessours dyd abolyshe the fyrst kynges of Rome, and ordayned, that the Consuls should yearely be chosen in the Common wealthe.
Duryng all thys tyme Galienus, lyued in hys delyghtes at Myllan, wythout care or thoughte of the Common wealth, consumynge in his wylfull vices, the Money that was leuied for the men of war.
Lyke as vnaduisedly he fell in loue, so it behoued him of necessity wysely to staunch the fire for his honour sake, and wythout any more taunting wordes, fearing hir reuenge, he dined without hope to get other thinge of hir.
Now these fountaynes watered all the fayre knots of the same, wythout any payne to the Gardener, except to open certayne little Conduicts, whereby the water sprange and ran to what part he thought it needfull.
For Lias would first bee payde, before shee yelded the vse of hir bodye: but Flora wythout any semblance of desire eyther of golde or siluer was contented to bee ruled by those with whom shee committed the facte.
For if you will iudge wythout parciality and affection without great disputation, ye may come to reason.
For an outlawe, this is the lawe, That men hym take and binde; Wythout pytee hanged to bee, And wauer with the wynde.
By this ye may se it is harde to fynde a woman wythout an excuse.
After supper the kyng called them all before hym, and gaue them in commaundement that neither lord, knyght, nor gentilman, should on the morow come into the courte wythout a new brome in his hande.
This gentylman, more lyberall of promyse than of gyfte, grauntyd hym he should haue one, yf he wold com to hys lodgyng to the sygne[72] of the Bull wythout Byshops gate in the next mornynge at vi of the cloke.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wythout" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.