Now I would not that they openlye should be slaundered, and yet lesse pretend I to leaue theyr faultes vnpunished, specially sutch as by whose offensiue cryme the common peace is molested, wherein I desyre, that my People shoulde lyue.
But as Zenobia and hir people were of lesse trauell and of better skyl in knowledge of the Country, so they did greater harme and more anoiance vnto theyr Enimy, and thereof receiued lesser damage.
Moreouer a better sight it was to beholde the Satire Bucks, with dysplayed throte, and theyr fyngers poynting at the hast of those pore fearfull runawayes, as though they mocked theyr sodaine flyghte.
Here they may see the damage and hurt that vnaduised youth incurreth, when neglectyng theyr Parents holesome admonitions, they gyue themselues to the loue of sutch as be vnworthy theyr estate and callyng.
Then the Romanes sought meanes to renue theyr force, by addyng to theyr armye a further bande of horsemen.
Theyr bodyes, bathed in purple gore, They bare with them away: They kist them dead a thousand times, Ere they were cladd in clay.
Your Highness Royalme, are now of necessitie compelled to set theyr own children to labour, and al is lytle enough to pay the lorde's rent, and to take the house anew at the end of the yere.
A Supplication of the Poore Commons: "These extortioners have so improved theyr lands that they make of a xls.
We wyll tech them to know theyr betters, and because they would have all in common we will leave them nothing.
They wyll compel the Kyng to graunt theyr requests.
They will compel the King to graunttheyr requests.
To the fete the plowmen and tyllarys of the ground, beycause they, by theyr labour, susteyne and support the rest of the body.
Rome had conspyred to gyther in lyke maner euery one after another vnwar[e]s to slee hym / and all to put theyr bodies and liues in hasard tyll tyme shulde chaunce that one myght acheue theyr entent.
So Tulli in his ora[-] cion made for Lucius Flaccus / to unproue the witnes that was brought against him by Grekes / layeth vnto them the lightnes of theyr contrey.
And so are herewith the spices of Iu- stice declared theyr offices / which was the fourth & last place.
His men drewe out theyr bryght swerdes, That were so sharpe and kene, And layde on the sheryves men, 135 And dryved them downe bydene.
Thus be these good yemen gon to the wod, As lyght as lefe on lynde;[L172] They lough and be mery in theyr mode, Theyr ennemyes were ferre behynd.
Theyr they besette that good yeman, Round about on every syde, Wyllyam hearde great noyse of folkes, That heytherward they hyed.
There twyse or thryse they shote about, For to assay theyr hande; 190 There was no shote these yemen shot, That any prycke might them stand.
They washed togyder and wyped bothe, 125 And set tyll theyr dynere; Brede and wyne they had ynough, And nombles of the dere.
Who this Corne in theyr hart nor thresh, nor lay, Breake for sinnes debt, unthrifty never pay.
Sinnes price seemd payd with brasse, fewe sawe the gold, 15 Yet true stones set in lead theyr lustre hold.
Theyr manners are Prince-like, their weapons are onelie arrows.
The Axiacæ knowe not what stealing means; and therefore they neither keep theyr own nor touch another man’s.
At the same day the Erle of Lecester fell fowly owt with the Erle of Sussex, Lord Chamberlayn, calling each other traytor, whereuppon both were commanded to kepe theyr chambers at Greenwich, wher the court was.
Mr. Ashley, the clerk of the cownsayle, his wife and whole family removed from my howse in Mortlak to theyr howse in London in Holborn, with all his whole family.
July 5th, Sonday, I set the two erthes with theyrwater agayn uppon them.
And in the beginnyng those Princes beganne theyr vsurpation by way and colour of religion and holinesse, and afterwardes with force of armes, and with this title became Lordes ouer vs.
Cortez caused them to come aboorde hys Shyppe, gyuyng them thankes for theyrpaynes and visitation.
In this communications the daye was spente, and night at hand, their heads occupyed, and heartes full heauie, for hunger alone hadde bin ynough to finish theyr dayes, without any further warre.
Some cursed theyr fortune, others asked mercie at Gods hande, lookyng for death and to be eaten of the Cariues.
To all Gentlemen and yomen of Englande, pleasaunte for theyr pastime to rede, and profitable for theyr use to folow, both in warre and peace.
I warrant you on my worde, They say they shall be sicke, but ye be attheyr borde.
And more my hearte is woo'd, That soe manye warriours young and brave Muste thys daye shed theyr bloode!
And firste march'd forthe the Galloway men, Of the antiente Picts they sprange; Theyr speares all soe brighte and bucklers strong For manye myles yrang.
This fashion of countinge the monthe endured to the ccccl yere of the citie, and was kepte secrete among the byshops of theyr religion tyl the time that C.
So as w'oute theyr seruice, they nor eate, nor drink, nor are clothed, no nor liue.
And for the pasture of theyr cattall, so long as they would tarye there they payed for a knoweledge two pens for a household, or a grote at the most, though they had nev' so many cattalles.
There was but fewe yeres that they escaped w'thout a greatter losse of their goodes and cattalles, by spoyle or thefte of the Scottes or Ryddesdale men, then would have paide for the pasture of theyr cattail in a much better grounde.
No inuention or matter haue they of theyr owne, but tacke vp a stile of his stale galimafries.
Another floung his armes lyke cudgelles at a peare tree, in so much as it was mightily dreaded that hee woulde strike the candles that hung aboue theyr heades out of their sockets, and leaue them all darke.
Theyr mot, Inopem me copia fecit, as much to saie, as the rich praye makes the theefe.
My masters you may conceiue of me what you list, but I thinke confidently I was ordayned Gods scourge from aboue for theyr daintie finicalitie.
My lyfe, my wealth, my friendes, had all theyrdestinie depending on her command.
A companie of coystrell clarkes (who were in band with sathan, and not of anie souldiers collar nor his hatband) pincht a number of good mindes to Godward of theyr prouant.
Gentilwomen doe use this to make theyr faces smoth and fayre, for it healeth cliftes in the lyppes, or in any other place of the hands and face.
The commonwealth hath great want of them, and of theyr medicines, whych if they had come into my handes, they should have bin written in my booke.
Line, in a towne of Suffolke called Derham, which with a payre of ebene beades, and certain charmes, had no small resort of foolysh women, when theyr chyldren were syck.
I trustt yor mastershepp hath pardonyd me, for god knoweth I was keppt in prison straytly, and glad I was to wrett att theyr request, but I wrott nothyng that I thought shold be agenst my prince nor you nor no other man.
The friars’ knowledge was such that barber-surgeons were willing to attend “wythoute paye to gayne knowleche of aylimentes and theyr trew curis.
Bubo they must presse more valiant wits than theyrown to do it: me ath stage?
The error is not mine, but intheyr eye, That cannot take proportions.
Don't tetch 'em up like the poets does, Tel theyr all too fine fer use!
Don't they see theyr com'ards comin' and the old flag wavin' still?
As I said before I well know my own unedjucation, but I don't think that is any reason the feelin's of the soul is stunted in theyr growth however.
When downtheyr bowes they threw, And foorth theyr bilbowes drewe, And on the French they flew, No man was tardy.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "theyr" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.