Lett your cupbord be so placed, as your confederate may hould a black Threed without in the courete, behinde some windowe of that roome, and at a certen lowe word spoken by you, he may pull the same threed, being wound about the pot.
Vpon hir Eares did hang two Sumptuous and Riche orientall Pearles, which to the artificiall order of hir hayre added a certensplendent brightnes.
The Ore is not soluble in water, nor mutable in air; on the contrary, it is fusible, oxydizable, or reducible in fire.
For what els can those wordes importe, that he did it also for certen secrete causes, but give us juste cause to suspect that there wanted uprighte, indifferent, and sincere dealinges?
This was Segnior Sebastian Gabote, which I wente to see, beinge myselfe in Cyvill certen yeres paste, whome I founde to be a moste curteous and gentle person.
Festiua urbanitas, is a certen mery conceyted speakyng, as on a tyme a mery felow metynge w^t one that had a very whyte head, axed him if he had lyen in the snowe al nyght.
In 1511 he was in negotiation with the Court of Aldermen for the purchase "of a certen grounde of the citie for an entre to be hadde into his new gramer scole.
Buttry upon his bill for certen sylks bought of him for the disguisings," £133 7s.
Furthermore the prouidẽce of nature hath geuen vnto litle ons a certen mete habilitte.
A certen philosopher seemed to haue marked that thyng properly, whyche seynge a yonge man behauinge hym selfe not verye soberlie, it is meruell quod he, but if thy father begat the whẽ he was dronke.
Ther appeareth also in the very chyldren a certen peculier redines to some sciences, as vnto musicke, arithmetique, or cosmographie.
Aristotle whẽ he was axed of a certen mã by what meanes he myghte bringe to pas, to haue a goodly horse: If he be brought vp quod he, among horses of good kynde.
As there be certen engins so full of worke and so curious, that they hynder the doynge of the busines.
It is told in the lawe, that a certen sowter, when he layd one of hys sowters vpon the hynder parte of the heade wyth a laste, he stroke oute one of hys eyes, and that for that deede he was punyshed by the lawe.
Elegantly sayde Aristippus when a certen ryche man axed him what profite learnyng shuld brynge to a yong man: & it be no more but this quod he, y^t in the playing place one stone sytte not vpon an other.
Sidenote: The practise of a certen englishe man to teache hys chyld hys letters by shootyng.
The fyrste care is to be beloued, by lytle and lytle foloweth after, not feare, but a certen liberall and gentle reuerence which is more of value then feare.
Peraduenture of this inclinacion you may perceiue certen markes in lytle ons.
Which I haue sent to your maiestee herein closed with also certen letteres and Newes sent vnto me from my Lorde Deputie of Calays.
Please it your highnes to be aduertised that vppon myn arryuayle at London I receyued certen letteres out of the North directed vnto your grace from the lorde Dacre.
Which commaundementes being conteyned in certen mynutes of paper I haue sent to your grace herein closed.
In so moch that at length certen of my frindes did move me to take in hand to practise, which thing I did I trust not unluckyly" (Of the Auctorite of the Word of God agaynst the Bisshop of London).
Andrews, which geveth him yerely so long as he liveth a certen stipend.
The Chinas of late tyme, within these 2 or 3 yeares, have begun a trade into certen ilandes called by them Tacca Sanga, and is named in our sea cardes Isla Fermosa, neare to the cost of China.
Certen Chinas came to vizet me heare and sent letters by me for Edo, telling me that now they knew well Hollanders theevs and Englishmen trew men and ther frendes.
The tono being an eye witnesse and looker on when they did it, mooved hym soe much that he sent out certen boates full of souldiers after them, to have reskewed Ric.
Unagense Dono sent me a present of 2 littell barsos wyne, 2 fyshes, a phasant cock, 2 Japon cakes or muchos, and certen rootes.
Yt is certen that the Hollanders had taken this discovery in hand 259 before now, but that they have soe many irons in the fyre allready with their wars in the Molucas against the Spaniardes.
I receved a box by the Adviz with a certen roote in it, which came 287 from Cape Bona Speranza; but it proveth here worth nothing, it being dried that no substance remeaneth in it.
Yt is here reported (or spoken) for certen that in England apeared in 57 the fermament a very greate cros, with the crowne of thorne and nailes, such as our Saviour Christ suffered his passion withall; and that the Kinges Matie.
Also this day a carpenter was cutt in peeces for a muteny he and other xj made, to enter a pedlars house and cutt certen wooden shewes in peeces, they esteeming to have preveledg to make such matters.
Mr. Eaton of the 1th and 13th ultimo, wherin he hath adviseth me he hath sould all his white baftas at sixteene mas the peece, and certen mattes broad cloth at fyfteene taies the matt.
Yt is very certenthat with little danger our fleet of defence may 327 take and sack Amacon in China, which is inhabeted by Portingales.
M^{r} Saunders and his Two Sonnes certenunknowne money.
Semi Dono sent me word, it was certen that the ould Emperour was dead 26 daies past, and that he saw the place where he was buryed; and that Shongo Samme did it of purpose, that they might see he was dead.
Mr. Wickham went to Sackay to buy certen thinges for Syam voyage, as also to look out whether we could make sales of any matters.
The steward of the Duch shipp Red Lyon, coming ashore with certen stuffes to make aparell for the master and others, to the vallue of 50 R.
And Joco Conde Dono sent me a present of 3 hanches salt veneson, with certen shelfish called woby.
Cooke and the chirurgion, withcerten peeces stuff was geven them for presentes; but after, they better bethought them selves and retorned all.
The Kyng of Firando arived at Firando about midnight, and the Duch shott off certen chambers at his passing by their howse.
Adames that they understood theire were certen ilands to the northward, very ruch in mynes of gould and silver, which the Emperour ment to conquer, and asked hym whether (upon good termes) he would be pilot.
There came certen caveleros Japons from Edo, and came to see the English howse, and looked on such comodeties as we had, but bought non.
John Whitgift: An Answere to a certen Libel intituled, An Admonition to the Parliament, 1572.
And as he lay in a certen nyght in his bed, hit come to his mynde the day that he made to the marchaunt, and alle his bowells wer storid therewithe, and thenne said to her, Alas woman that ever I saw the, for I am but dede.
Sir, I love the dowter of the emperoure more than ye wolle trowe, and I accordid with her for a certen sum of money.
After saying certen Psalmes, he taketh a payre of sensours and senseth the bel within, and prayeth God to sende it good lucke.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "certen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.