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Example sentences for "whych"

Lexicographically close words:
whur; whusky; whut; whuther; why; whyche; whyfor; whyl; whyle; whyles
  1. Subsannatio, a skornyng by some iesture of the face, as by wrythinge the nose, putting out the tonge, pottyng, or suche lyke.

  2. So translacion in the whych comonly is the greatest vse of eloquuciõ, applieth wordes not the selfe proper thinges.

  3. Erasmus in hys double copye of words and thynges, hath made as y^e tytle declareth but a comentarye of them bothe, and as it wer a litle bil of remembraũce.

  4. Thou traitour I say of thy contrei, darest thou come into oure syght?

  5. Wherefore if we haue proued both by reason & by exãple, that we be bounde to put oure selfe in peryll for the common wealthe, they are to be counted wyse men, whych for the sauegarde of the contrey auoyde no peryll.

  6. Extensio, the making lõg of a sillable whych by nature is short, as: This was ordeined by acte, for ordined.

  7. Ambiguitas, when thorow faute of ioynyng the wordes, it is doutefull to whych the verbe belongeth, as: Hys father loueth hym better then hys mother.

  8. Translatio, translacion, that is a worde translated from the thynge that it properlye signifieth, vnto another whych may agre with it by a similitude.

  9. Parable is a feete similitude, whych sheweth y^e example that is brought, either like, vnlyke or cõtrarye.

  10. Before we come to the precepts of garnishing an oraciõ, we thinke good, bryeflye, to shewe you of the thre kyndes of stile or endyghting, in the whych all the eloquucion of an oratoure is occupied.

  11. Greatly happy shulde men be, if euerye man wolde looke vpon the marke, not the whych desyre hathe sette before hym, but whyche God and honest reason hath prefixed.

  12. The sayd yoman to laye theym upon the bolster and the heed sheete with whych the sayde yoman shall cover the sayde pyllowes.

  13. A prodygyouse example is thys to be abhorred of all men whych love thyr nacyon as they shoulde do.

  14. And then the sayd warderoper to delyver unto them ii lyttle small pyllowes, werwythall the squyres for the bodye or gentylman-ussher shall give the saye to the warderoper, and to the yoman whych have layde on hande upon the sayd bedde.

  15. This gentleman learned a water to kyll a canker of hys owne mother, whych he used all hys lyfe, to the greate helpe of many men, women, and chyldren.

  16. The commonwealth hath great want of them, and of theyr medicines, whych if they had come into my handes, they should have bin written in my booke.

  17. To thys lame wytch they resorted, to have the fairie charmed and the spyrite conjured away; through the prayers of the ebene beades, whych she said came from the Holy Land, and were sanctifyed at Rome.

  18. When the Kyng rod forth to Wyndesouer Castyle, the Kyng rode apon the ryght hand the Kynges of Castylle, how be it the Kynges Grace offeryd hym to take hym apon the ryght hand, the whych he refussyd.

  19. John Ardren of and for the manour of Belthrop with the apportenaunces which, as I am Informyd ye wer in mynde to haue bought Sir I woold I hadde bene made preuey to your mynd at whych tyme [789] sic.

  20. Peradventure shee goeth whyles with a beau who speaketh unto hir of love, to whych shee listeneth wyth tendir grace, and replyeth with art, untill thatt they have builded upp betwene them a flirtacioun.

  21. Introduction to Knowledge,' the 'Kynges of England doth halow every yere crampe rynges, ye whych rynges worn on one's finger doth helpe them whych have the crampe.

  22. The Kyng, whych ys Supervisor of my Lord Bedford testament, hath wreten and comaunded by sondry lettres, that the seyd Lord Wyllughbye shuld be content for hys part.

  23. Item, the seyd Fastolf hath born grete charge and cost of a lone made for the spede and help of a voyage whych the Erle of Shrewysbury now last made in to the Kynges Duchee of Gyen, [60.

  24. Also the reward that the seyd Fastolf shuld hafe hys part for the takyng of the Duc off Allaunson, whych shuld mount for hys seyd part iiij^{ml}.

  25. Whych both Hygham and Jermyn hath suffred my maister hafe, savyng your reverence, tweyn shrewde tornys seth that they mizt hafe letted, as now the seyd Thomas Hygham myzt hafe letted the presentment or a moderated othyrwyse, &c.

  26. I truste I shal brynge you a letter from my mayster your sone, or thanne I come, for whych I shal rather thanne fayle abyde on day the lenger.

  27. And ther ys one Yon', a servaunt of the Lord Wyllughbye, whych pursewed thys mater; yff he were yn London, he coude geve gode enformacion uppon thys mater.

  28. Hereby you may se, how greate and manifolde mischiefes they committe whych regarde not the bryngynge vp of tender age.

  29. In processe of tyme it shall come to passe that the chyld whych fyrst began to loue lernyng for the masters sake, afterwards shall loue the master because of lernyng.

  30. For I haue proued that they whych were very dull to lerne the preceptes of grammer and rethorique, were found verye apte to lerne the subtile artes.

  31. Counte what thei haue done, and what thei haue suffered all theyr lyfe, whych haue gotten them by experience of thinges a sely small prudence & thinke whether y^u woldest wyshe so greate myschiues to thy sonne.

  32. From such beginninges thei are deliuered to the master: and do we merueyle if wee fynde them vnapte to lerne vertue, whych haue dronke in vyces, euen wyth the mylke?

  33. And in euerye thynge the gretest part of payne is imaginacion, whych somtyme maketh vs feele harme, when there is no harme at all.

  34. It is sayde that beares caste oute a lumpe of fleshe wythout anye fashion, whych wyth longe lyckyng they forme and brynge into a fashyon, but there is no beares yonge one so euyll fauored as a manne is, borne of a rude mynde.

  35. Ther be some whych for theyr couetous mynd be afeard to hyre a good master, and geue more to an horskeper then a teacher of the chyld.

  36. For thou desyrest to have excesse of rayne, Whych thyng to the were the worst thou couldyst obtayne.

  37. It is not thy beauty that I dysdeyne, But thyne ydyll lyfe that thou hast rehersed, 915 Whych any good womans hert wolde have perced.

  38. For were not we, the worlde shuld wyshe and want In many thynges, whych now shall lack rehersall.

  39. Thie wordes are greate, full hyghe of sound, and eeke Lyche thonderre, to the whych dothe comme no rayne.

  40. Decorn wyth fonnes rare ---- On of the fonnis whych the clerche have made.

  41. Thys ys he of whom it ys spoken be the prophet Isay, whych sayth: the voice of a cryer in wyldernes, prepaire ye the lordes waye, and make hys pathes strayght.

  42. And forgeve vs oure treaspases, even as we forgeve them whych treaspas vs.

  43. Wo be to them whych by malyuolence Slandreth or dyffameth any creature.

  44. Whych shulde be moste had in abhomynacion.

  45. In whych tyme Vertu dyde his besy payn ¶ People to reyse his quarell to maynteyn.

  46. And the seid Tuddenham and Heydon wold after theyr voulente have it hald yn meen of the maner of Hetersete, whych sufficient evidenses that ye have specifyeth no thyng soo.

  47. Whych lettre I woll ye breke to undrestand my wrytyng and the substaunce off it the more.

  48. Whych I trust to God shall better have hys cours then it hath beforn; who have you in hys kepyng.

  49. In Agrippina was deliuered vnto me a letter from thee, whych so soone as I opened, I knew to be written wyth thine owne hand, and endited with thy wysedom.

  50. There was none that had sutch liberty to speke his mynde playnly to the kinge as hee had, whych hee vsed after sutch sorte, that he seemed to doe it by no authority, but by sufferaunce.

  51. For the further amplification of whych vertue, what shall I neede to remember straunge and prophane Histories?

  52. Whych was done, in consyderation that hee whych had perpetuall gouernement, many tymes became insolente and proude.

  53. Som wryters affirme of this Amorous Lais, that thing whych I neuer reade or hearde of Woman: whych is, that shee neuer shewed signe or token of loue to that man whych was desyrous to doe her seruice: nor was neuer hated of man that knew her.

  54. Plinie writeth that the dasey hath III and sometimes IV little whyte leves whiche go about the yelow knope, it appereth that the double Daseys were not founde in plinies tyme whych have a greate dele mo then Plini maketh mention of.

  55. And as for Bekham I warant, and ye wyll send the plate whych ye and I comond of for to helpe to paye hys dettis, and for to swe forthe for hys jwgement thys terme, it sholl neythyr be morgagyd nor sold.

  56. My modre hathe a letter, whych can tell you mor, and ye may lat Dawebeney se it.

  57. She had to me thys langage wypyng, and told me of dyvers other thyngs the whych ye shall have knowlych of herafter.

  58. Item, it ys told me that Thomas Elys of Norwych, whych nowe ys chosyn Mayer, seyd at Drayton that yf my Lord of Suffolk nede a C.

  59. I pray you send me yeur avyse how ye wyll that we doo a yenst the next shyr, whych shulbe the Monday next after Trynyte Sonday, as for callyng uppon the replevyn that the bests of Drayton wer delyveryd by.

  60. And other comynycacyon was had by twene us at that tyme of dyvers maters whych wer to long to wryte at thys tyme, but ye shall have knowlych therof in hast.

  61. And thys schold be do as to morow at aftyr non; bot I trow they wole but tak a distres for the servys of the maner, whych is dwe; but I have sent word to Rysyng and to the tenauntis that they schold dryve a wey ther catell.

  62. I pray you yf hys brother com to you for a relesse of hys londe, lette him non have on to the tyme that ye see hys faderes wyll, the whych I wote wher it ys, and that it like you to desyre hym to be gode brother to him.

  63. And Paynter seyd that ther catell was taken uppon the Duche, whych they connot prove by non record, save only by ther awyn sayng; and so we wold not a bey that replevyn, and so they departyd.

  64. Vn-to the whych floure I-wys The loue of God and of the comonys Subdued bene of ryght.

  65. And Millet Monk, whych came into this lond wyth Sent Austen, was made the fyrst Bishop of London, and hys See was made in Powllys Chyrch.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whych" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.