And quhen the vickar hard tell my wyfe was dead The thrid cow he cleikit[475] be the heid.
His wyfe bade him ga hame gub-glaikis[1021], And sa did Meg his muder.
Quod he, “His wyfe that sall I tell, To mak hir acquentance with my-sell.
The colophon of his poem “To luve vnluvit” expressly states that the piece was written “quhen his wyfe left him.
Ane for my father, and for my wyfe ane-uther, And the third cow he tuke fra Mald my mother.
And in Kent there as my wyfe dwellyd, they toke awey all oure godes mevabyll that we had, and there wolde have hongyd my wyfe and v.
I have red it, butt I conn yeve yow non aunswer mor than I have wretyn, save the wyfe of Harman hathe the name of owr Lady, whos blyssyn ye have and myn.
And the seyd Warnys wyfe with a lowd vosse seyd All the deuyllys of hell drawe her sowle to hell for the weye that she hat mad.
Aske of this wyfe what good meate shee hath in her house.
The wyfeof the house runnes out with her goodman to intreat the Counstable for her gestes, and leaues the Pyg at the fyre alone.
And howe the wyfe of the house was rostinge of a Pyg, whyle her gestes were in their matche.
Then the good wyfe of the house fet her goodmans[108] olde clocke, and caused the same to be cast about him, because the sight shoulde not abash her shamefast maydens, nether loth her squaymysh sight.
And if the good man and wyfe be not in the way, he procureth of the ch[i]lldren or seruants a fleece of wool, or the worth of xij.
With this exhortation, that he shoulde from that tyme forth knowe his wyfe from other mens, and that this punishment was but a flebyting in respect of that which should followe, yf he amended not his manners.
And he verely thought that his wyfe had so don, whiche in dede for got to do it.
For Autem in their Language is a Churche; so she is a wyfemaried at the Church, and they be as chaste as a Cowe I haue, that goeth to Bull euery moone, with what Bull she careth not.
And if the man or wyfe of that house be examined by an officer, they boldelye vouche, that the[y] lodged him suche a tyme, whereby the truth cannot appeare.
And I here a very good reporte of hym now, that he loueth his wyfe well, and vseth hym selfe verye honestlye; and was not this a good acte?
Sone after maister Florien retourned to his house and finding his dinner more delicate than it was wont to be, marueyled, and asked his wyfe who was at all that coste.
Afterwards Maister Gentil continued styll a friend vnto Nicholas, and vnto hys Wyfe and Chyldren.
Adam whom God dyd fyrst create, made the fyrst lether coates for himself and his wyfe Eve our old mother, leavyng thereby a patron to al his posterite of that crafte.
It is enough to state that accident had given birth to a considerable portion of the following pages, and that design supplied the rest.
The first, as they travel through the text, appeal to each explanation of a word or passage as it occurs.
The second read a large portion of the text, or perhaps the whole, uninterruptedly, and then consult the notes; and the third reject the illustrations altogether.
And he gaue him to wyfe Asnath the doughter of Potiphara preast of On.
And so Abraham prayde vnto God/ and God healed Abimeleh and his wyfe and hys maydens/ so that they bare.
And Sara my masters wyfe bare him a sonne/ wh[~e] she was old: and vnto him hath he geven all that he hath.
And hys mother gott him a wyfe out of the land of Egypte.
Rebecca towyfe the doughter of Bethuel the Sirian of Mesopotamia & sister to Iaban the Sirian.
And my master made me swere saynge: Thou shalt not take a wyfeto my sonne/ amonge the doughters of the cananytes in whose lade I dwell.
Noe went and his sonnes and his wyfe and his sonnes wyves wyth hym/ in to the arke from the waters of the floud.
And Nahors wyfe Mylca the doughter of Haran which was father of Milca ad of Iisca.
Pharao also gaue a charge vnto his men over Abram/ to leade hym out/ wyth his wyfe and all that he had.
Adam also laye with hys wyfe yet agayne/ and she bare a sonne ad called hys name Seth For god (sayd she) hath geven me a nother sonne For Abell whom Cain slewe.
And then Abraham buried Sara his wyfe in the double caue of the felde that lyeth before Mare/ otherwise called Ebron in the lande of Canaan.
And lots wyfe loked behynde her/ ad was turned in to a pillare of salte.
And the selfe same daye went Noe/ Sem/ Ham and Iapheth/ Noes sonnes/ and Noes wyfe and the .
But thou shalt goo vnto my fathers house and to my kynred/ and there take a wyfe vnto my sonne.
And Ada called his wyfe Heua/ because she was the mother of all that lyveth.
And Noe came out/ ad his sonnes and his wyfe and his sonnes wyues with hym.
The wyfe of a fellow, which hath stolne 17 mas of the themperours plate and is run away, is seazed upon with her sonne and servantes and all she hath, and were to have byn put into prison.
Saladine in the habite of a Marchaunt, was honourably receyued into the house of mayster Thorello, who went ouer the Sea, in company of the Christians, and assigned a terme of his wyfe when she should mary agayne.
His wyfe Panthea, had made of her treasure, a curate and helmet of golde, and likewyse his vambraces, and had furnished the horses of the chariot with brasen barbes.
But if my wyfe be slaundred, and accused wrongfully, assure thy selfe that I will be reuenged vppon thee.
When I goe to bedde, my wyfe commonly doth followe.
Hierome reporteth, was the wyfeof Abradatas a noble personage, and in warlicke factes very skilfull, dearely beloued of Cyrus king of Persia, with whom this Lady Panthea was captiue, at the ouerthrow of the Assyrians.
Then the Romaine Dames repayred to Veturia the mother of Coriolanus, and to his wyfe Volumnia.
The King gave him his daughter to wyfe and when he died made him his heyre.
Com, damsalls, followe mee where I shall leade: I have a crosswyfe at home I tell you that, But one that I presume will not bee jealous Of too such harmeles sowles.
I have a cross wyfeyou see, And better you then I take sanctuary.
Naye, make his honest and chast wyfe no better Then a madam makarell!
Then fare well, Hodge, a while, synce thou doest inward hast, For I will into the goodwyfe Chats, to feele how the ale doth taste.
Their love is lightly wonne and lightly lost; And then their hate is deadly and extreame: He that doth take a wyfe betakes himselfe 20 To all the cares and troubles of the world.
And yet, I thynke, thyther as she doth go Many an honest wyfe goth thyther also, For to make some pastyme and sporte.
Syr, for the presthod and wyfe that ye alledge I se ye speke more of dotage then knowledge.
How be yt, yf I stycke no better tyll her, My wyfe sayth she wyll have a new myller.
God me mende; I wolde eche wyfe that is bounde in maryage, And that is wedded here within this place, 585 Myght have as quicke spede in every suche case.
Dryncke ys my lyfe; although my wyfe Some tyme do chyde and scolde, Yete spare I not to plye the potte Of joly goode ale and olde.
Is not this a myracle, yf ever were any, That this good wyfe shuld have chyldren so many 550 Here in this town, whyle her husband shuld be Beyond the se, in a farre contre.
Saynt Mary, That is a poynt[244] of an honest man For to bete his wyfe well nowe and than.
Here they fyght by the erys a whyle, and than the preest and the wyfe go out of the place.
But than my wyfe so ofte doth thyther resorte That I fere she wyll make me weare a fether.
God spede you, maysters, everychone, Wote ye not whyther my wyfe is gone?
Nowe dethe as welcome to mee comes, 205 As e'er the moneth of Maie; Nor woulde I even wyshe to lyve, Wyth my dere wyfe to staie.
Go, take a wyfe untoe thie armes, and see Wynter, and brownie hylles, wyll have a charme for thee.
Item, that ye remembyr Thomas Denys wyfe that her husbond had divers billes of extorcion don be Heydon and other, whech that he told me that his seid wyfe beryid whan the rumour was, so that thei were ny roten.
And he and hys wyfe and other have blaveryd here of my kynred in hedermoder;[290.
William openyd hys backe wyndow, That was in hys chamber on hie, And with sheetes let hys wyfe downe And hys children three.
There lay an old wyfe in that place, A lytle besyde the fyre, Whych Wyllyam had found of cherytye More then seven yere.
The chastitie or my wyfe and doughters shalbe brought into hazarde.
And therfor the Apostle of Christ saith: If any brother haue a wyfe / whiche beleauith not / if she be contẽt to dwell with hym / let hym not putt her awaye.
Syr Edwarde, and next after her, Mistress Agarde, wyfe to Mr. Fran.
Fytton and Lady, his wyfe dessessed; and sarten gentillmen servants to the sayd Syr Edw.
Dyd Dioscorides and Galen give occasion for every old wyfe to take in h[=a]d the practise of Phisick?
If they gaue no occasyon unto every old wyfe to practise physike then give I none.
Perwynke when it is beat[=e] unto pouder with wormes of ye earth wrapped aboute it and with an herbe called houslyke it induceth love between man and wyfe if it bee used in their meales .
Yf this maide at her lazy tymes when she hath bin found in her yll accyons doe not disserve 2 or 3 blowes I pray you who hath the most reason to complain my Wyfe or maide.
Yf you think yt fitte for my Wyfe to do all the work and the maide sitt still, and shee must forbear her hands to strike then the work will lye vndonn.
Footnote 40: "My Wyfe beginnes to mend her maners.
She cannot be trusted to serve a few piggs but my Wyfe must commonly be with her.
Yf you think yt fitte for myWyfe to do all the work, and the maide sitt still, and she must forbear her hands to strike, then the work will ly vndonn.
Yf this maide at her lazy tymes when she hath bin found in her yll accyons do not deserve 2 or 3 blowes I pray you who hath the most reason to complain my Wyfe or maide.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wyfe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.