Whether the Bees drawe breath, or haue any bloud in them.
Howe todrawe a profitable Oyle out of Waxe, for sundrie vses.
I sende to yow the bokes of his accompt to th'entent that Spyrlyng may awayte upon yow at his comyng, and declare hym his dewte, wheche, as myn receyvore seyth, hit wole drawe to the summe of xlvli.
At the reverens of Good, drawe to sume conclusyn; it is time.
The bylls that be put into the coorte of Syr Thomas Lynys dettes drawe xxxli.
I pray yow remembyr thes maters, for all is doon to make yow to drawe to an ende with thes Lordys that have your lond fro yow.
Brother and sister, pray you bothdrawe neere, And heere my will which you have promised Shall be performde with wished providence.
Now if thou bee'st wyse drawethy neck out of the collar, doo, Slipp-stringe, doo.
How shoulde a mariage betwene you be towarde, If both parties drawe backe, and become so frowarde.
I would drawe a line from the hedde standarde, and lead it towardes the Easte, the space of CCCCC.
And lyke as al waters by kynde drawen to the see, so al kyndely thinges thresten, by ful appetyte of desyre, to drawe after thy steppes, and to thy presence aproche as to their kyndely perfeccion.
And therfore, he that 130 wol ben gentil, he mot daunten his flesshe fro vyces that causen ungentilnesse, and leve also reignes of wicked lustes, and drawe to him vertue, that in al places gentilnesse gentilmen maketh.
Slinges of her daunger so hevily peysen, they drawe my causes so hye, that in her eyen they semen but light and right litel.
And after, I her styred to drawe thee to house; and yet wendest thou utterly for ever 80 have ben refused.
Than were there y-nowe to lacche myn handes, and drawe me to shippe, of whiche many I knew wel the names.
Therfore set one foote of the compas in that pricke, and extend the other to the end of the line that toucheth the middle of one side, whiche you liste, and so drawe a circle.
To drawe a touche line onto a circle, from any poincte assigned.
Then sette I the one foote of the compasse in B, anddrawe twoo arche lines F.
Another waie also maie you drawe a cinkeangle aboute a circle, drawyng first a cinkeangle in the circle (whiche is an easie thyng to doe, by the doctrine of the .
Then sette I my compasse (whiche is opened according to the semidiameter of the said circle) fixing one foote in the end of euery semidiameter, anddrawe with the other foote twoo arche lines, one on euery side.
Fyrste deuide euery side of the quadrate into twoo equall partes, and so drawe two lynes betwene eche two contrary poinctes, and where those twoo lines doo crosse, there is the centre of the circle.
L, In which square if I drawe crosse lines frome one side to the other, according to the diuisions of the line G.
Therfore I drawe firste of all two lynes (as you see) one from E.
Nowe where those two lines that entre into the circle, doo touche the circumference (beside the touche line) there set I two prickes, and betwene them I drawe a thyrde line.
And when I haue founde the centre, then doo I drawe the circle as the same conclusions do teache, and this forty conclusion also.
And so drawe lines from eche angle to their middle pricke.
Drawe a plumbe line from any one corner of the cinkeangle, vnto the middle of the side that lieth iuste against that angle.
Then drawe the thyrde lyne to make a triangle with those other twoo, and you haue doone according to the conclusion, and haue made a twelike triangle, whose ij.
Ten strypes drawe a great deale of blood, twentie or thyrtie spoyle the fleshe altogeather, fyftie or threescore wyll require long tyme to be healed, and yf they come to the number of one hundred, then are they incurable.
Somtymes they walke abrode in the fieldes to make the souldyers shoot at prickes with theyr bowes, but theyr eatyng passeth: they wyll stande eatyng euen when the other do drawe to shoote.
A Kynchen Co is a young boye, traden vp to suche peuishe purposes as you haue harde of other young ympes before, that when he groweth vnto yeres, he is better to hang then to drawe forth.
Betwene Jerico and that see is the lond of Dengadde; and there was wont to growe the bawme; but men make drawe the braunches there of, and beren hem to ben graffed at Babiloyne; and zit men clepen hem vynes of Gaddy.
Wyll yee bee so mated and dumped, as the shadow alone of a fond and inconstant young man, shall holde your Nose to the Grindstone, and drawe you at his lust lyke an Oxe into the stall?
And albeit that the Wyfe (after the departure of hir Fryend) assayed to drawe from him the cause of his altered cheare yet coulde shee neuer learne, that hir husband had any ill opinion of theyr Loue.
And before I drawe to the dyscourse of the Story, I will set downe some of the manners of Solyman's greatest states and fauorites, and the pryncipal offices and honors of that hellish Monarchy.
Do not with-drawe thy mortall woundring blade, But sheath it Caesar in my wounded heart: Let not that heart that did thy Country wound Feare to lay Brutus bleeding on the ground.
His agents, Drawe and Backwell, were first applied to.
Drawe and Backwell, to sell the whole of the remaining portion of the herd (reserving only twenty milkers) as store cattle, to any one who was slow and old-fashioned enough to desire them.
He had nothing for it but to write to Drawe and Backwell, to say that he had sent forward the sheep; that they must communicate with M'Nab, in charge, and do the best they could under the circumstances.
Drawe and Backwell, arrived at Marshmead, where they were met with that tempered civility which such visitors generally receive.
Drawe and Backwell as auctioneers; they knew the property well, and would probably get as much for it as any other firm.
Take my advice, run down to Melbourne and get two or three more to put to it, and Drawe and Backwell will give you a dozen runs to pick from.
From the bulwark the calsey lieth directly, and before the entraunce into the streate there is an other drawe bridge made of timber ten paces broade, vnder the which the water passeth too and fro.
These also rumble in houses, drawe latches, go up and down staiers,” etc.
And whan this Welcheman had espyed hym, he bad hym stande, and began to drawehis bow and bad hym delyuer that lytell male that hunge at his sadyll bowe.
So, as she toke the potte in her hande, and was goyng downe into her seller to drawe drynke, sodaynely came one of her neyghbours for a cole o' fyre.
Whan he saw the byrdes alyght a pace, he sayde: there be many byrdes alyghted, drawe thy nettes; where with the byrdes flewe awaye.
Summe men drawe to farre, summe to shorte, summe to slowlye, summe to quickely, summe holde over longe, summe let go over sone.
Euer while you liue, drawe your necke out of the the collar.
Mer: Nothing King of Cates, but borrow one of your 50 nine liues, therefore come drawe your rapier out of your scabard, least mine be about your eares ere you be aware.
No man can come to me except my father which hath sent me, drawe hym.
No man can come vnto me, excepte the father which hath sent me, drawe him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drawe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.