The maner of these playes weare every company had his pagiant, or parte, which pagiants weare a high scafolde with 2 rowmes, a higher and a lower, upon 4 wheeles.
They that shalbe actors in this Massacre, Shall weare white crosses on their Burgonets, And tye white linnen scarfes about their armes.
And if he grudge or crosse his Mothers will, Ile disinherite him and all the rest: For Ile rule France, but they shall weare the crowne: And if they storme, I then may pull them downe.
But that we presently despatch Embassadours To Poland, to call Henry back againe, To weare his brothers crowne and dignity.
Now let the house of Bourbon weare the crowne, And may it never end in bloud as mine hath done.
Guise, weare our crowne, and be thou King of France, And as Dictator make or warre or peace, Whilste I cry placet like a Senator.
Whose Ignorance and Passions, weare an eye Squint to all parts of true Humanity.
Weare was supposed to carry a "private bank" about with him in a pocket in his under waistcoat.
The crime was brought home to Thurtell by the confession of Hunt, one of his accomplices, who took the police to the pond, where the remains of the unfortunate Mr. Weare were discovered, sunk in a sack weighted by stones.
Thurtell was a gambler, and Weare had won a good deal of money from him.
No murder has created greater sensation and horror throughout England than that of Mr. Weare by Thurtell, Hunt and Probert.
I called for my wages, and bought me all things new, different from the apparell that I did weare at sea, and yet durst not be ouerbold to walke abroad: and after vnderstanding that there were certaine English ships at S.
The women goe naked, and weare a great wreath of fethers behind them, and before painted and glued together, and their haire like the men.
Oxen: and the women weare of the sayd Turqueses at there nostrils and ears, and very good wast-coats and other garments.
I send your Lordship also two rolles which the women in these parts are woont to weare on their heads when they fetch water from their welles, as wee vse to doe in Spaine.
Likewise on the brawne of their armes they weare a streit string, which they wind so often about that it becommeth as broad as ones hand.
They haue holes bored in their nostrels whereat certaine pendents hang: and others weare shelles, and their eares are full of holes, whereon they hang bones and shelles.
But the strangest thing of all was to see both men and women weare shooes and boots with good soles of neats leather, a thing which they never sawe in any other part of the Indies.
Islandes aboue mentioned were scarce of victuals, as I had learned before, and that they are inhabited by people, which weare shelles of Pearles vpon their foreheads, and they say that they haue great Pearles, and much Golde.
They weare certaine pieces of Deeres bones fastened to their armes, wherewith they strike off the sweate, and at the other certaine small pipes of canes.
Of the Sodomie which those Indians vse with foure young men, appoynted for that seruice, which wearewomens apparel.
And therefore the Men are hardly discerned from the Women by their lookes: saue that the Women weare a locke of hayre down along both their eares.
If any should steale by Janus into heaven, it weare much woorthy of marvaile, and yet wee see there doth, there are soe many of Jupiters lemmans: if anye should skippe in or out by mee it is not to bee admired: for why?
O that you weare Jupiter, to bee a helping father to these sonnes of sorrow, or I weare Janus indeed, that I might have two tongues to intreate for this pittifull crew.
But though my breast (I must confesse) wearethen somewhat [F.
Item if you shall see them weare Lyons or Beares skinnes, hauing long bowes, and arrowes, be not afraid of that sight: for such be worne oftentimes more to feare strangers, then for any other cause.
They weare all blacke garments, and so doe none other in all the lande, but at that abbey onely.
By that tymes they weare answered, the place about us well discovered, and our devyne service ended, the daie was farr spent.
Others weare a dead ratt tyed by the tayle, and such like conundrums.
That none shall weare long haire, for as Souldiers are known only by their Colours they weare, so we will be known to be Round-heads onely by our long Eares.
The thing most against him, Mr. Weare said, was this: that he did deny at the first that the house was troubled by evil spirits, and even went so far as to doubt that such things could be at all.
Smith's relation to be true, demandinge of him whether it weare meant that the people heere in Virginia shoulde feed uppon trees.
These numbers, thus meanly provided, not being able to subsist and live together weare soone after devided into three parties and dispersed abroad for their better reliefe.
Some adventuringe to seeke releife in the woods, dyed as they fought it, & weare eaten by others who found them dead.
Many other workes of like nature weare by him donne at Henrico and the precincts therof, but so slightly as before his departure hence, he himself saw the ruine and desolation of most of them.
The next supplyweare two ships called the William & Thomas and the Guift, which arived in Januarie; the Guift beinge sett forth at the charge of the Societie of Martin's Hundred, the other by the Magazin and some private adventurers.
I meane not to be tedyous vnto the, but haue added fyue or sixe more tales, because some of them weare doune whyle my booke was fyrste in the presse.
Other matters I talked of; but this nowe maye suffice to shewe the Reader, as it weare in a glasse, the bolde beastly lyfe of these Doxes.
And she hath donne me so much good or this, that I weare loth nowe to harme her any waye.
Ring ye the bels to make it weare away, And bonefiers make all day; 275 And daunce about them, and about them sing, That all the woods may answer, and your eccho ring.
How long shall this lyke-dying lyfe endure, And know no end of her owne mysery, But wast and weare away in termes unsure, 'Twixt feare and hope depending doubtfully!
And the admiration of Mr. Hastings Weare was unbounded.
They were standing apart, alone, Hastings Weare having gone to the stables for the runabout.
After Mr. Jenney had left her, Victoria stood motionless, gazing off into the haze, until she was startled by the voice of Hastings Weare beside her.
He did not trust himself to speak at once, but went down the steps with her to the curb, where Hastings Weare was waiting in the runabout.
Hastings Weare looked up at her, with laughter-brimming eyes.
Ordered that Henry Pemarton shall not weare his Lyvery hoode nor paye no maner of quartrage unto this house but shalbe cleane exempted out of the same.
In that year a woman was sentenced to be "whipt at a cart tayle" through the streets, and to "weare a badge vpon her left sleeue during her aboad" within the government.
I will not contrarie your Majestie; for time must weare out that love hath wrought, and reason weane what appetite nursed.
But than my wyfe so ofte doth thyther resorte That I fere she wyll make me weare a fether.
Now Widdow, let me tell thee in thine eare, I loue thee Widdow, by this ring; nay weare it.
Doe Peeter, and weare it for thy labour; |170| Is my Sonne in Law Sir Walter Terell ready yet?
This makes vs angry, but not enuious, No, were thy warpt soule, put in a new molde, Ide weare thee as a Iewell set in golde.
In general their beards and heads are shauen, and they weare one sole vesture, without making any difference, according vnto the colour of their religion.
Likewise their parents and friendes, although these doo weare it but for the time of the buriall.
These for that they may be knowne doo weare redde bonnets, but in their other apparell they do differ nothing from the Chinos.
When that any of these religious men do die, they doo wash him, and shaue him, before they do burie him, and do all weare mourning apparell for him.
Aluarado gaue them licence, with such conditions, that in their Sacrifice shoulde no mans bloude be spilte, nor yet to weare anye weapon.
His people hadde him in such reuerence, that he permitted none to sit in his sight, nor yet in his presence to weare shoes, nor looke him in the face, except very few Princes.
In the Citie no man may weare weapon, but onely in warres, huntyng, and among the kings Guarde.
They weare for their vtter garmët clokes like vnto Moriscos, but after an other sort.
The boyes [of the Massagueyes] of seven or eight yeeres weare clay fastned on the hayre of the head, and still renewed with new clay, weighing sometimes five or six pounds.
And tamely can Behold this mighty world decay And weareby th' age of time away: Yet not discourse the fall of man.
Hence with thy palsie then, and on thy head Weare flowrie chaplets as a bridegroome led To th' holy Fane.
I like the greene plush which your meadows weare 78 83.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "weare" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.