But in the French kings dooings was no inforcing of men, either to forsake the one or the other: wherfore the proceedings of the king of England seemed somewhat more iniurious, and partlie sounded to the breach of the truce.
Wherfore I to the wode wyll go,[287] Alone, a banyshed man.
Thou woldyst not learne to knowe these thre; But euer was full of iniquite: Wherfore all this lande hathe ben troubled with the.
Who-so-euer dyd winne thou wolde not lose; Wherfore all Englande doth hate the, as I suppose, Bycause thou wast false to the redolent rose.
To every one this answer shee made, 65 Wherfore unto her they joyfullye sayd, This thing to fulfill wee all doe agree; But where dwells thy father, my prettye Bessee?
All they, that were of the new trycke, 25 Agaynst the churche thou baddest them stycke; Wherfore nowe thou haste touchyd the quycke.
Highest Should yet remain, where faith and realtie Remain not; wherfore should not strength & might There fail where Vertue fails, or weakest prove Where boldest; though to sight unconquerable?
But wherfore all night long shine these, for whom This glorious sight, when sleep hath shut all eyes?
But harm precedes not sin: onely our Foe Tempting affronts us with his foul esteem Of our integritie: his foul esteeme Sticks no dishonor on our Front, but turns 330 Foul on himself; then wherfore shund or feard By us?
Wherfore dyd nat that good saynt Iames wryte to that man of the same mater.
Now I longe for the rest of yowr comunycacyon, || wherfore loke to haue me yowr geste at souper, where ye shall tell it more conuenyently.
Wherfore dothe he gyue rather suche schelles, than other thynges.
Wherfore their opinions are very diuers, and disagréeable among themselues.
Wherfore if we happily do heare any noises or such like, they ought rather to put vs in good comfort, thā to make vs afraide.
Wherfore the king presently sent for him by one of his Chamberlaines.
Wherfore vnto suche fellowes, that happened, whiche chaunced vnto the fiue foolish virgins, of whom mention is made in the .
Wherfore me seemeth it shall be worth my laboure, if I declare briefly and plainly out of the word of God, what we ought to iudge concerning these things.
Wherfore he made his prouision at Graueling, and there incamping with his people, staied till his ships were readie to transport him and his armie, which consisted of certeine horssemen, and of a number of Brabanders.
Ye slen me with youre eyen, Emelye; Ye ben the cause wherfore that I dye: be Of al the remenant of myn other care remnant Ne sette I nought the mountaunce of a tare, amount So that I couthe don aught to youre pleasaunce!
Wherfore it is not pouerte, but it is lakke off harte and cowardisse, that kepith the Ffrenchmen ffro rysynge.
Wherfore it is right selde that Ffrenchmen be hanged ffor robbery and manslaughter, then there be hanged in Ffraunce ffor such maner of crime in vij yeres.
In the olde time, whosoeuer was allowed to vndoe his Ladies girdle, he might lie with her all night: wherfore the taking of a womans maydenhead away, was said to vndoo her girdle.
Wherfore I wol deffyne in this matere, That trewely, for ought I can espye, 835 Ther is no verray wele in this world here.
Wherfore I nil have neither thank ne blame 15 Of al this werk, but prey yow mekely, Disblameth me if any word be lame, For as myn auctor seyde, so seye I.
B, and they meete within the triangle in the pointe D, wherfore I say, that as those two lynes A.
B, wherfore they must needes be inclosed betweene one paire of parallels, which are heere in this example A.
Wherfore if you make a lykeiamme or longsquare of the two partes of the line F.
Wherfore it is playne, that the two triangles are equall togither.
C, Wherfore I saie now accordyng to the Theoreme, that the greatte square E, is more then the other two squares F.
I woulde haue, wherfore I sette one foote of the compasse in H.
Wherfore it must nedes folowe, that the angle made in a cantle lesse then a semicircle, must nedes be greater then a right angle.
Wherfore saith the Theorem that the long square made of D.
B, as I do by supposition limite, wherfore it foloweth that the side A.
Wherfore I praye yow, as my ful trust is in yow, to tendre this matere in myne absence.
Wherfore we pray you that ye consyder our entent of this mony, as ye wyll that we do for you in tym to com, as God knowyth, who have you in hys kepyng.
Wherfore that it like you to withdrawe if any axion ye have a yenst hym for he will a bide any ij.
And if the comyng thider of our persone self shuld be to plesir of hir, we wole not leve our labour in that: wherfore we pray you that ye wole do your part heryn, as ye wole we do for yow in tyme comyng, and that ye se us in hast.
He seid that he knew of nown such inquiscion takyn at Swafham beforn hym; he seid if it were presented ther, it was presented in his absens, whill that he was in his inne; wherfore he seid he wold not ensele hem till he sey the bokes.
Wherfore the seyd William, hese clerkes and servauntes, ne durst not at here fredom nothyr goon ne ryde.
Wherfore the seyd William, hese seyd clerkes and servauntz, by longe tyme aftyr were in gret and intolerable drede and fere by the sayd maffaisours and felons to be slayn and mordered.
The Indians of Zeampoallan, and those of Iztacmixtlitan did play the valiant men that day, wherfore Cortes honoured them with harty thankes.
This prouince desireth to see and knowe Captaine Cortez, for to render themselues vnto him, and nowe they stande in neede of our nation, wherfore it may please you to sende vnto vs thirtie Spaniardes.
Wherfore I submyt me, entendynge to se What comforte may come by humylyte.
Wherfore my conscience hath prycked me hyther, In thys to sewe, accordynge to the cry,[152] For plente of raine to the god Jupiter To whose presence I wyll go evyn boldely.
Wherfore we wyll the hole worlde to attende 1205 Eche sorte on suche wether as for them doth fall, Now one, now other, as lyketh us to sende.
Then let us go, and aske her wherforeshe minds to kepe it; Seing we know so much, tware a madnes now to slepe it.
Wherfore concerning mariage, ye are thought Suche a fine Paragon, as nere honest man bought.
Wherfore we all commyt us to your grace As lorde of lordes us to peryshe or save.
That is trew, wherfore your grace shal trewly The hertes of such as I am have surely.
What is it Merygreeke, wherfore thou dost griefe take?
Wherfore I wyll shew the god all thys procys And be delyvered of my symple[216] offys.
This chase brought vs so far to leeward as Hauana: wherfore not finding any of our consorts at the Matanças, we put ouer againe to the cape of Florida, and from thence thorow the chanel of Bahama.
Wherfore thou scholdest thenke and impresse it in thi mynde, that nothing is immortalle, but only God, that made alle thing.
Of Kyng Alisandre: and wherfore the Emperour of Ynde is clept Prestre John.
Wherfore his powere and his lordschipe is fulle gret, and fulle myghty.
Wherfore methinkethe, that Cristene men scholden ben more devoute, to serven oure Lord God, than ony other men of ony other secte.
Wherfore we may wel seye, with David, A Domino factum est istud; et est mirable in oculis nostris.
There ben manye other dyverse contrees and manye other marveyles bezonde, that I have not seen: wherfore of hem I can not speke propurly, to telle zou the manere of hem.
Wherfore it is gret harm, that he belevethe not feithfully in God.
Now may sum men asken, Sithe that the see is on that o syde, wherfore go thei not out on the see syde, for to go where that hem lykethe?
Wherfore I preye to alle the rederes and hereres of this boke, zif it plese hem, that thei wolde preyen to God for me: and I schalle preye for hem.
Wherfore men may not dwellen in that place: so it is fulle of dragounes, of serpentes and of other venymous bestes, that no man dar not passe, but zif it be strong wyntre.
Wherfore it semethe wel, that God lovethe hem and is plesed with hire creance, for hire gode dedes.
Thanne woot the dronken daffe Wherforehe is to blame.
Thyng that al the world woot, Wherfore sholdestow spare To reden it in retorik To a-rate dedly synne?
It is sayd of olde, sone hote, sone colde, And so is a woman; 250 Wherfore I too the woode wyl goo Alone, a banysshid man.
It were myn ease to lyve in pease; So wyl I, yf I can; Wherfore I to the wode wyl goo Alone, a banysshid man.
Wherfore theire mindes were wonderfullye bent and incensed vpon that vnpleasant sight.
But sir, I do beleue assuredly that she is the fairest woman in the world, wherfore desire me not to thynges that bee vnlawefull.
Wherfore by law of Armes I set the at libertie to go whither thou list.
Wherfore let fortune worke her wil: sithens the Duchesse did forsake her countrie, to come to see me in her prosperitie, I may no lesse do now, but visite her in her aduersitie.
Wherfore I beseche you lowly for His love that all socourith and susteyneth to be good maister and comfort to her.
Wherfore me semeth it were right wele don, savyng your better advice, to com hom and sele up your evidence, and have hem with you to London, to prove his titill noght.
Wherfore I send yow dyvers articlis in a bill closid herin, wheche preve that she was raveshid ayens hyr wel, what so ever she sey.
Wherfore demene yow in doyng of yowr erandes ther aftyr, and if ye shall bryng any masage from the Lords, take writyng, for Darcorts massage is not verely beleved be cause he browt no wrytyng.
Wherfore I beseke you, gode moder, as our most synguler trost is yn your gode moderhode, that my maistr, my best beloved, fayle not of the C.
And she thankyth you hertely for the greet labour and besynesse that ye have had in that matre, and in all others touchyng her and hers, wherfore she seithe she is ever bounden to be your bed-woman, and ever wolle be whyle she levethe.
Wherfore I am compellid to do therwith unresonably.
Wherfore I besech your gode grace that ye will vouchesafe remember the premissez, my saide sons age, his wirschipfull birth, and grete misere for verrey povert, for he hath had no liflode to life opon sithen my lady his moder deed, safe x.
And I wyst not what it might be, ne wherfore they soo dyd.
Wherfore he concluded in hymself to breke it, and toke it, and smote upon a rocke wyth all hys myght iii tymes wythout hurtynge ony thynge the swerde, and clefte the rocke to therthe, and colde in no wyse breke the swerde.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wherfore" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.