Gladly,' quod she; 'thou Eolus, Herestow not what they preyen us?
Wherfore I preye to alle the rederes and hereres of this boke, zif it plese hem, that thei wolde preyen to God for me: and I schalle preye for hem.
For the ricchesse of this world, that is transitorie, is not worthe: but zif it were in his power to make hem immortalle, there of wolde thei preyen him, and thanken him.
And when that I, by lengthe of certeyn yeres, Had ever in oon a tyme sought to speke, To Pite ran I, al bespreynt with teres, 10 To preyen hir on Crueltee me awreke.
That other manere is, whan a man or womman preyen for folk to avauncen hem, only for wikked fleshly affeccioun that they have un-to the persone; and that is foul Symonye.
Ye knowen wel that myne adversaries han bigonnen this debaat and brige by hir outrage; / and ye see wel that they ne requeren ne preyen me nat of pees, ne they asken nat to be reconsiled.
Infinite harmes been in this matere; We witen nat what thing we preyen here.
Wherfor wepreyen yow, a-rowe, That our fame swich be-knowe In alle thing right as it is.
Werfore I preye to alle the rederes and hereres of this boke, yif it plese hem that thei wolde preyen to God for me, and I schalle preye for hem.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "preyen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.