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Example sentences for "dothe"

Lexicographically close words:
dotards; dote; doted; dotes; doth; doti; doting; dots; dotted; dotter
  1. Mimisis, that is folowing eyther of the wordes or manoures whereby we expresse not onlye the wordes of the person, but also the gesture: and these foresayd sixe kindes Quintiliane dothe put vnder Prosopopeia.

  2. A common place shall bee, wyth wordes to exaggerate howe much it profiteth to keepe goodnesse, to bee in companye wyth good men, and contrarye howe greate myschyefe the companye of euyll men dothe cause.

  3. Kynred monisheth vs to cõsider of what progeny a man dothe come.

  4. Also of signes some bee necessary, as that he liueth whiche dothe breathe, and some probable, as bloude in the garmente, whych myghte also come oute of the nose, or otherwyse.

  5. I understand that Calle dothe passyngly welle in your maters in the spirituall lawe, as his letter makyth mencion, &c.

  6. The ladye Alice is layd in her grave, And a colde stone markes the site; And many's the mayde like her dothe dye, Cause kynges and nobles wyll fighte.

  7. The aged folke arounde it throng, With their old hayres alle so greye; And manye a chiefetayne there bows ydowne, And so heart'lye dothe hee praye.

  8. Walmsley many a man dothe knowe, And Bolton how he draweth his bowe, And Ratcliffe's shooting long agoe, Well knowne to the cittie of London.

  9. All Fraunce dothe knowe he hates the Palladyne.

  10. The ringe dothe hould hys vertue everye where, In weomen, men & monsters.

  11. He dothe dissemble with you; you are lost.

  12. Tys not unlike Your owne true pryde dothe make you speculous.

  13. Thys letter sente me by my dearest frende Like spells and witchcraft dothe amaze my brayne.

  14. That my free will dothe bynde My love to his comandment.

  15. Suer thys should be the day of Valentyne When everye byrd dothe coople, onlye I Pore forlorne turtle, haveinge lost my mate, Must dye on a bare braunche.

  16. Ithe name of wonder, sir, what dothe afflyct you.

  17. Hencefourthe let no man That hathe a projecte he dothe wishe to thryve Ere let me knowe it.

  18. Shunne not hys syghte that dothe adore your syghte.

  19. But fodder beinge a generall name for meate gyven to Cattle in winter, and of affynytie withe foode applied to menne and beasts, dothe onlye signyfye meate.

  20. Whiche Quendrida dothe signyfye Quene Drida; as the author of the Antiquyties of Seint Albons and of the Abbottes thereof (supposed to be Mathewe Paris) dothe expounde yt.

  21. So that pilloure in that place is better than pellure, because pilloures were a note of more pride and maiestye (againste whiche the Plowmanne dothe enveye in those woordes,) than in the weringe of furres.

  22. You shall sweare by that crosse that you bringe no man in your shippe but suche as are goodd christians, and doe beleue as our Catholicke Churche of Rome dothe beleve.

  23. Spaniardes, as Bale dothe testifie, writinge of his life.

  24. Then dothe she troule to me the bolle As a goode malte-worme sholde, And say, "Swete harte, I have take my parte Of joly goode ale and olde.

  25. She dothe very well sir, and commaunde me to you.

  26. Howe dothe sweete Custance, my heart of gold, tell me[,] how?

  27. Palsgrave, 542: "I face as one dothe that brauleth.

  28. I wyll not heare him, but make as I had haste, Farewell all my good friendes, the tyme away dothe waste, 10 And the tide they say, tarieth for no man.

  29. My lady sweryth, and so dothe Barnard on hyr behalff, that she wold as fayne ye had it as eny body; notwithstandyng she seyd not so to me, sythe I cam hom, for I spak not with hyr but onys sythe I sye yow last.

  30. My modre dothe me moor harme than good; I wende she wolde have doon for me.

  31. She dothe ryght nott [naught]; I am afferde of hyr that she shall nott doo weell.

  32. Item, my Lorde of Warwyk, as it is supposyd, schall goo with the Kynge in to Lyncolne schyre; some men seye that hys goyng shall doo goode, and som seye that it dothe harme.

  33. Sir Jamys and Pekok dothe is well doon; Sir Jamys and I be tweyn.

  34. My part dothe but beginne nowe and I'l act it In exquisite cleane linnen; and this capp Proffred of purpose, least I should smell fryar.

  35. That which the earthe Dothe forebidd none, and freely yelds to all, A little fayre springe water.

  36. Oft painted vessayles bringe in poysond cates, And the blackest serpents weare the goldenst scales; And woman, made mans helper at the fyrst, Dothe oft proove his destroyer.

  37. And there ben nouther thefes ne robboures in that contree; and every man worschipethe othere: but no man there dothe no reverence to no straungeres, but zif thei ben grete princes.

  38. And of the Worschipe that the Sone dothe to the Fader, whan he is dede.

  39. And whan thei ben nyghe him, with the cros, thanne he dothe a down his galaothe, that syt upon his hede, in manere of a chapelet, that is made of gold and preciouse stone and grete perles.

  40. Title: The Workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed, with dyuers workes whiche were neuer in print before: As in the table more playnly dothe appere.

  41. Harde as the thonder dothe she drive ytte on, Wytte scillye wympled gies ytte to hys crowne, Hys longe sharpe speere, hys spreddynge sheelde ys gon, He falles, and fallynge rolleth thousandes down.

  42. Sea a hundreth and fiftie myles behinde vs, nor yet euer any hath come to neare Mexico where Mutezuma dothe reside, from whome suche messages and Treasure wée haue receyued.

  43. And when Cortez sawe himselfe in the stockes, he feared some proces of false witnesse, as many times dothe happen in those parties.

  44. I haue bin at greate costes and charges, wherein I haue not onely employed myne owne goodes, but also the goodes of my friendes, yet me thinketh that the employmente thereof dothe encrease my treasure and honor.

  45. And yet yée with your filthy théeues handes presumed to touch him, oh why dothe not the earth open & swallow you which taketh other mës goodes?

  46. An do you nat se, how nature the worker of all thynges, dothe so excell in expressynge ye fourme bewty, & coloure of thaym maruylously in other thynges, but pryncypaly in precyous stones?

  47. This mylke is kepyd apon the hye aultre, and in the myddys ther is Christe, with his mother apon hys ryght hand, for her honor sake, the mylke dothe represente the mother.

  48. Now comythe ye marchauntman and he redy to sayle into Spayne for a vantage, dothe cõmytte hys wyues honesty to me.

  49. But I am nat now so moche trobled with soche busynes, for that I wold hartely thanke you, but that this commodytye dothe brynge a greater discõmodytye with hym.

  50. Wherfore dothe he gyue rather suche schelles, than other thynges.

  51. Dothe not thes argumentes proue that mater to be good enoghe.

  52. With these (as they say) saynt Thomas dyd wype a way the swett of hys face or hys neke, ye fylthe of hys nose, or other lyke fylthynes with whiche mannes body dothe abownde.

  53. He opened the shryne to vs in whiche ye holle body of the holy mã, thay say, dothe rest and remayne.

  54. At ye last, thys pece of the show dothe susteyne a company of poure people.

  55. This Enterlude followynge dothe declare howe that the greatest boesters are not the greatest doers.

  56. Who so ever that dothe pretende to go to Jerusalem, let him prepare himselfe to set forth of England after Ester vii.

  57. Item whether there be within your Paryshe anye that dothe favoure, or is suspected to .

  58. Oh, thank him then, that so much thanke dothe earne.

  59. The byshopp off Rome hathe lent these hys cheampions and frends on hundrethe thousand crowns, and dothe pay monthely besyds six thousand sowldiers.

  60. The plage dothe increace here dayly, wherby our nombres are decayde within these fowr days in soche sorte, as we have not remayning at this present (in all our judgements) 1500 able men in this towne.

  61. There is one sentence in the later oration which I have thought to note because in apparence it dothe oppugne in a maner your treatise.

  62. And curteous speeche, dothe keepe them at the baye.

  63. Shee dothe notte creepe along ye floores, But standes or else lyes flatte: Whyles they must gambole onne all fours Whoe wyshe to please ye Catte!

  64. The same Jamys askyth allowance of xiiij^s, whiche the seid late abbott dyd owe hym at the tyme of his last accompt, whiche endyd at Cristmas last past, as yt dothe appire by the accompt of the seid Jamys More.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dothe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.