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Example sentences for "wherof"

Lexicographically close words:
wherewithall; wherfor; wherfore; wherin; wheriver; wheron; wherries; wherrit; wherry; wherto
  1. Wherof than wolle grow a digit, an article, other a nombre componed{e}.

  2. Severall sermons, wherof one was at the funerall of the duke of Albemarle, who was his great friend, and whose eies he closed.

  3. There were designed (as yet may appeare by the building)[1277] most magnificent cloysters (the brave designe wherof Dr.

  4. And the said Evan then and there with a launcegaye smote the said William Tresham throughe the body a foote and more, wherof he died.

  5. Vnto whome the old Gentlewoman told the name of the houses wherof they came.

  6. To whome Conrade made aunswere: "I would to GOD (my friends) that the tirant had ben contented with the litle cruelty wherof you speake, for then I would find the meanes to agree the parties vpon the knowledge of their variance.

  7. We found in this Iland the footing of wilde beasts and conies, and saw a peece of pine tree-wood, wherof we gathered, that there was store of them in that countrey.

  8. For the better performance wherof they sowed that yeere more graine and other fruits, then they had done at any time before.

  9. They found in the townes and houses good store of victuals, with infinite number of hennes in the countrey, and many sorts of metals, wherof some seemed to be very good.

  10. Who declaryng the order that the Consull had taken to faighte the nexte daie, by reason wherof the enemies beyng afraide to deminishe their owne strength, went not to incounter the same legion, and by this way thei wer conducted safe.

  11. I woulde lodge the light horsemen: wherof beynge a hundred and fiftie, it will come to x.

  12. Tigrane king of Armenia, had againste the armie of the Romanes, wherof was Capitayne Lucullo, CL.

  13. What thynge maye I promis them, by meane wherof thei may have me in reverence to love, or to feare, when the warre beyng ended, they have not anie more to doe with me?

  14. In witnesse wherof to thise same presentz we have put our comon seal writen at London aforesaid the xvj day of July the xxxviijth yeer of the reign of King Henry the vjte [1460].

  15. Crist; in token and profe wherof the auncient langage of the Brutes bloode at this day remayneth[84] bothe in the Princedome of Walis and in the auncient provynce and Dukedom of Cornewale, whiche was at tho daies called corrupt Greke.

  16. Nay I myself have seene in a may game a troupe, the greater part wherof hath been men, and yet have they been attyred so like unto women, that theyr faces being hidde (as they were indeede) a man coulde not discerne them from women.

  17. And Iacob toke his iourney toward Sucoth/ and bylt him an house/ and made boothes for his catell: wherof the name of the place is called Sucoth.

  18. What is that wrong, wherof you both complain First let me know, and then Ile answer you Bas.

  19. For Corne at their owne rates, wherof they say The Citie is well stor'd Mar.

  20. Lord of Warwyke that ther were xxviij^te sayle of Spaynyards on the se, and wherof ther was xvj.

  21. Wherof I suppose that Thomas Bagham is remembred that I brought hym oones from my Lady a purs and v.

  22. And as I am informed be my said cousyn, ye shewed hym grete gentilnesse and benyvolence, wherof I thanke you right hertely.

  23. Wherof diverse specialtes that I wold sey, I may not write.

  24. In the seler, certayn vessell whiche John Ouresby is chargid withe by an endenture, wherof the copy is annexed to this lese.

  25. They tolde me furthermore that it was moted about, and in the motes great store of fyshe, wherof the kyng maketh great gaynes.

  26. I do not remember "syder" as the "thynge wherof he myghte be dronken.

  27. London, Braybroke, putten a supplicacion to the kyng, the tenor wherof foloweth in this fourme; "To our full excellent right doutful sovereigne and ful graciouse lord the kyng.

  28. We receved in 2 barkes foure thousand six hundred tils, wherof 50 were for gadong walle.

  29. I say 8 got on it at first, wherof 4 dyed before they got aland at Liquea.

  30. Whaows greate junck was arived from Cochinchina; and he which brought the letter tould me that other 4 are com from that place in company with her, wherof he saw one coming in as he came away.

  31. I delivered one hundred tais plate bars to Mr. Osterwick, wherof he delivered 50 tais lyke to Mr. Eaton to goe to Ikanoura to buy tymber, because Skidayen Dono deceaveth us.

  32. Adames, wherof forty powndes, ten shilling, was in fybuck of Tushma and the rest in Rs.

  33. The pointes of busynes tuching Mr. Nealsons proceading apeareth in a memoriall of this date, the coppie wherof I kept.

  34. Kyng of Crates, wherof 56 tais was good and rest Shrongo.

  35. By reason wherof no conclusion sorted to effect of all this communication, saue onlie that a certeine sparke of burning loue was kindled in the kings heart by the sight of the ladie Katharine.

  36. Wherof the lord of Offemont being aduertised, with a companie of chosen persons sent by the Dolphin, assaied in the night season to enter the towne, to the succours of them within.

  37. With this tre wherof the crosse was maad / there was a tree that went over thwarte / on whiche the armes of our lord were nayled/.

  38. By occasion wherof such a contempt grew towards the goddesse Venus, that no person travelled unto the Towne Paphos, nor to the Isle Gyndos, nor to Cythera to worship her.

  39. Wherof the king being advertised was very sorry therefore, and sent Doctor Buttes, his grace's physician, unto him, to see in what estate he was.

  40. Vane, in his owne private judgement, by how much he surpassed most men in the religious observation of a trust, the violation wherof he would not admitt of any excuse for.

  41. His father left him a good estate, the revenue wherof he expended on bookes and on learned men.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wherof" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.