Ritson): As hyt befelle upon a day, To wode he wente on hys play; also 'Lay.
As hyt befelle upon a day To wode he wente on hys play.
Schaftes of schene wode they scheueride in schides.
He dyde him streyt to Bernysdale, Under the grene wode tre, 230 And he founde there Robyn Hode, And all his mery meyne.
Xal I neuer out of grene wode go, Ti[l] I se [his] sydis blede.
To se the dere draw to the dale, 5 And leve the hilles hee, And shadow hem in the leves grene, Vndur the grene-wode tre.
And from his father a wode a, His fortune for to seeke, 10 From mery Lands-dale Wode he, wode he, hey ho.
For if ye go to Caerlel, brother, And from thys wylde wode wende, 30 If the justice mai you take, Your lyfe were at an ende.
We be yemen of this foreste, Under the grene wode tre; We lyve by our kynges dere, 95 Other shyft have not we.
Then the lady, the knyghtes wyfe, A fayre lady and fre, 70 She set her on a gode palfray, To grene wode anon rode she.
The sheryf had his leve itake, And went hym on his way; And Robyn Hode to grene wode [went] Upon a certayn day.
Passage shalt thou pai here under the grene-wode tre, Or els thou shalt leve a wedde with me.
And thus I do; and pray you, loo, As hertely as I can; For I must too the grene wode goo, Alone a banysshed man.
Wherefore, adew, my owne hert trewe, None other red I can: For I muste to the grene wode goo, Alone a bannysshed man.
Quhethir a Wodeman may be haldyn presoner and ransound in the weris.
Quhethir a Wode man, efter that he be cummyn again to his wit, may be haldyn presoner.
King Edward, frely fode, In Fraunce he will noght blin To make his famen wode That er wonand tharein.
Methoughte I was in a wode willed myne one, That I ne wiste no waye whedire that I scholde, Ffore wolueČ and whilde swynne, swykkyde bestez, Walkede in that wasterne wathes to seche.
Tresorier of England, and John Wode shalb [shall be] Under-Tresorer.
Howard was as wode as a wilde bullok; God sende hym seche wurshipp as he deservith.
This mayde, whan she had longe sought for wode to dresse the sayde mete, told her maystres that she coude fynde no wode that was drye, except onelye the pycture of olde John that lyeth under the bed.
Amidde a tree fordrye, as whyt as chalk, As Canacee was pleying in hir walk, 410 Ther sat a faucon over hir heed ful hye, That with a pitous voys so gan to crye That all the wode resouned of hir cry.
But sooth is seyd, gon sithen many yeres, That 'feeld hath eyen, and the wode hath eres.
I made him of the same wode a croce; Nat of my body in no foul manere, 485 But certeinly, I made folk swich chere, That in his owene grece I made him frye For angre, and for verray Ialousye.
From hir childhede I finde that she fledde 3445 Office of wommen, and towode she wente; And many a wilde hertes blood she shedde With arwes brode that she to hem sente.
Ye loken as the wodewere ful of thevis, Sit doun anon, and tel me what your greef is, And it shal been amended, if I may.
For outlawes in the wode And under bank lotieth, And mowen ech man see, And good mark take Who is bihynde and who bifore, And who ben on horse For he halt hym hardier on horse Than he that is foote.
Also besyde Cayre, withouten that cytee, is the feld where bawme growethe: and it cometh out on smale trees, that ben non hyere than a mannes breek girdle: and thei semen as wode that is of the wylde vyne.
He loked on hir al grymme, but he is enraged at As he wode wroth we[rh], seeing her.
Hildr is the name of one of the Scandinavian Walkyries, or battle-maidens, who transport the spirits of the slain to Walhalla.
The three are here like three Valkyrie, talking of all that they have done.
And thus cam this Calistona Into the wode of Tegea, Wher sche virginite behihte Unto Diane, and therto plihte Her trouthe upon the bowes grene, To kepe hir maidenhode clene.
Withinne a time and therupon Befell that with a bowe on honde, To hunte and gamen forto fonde, Into that wode goth to pleie Hir Sone Archas, and in his weie It hapneth that this bere cam.
And natheles that wode hound Hir bodi hent up fro the ground, And sente hir there as be his wille Sche scholde abyde in prison stille For everemo: bot nou tak hiede What after fell of this misdede.
I've hearde erste mie grandame saie, Yonge damoyselles schulde ne bee, 100 Inne the swotie moonthe of Maie, Wythe yonge menne bie the grene wode tree.
Songe bie a Manne and Womanne, I heare them from eche grene wode tree, Chauntynge owte so blatauntlie, Tellynge lecturnyes to mee, Myscheefe ys whanne you are nygh.
In yonder wode there lyeth a doo, In fayth she woll not dye.
It were myn ease to lyve in pease; So wyl I, yf I can; Wherfore I to the wode wyl goo Alone, a banysshid man.
She broght hym euyn to Eldon Tre, Undir nethe the grene wode spray, In Huntle bankes was fayr to be, Ther breddes syng both nyzt and day.
Down lyghtyd that lady bryzt, Undir nethe the grene wode spray, And as ye story sayth full ryzt, Seuyn tymes by her he lay.
The vulgar, adapting it to their own tradition, tell us that it ran thus: The wode laird of Lariestoun Slew the wode worm of Wormiestoune, And wan all Linton paroschine.
Lady I mote lyg by the, Under nethe the grene wode tre, For all the gold in chrystenty, Suld you neuer be wryede for me.
Thomas, and you myght lyge me by, Undir nethe this grene wode spray, Thou would tell full hastely, That thou had layn by a lady gay.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wode" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.