LIII ‘How shold I yeeld me,’ sayes the King, ‘And thou art noe gentleman?
LII There follow’d him a yeaman of merry England, His name was John of Coplande: ‘Yeeld thee, traytor!
Which Sea, though it will yeeld good plenty of such like presidents, and we may finde them in authenticall records of Histories, yet I content my selfe with this one.
Being thus joyned and linked together in a reciprocall league, he beginneth to worke for her, in procuring the mischiefe of those whom she maligned, whereof these few acknowleged by her selfe, may yeeld some taste of more, though concealed.
Nor envie me that my Castara's flame Yeelds me a constant warmth: Though first I came To marriage happy Ilands: Seas to thee Will yeeldas smooth a way, and winds as free.
By those chaste lamps which yeeld a silent light 18 5.
Th' Arabian wind, whose breathing gently blows Purple to th' Violet, blushes to the Rose; Did never yeeld an odour rich as this.
Even thy selfe dost yeeld Something to time, and to thy grave fall nigher.
The marriage Angell now Sees th' Altar in the odour of our vow, Yeeld a more precious breath, then that which moves The whispring leaves in the Panchayan groves.
So 'mid the yce of the farre Northern sea, A starre about the Articke Circle, may Then ours yeeld clearer light; yet that but shall Serve at the frozen Pilots funerall.
By my troth he'l yeeldthe Crow a pudding one of these dayes: the King has kild his heart.
I doe protest I neuer heard of it, And if you proue it, Ile repay it backe, Or yeeld vp Aquitaine Prin.
Herevpon manie that were with him, cursing this his demeanour, prepared to yeeld themselues to the lords.
And he sayd, I haue thee & thy land, Arthur to doe as it pleaseth me, for this is not thy ransome sure, therfore yeeld thee to mee.
I thinke you are Sir Iohn Falstaffe, & in that thought yeeld me Fal.
Masters a'th' People, We doe request your kindest eares: and after Your louing motion toward the common Body, To yeeldwhat passes here Scicin.
Dye the death: When I haue slaine thee with my proper hand, Ile follow those that euen now fled hence: And on the Gates of Luds-Towne set your heads: Yeeld Rusticke Mountaineer.
Now, my Lord, What shall wee doe, if wee perceiue Lord Hastings will not yeeld to our Complots?
I am vanquished: These haughtie wordes of hers Haue batt'red me like roaring Cannon-shot, And made me almost yeeld vpon my knees.
Onely I yeeld to dye: There is so much, that thou wilt kill me straight: Kill Brutus, and be honour'd in his death Sold.
Stay Lords and Gentlemen, and pluck no more Till you conclude, that he vpon whose side The fewest Roses are cropt from the Tree, Shall yeeld the other in the right opinion Som.
How one of the ambassadours made answere of his message, and how the Commons would not agree to yeeld the towne.
And when they were within the Turkes pauillion, and had done him reuerence as appertained, our ambassadours sayd that the great master had heard and seen his demaund to yeeld the towne.
And therefore hee bade him returne and say to the great master that hee should make answere to the great lord after his demaund, to yeeld or not yeeld the towne.
To whom the sayd Passin first made this pitious answere and conclusion to yeeld the towne.
How the Turke began the assault, and how the Commons agreed to yeeld the towne.
The captaine excused him, saying, that the merchandise was not his owne, but belonged to diuers merchants to whom he must yeeld account.
For, ere I will my faith deny, And sweare my selfe to follow damned Antichrist, Ile yeeld my body for to die, To live in heaven with the highest.
And faine I would my brother see, But that my father will not yeeld to let me goe; Wherefore, good sir, be good to mee, 75 And unto me this favour shew.
When Cupid scaled first the fort, Wherein my hart lay wounded sore, The battrie was of such a sort, That I must yeeld or die therefore.
For the imployment of one hundred ducats in spaine, being brought hither, will yeeld twelue hundred and fifteene hundred ducats profit.
And We do hereby straitly charge and command all Our Subjects to yeeld their due obedience in all and singular the Premisses, as they tender Our pleasure, and will answer the contrary at their perill.
In good yeeres we gather foure score or an hundred pounds of wet saffron of an acre, which being dried doothyeeld twentie pounds of drie and more.
That he consents, if Warwicke yeeld consent, For on thy fortune I repose my selfe Warw.
But Hercules himselfe must yeeld to oddes: And many stroakes, though with a little Axe, Hewes downe and fells the hardest-tymber'd Oake.
What, feare not man, but yeeld me vp the Keyes, Takes his Keyes.
Thou being a King, blest with a goodly sonne, Did'st yeeld consent to disinherit him: Which argued thee a most vnlouing Father.
My blood, my want of strength, my sicke heart shewes, That I must yeeld my body to the Earth, And by my fall, the conquest to my foe.
My Lord, I like not of this flight of Edwards: For doubtlesse, Burgundie willyeeld him helpe, And we shall haue more Warres befor't be long.
And that is more then I will yeeld vnto: I know, I am too meane to be your Queene, And yet too good to be your Concubine King.
Yeeld not thy necke to Fortunes yoake, But let thy dauntlesse minde still ride in triumph, Ouer all mischance.
So triumph Theeues vpon their conquer'd Booty, So True men yeeld with Robbers, so o're-matcht Northumb.
Yet shall you haue all kindnesse at my hand, That your Estate requires, and mine can yeeld Warw.
Be plaine, Queene Margaret, and tell thy griefe, It shall be eas'd, if France can yeeld reliefe Marg.
That therefore it may please your maiesty to yeeld vnto them this at our request, most earnestly we beseech you.
They contemne death so much, as that they chuse rather to die, then to yeeld to their enemie, and are seene when they are slain to bite the very weapon, when they are past striking or helping of themselues.
The soyle of the Countrey for the most part is of a sleight sandie moulde, yet very much different one place from another, for the yeeld of such things as grow out of the earth.
Into which, hauing thus made reentrie, he could not yeeld againe to withdraw though hee sawe no encouragement to proceed, lest his credite, foyled in his first attempt, in a second should vtterly be disgraced.
And because you ought greedily to hunt after things that yeeld present reliefe, without trouble of carriage thither, therefor I make mention of these thus specially, to the end you may haue it specially in minde.
You may, to yeeld to lust by force, but to consent to love by feare, you cannot.
Dispute not the cause, wretch, but yeeld to it; for better it is to melt with desire than wrastle with love.
We are here now captives, whose neckes are voaked by force, but whose hearts cannot yeeld by death.
Will he vouchsafe to cease his former loves, And yeeldthe title of a countrie maid Unto Lord Lacie?
Did this letter, love, conteine my death, 180 Should you denie my sight of it, I would not Nor see my sorrow nor eschew my danger, But willinglie yeeld me a patient Unto the doome that your displeasure gave.
Art must yeeld to nature, reason to appetite, wisdome to affection!
Let me that joy in these consorting greets, And glorie in these honors done to Ned, Yeeld thankes for all these favours to my sonne, And rest a true Plantagenet to all.
My Lord, I know your noble love to me And do so highly your deserts esteeme That I will never yeeld to such a match.
Yeeld or Ile have thee whipt; How my bloud boiles, As if t'were ore a furnace!
Whosoever transports more of these than he himselfe useth, his over-plus being sold, will yeeld as much profit as any other staple commodity.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yeeld" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.