Stephans reigne, Robert earle of Glocester and other capteinstook in hand to build a castell at Faringdon.
Some of them fleeing towards Beauuois were met with, and stripped of that they had, by Iehan de Guigni, and Iehan de Claw, two capteins that serued the Orlientiall faction.
And yet although the armie was strong without, there lacked not within both hardie capteins and manfull souldiers.
And for assurance thereof, they deliuered into the kings hands thirtie of their best capteins and merchants within that towne as pledges.
The hachments were caried onelie by capteins to the number of twelue; and round about the chariot rode fiue hundred men of armes all in blacke armour, their horsses barbed blacke, and they with the but ends of their speares vpwards.
After this conflict, this towne was so hardlie handled with fierce and continuall assaults, that the capteins within offered to suffer the English nauie to passe by their towne without impeachment, vp to the citie of Rone.
The duke of Bedford seeing his enimies thus fiercelie to come forward, set before certeine strong ships which at the first incounter vanquished and tooke two French ships, the capteins whereof were too rash and forward.
He praised his capteins and men of warre when they were dead, and lamented their losse more than he shewed to loue them when they were aliue.
All the officers and capteinsof the fortresses were brought to Paris as captiues and pledges.
The Frenchmen hauing got a bloudie victorie, saued onelie the capteins and gentlemen, and slue the other, aswell Englishmen as Gascoins.
The Englishmen, which escaped out of those places from the Frenchmens hands, repaired vnto Baion, to defend that towne with their capteins the foresaid earle of Richmond and the lord Iohn de S.
Then king Richard and the other Christian capteins perceiuing how the matter inclined, and giuing ouer all hope of any more good successe, followed them.
After this, earle John and the foresaid capteins passed foorth, and wan the towne of Millie, and so returned.
But to speake of all the worthie exploits atchiued by king Richard and his valiant capteins there in the holie land against the infidels, it would require a long treatise, and therefore here we passe them ouer.
But yet in the end the bishop, the archdeacon, and all the chéefe capteins were taken: the residue slaine and chased.
So these capteins bent on mischeefe, (were their outward pretense neuer so finelie coloured) yet persuaded a great number of people to assemble togither, and condescended to do as their capteins would agree and appoint.
The prisoners as wellcapteins as other, were pardoned, sauing the cheefe capteins and first beginners, to whome he shewed no mercie at all.
Then these two capteins so handled them of Bruges, that they not onelie submitted themselues to their lord Maximilian; but also were contented to paie and dispatch the Almains.
These lustie capteins being arriued in Britaine, after they had a little refreshed them, marched forward, and comming neere to their enimies, pitched downe their field, not farre from the Frenchmens campe.
When the king had knowledge of the chiefe capteins of this conspiracie (by the ouerture of his espials which were returned) he caused them to be apprehended, and brought to London before his presence.
Sidenote: All the capteins of the aduerse part against the king slaine.
Although Perkin escaped (as I haue said) vnto sanctuarie, yet manie of his chiefe capteins were taken and presented to the king.
There were killed at that battell, with their fiue capteins before rehersed, of that partie about foure thousand.
Lord 711, one of his capteins named earle Berthfride fought with the Picts, betwixt two places called Heue and Cere, and obteining the victorie, slue an huge number of the enimies.
King Ethelwulfe gouerned his subiects verie politikelie, and by himselfe and his capteins oftentimes put the Danes to flight, though as chance of warre falleth out, he also receiued at their hands [Sidenote: Simon Dun.
In the second yéere of king Ethelred, the said capteins came with their armies into Yorkshire, finding the country vnprouided of necessarie defense bicause of the ciuill discord that reigned [Sidenote: Hen.
English coasts an huge armie of the Danes, vnder the conduct of two renowmed capteins Hungar and Vbba, men of maruellous strength and valiancie, but both of them passing cruell of nature.
But in the end the Danes obtained the victorie, although they lost more people there than the Kentishmen did: and amongst other, there were slaine the foresaid Adelwold, and diuerse of the chiefe capteins amongst the Danes.
The capteins of the one fleet was William lord Pomiers, and of the other sir Peter Bressie, a great ruler in Normandie.
But the duke of Summerset, and the other capteins within the towne, manfullie withstood their enimies, shewing both force and great policie in defending and beating backe the assailants.
For their horssemen by their capteins appointment trauersing ouerthwart by the fronts of them that fought, set vpon that battell of the Britains which they found before them.
But the Britains that were not yet pacified, thought great scorne to see such honorable capteins and men of warre as the Romans were, to submit themselues to the order of such a one as had béene a bondslaue.
Herewith the capteins and tribunes discoursing the like, pricked forward the earnest willes which their souldiers had to fight.
Paulus the Macedonian king Perses, or other Romane capteins anie such king whom they had vanquished.
Amongst the capteins the chiefest was one Galgagus whom the Scotish chronicles name Gald.
There were taken fourescore ships, with diuerse capteins and men of armes, namelie their chiefe admerall, named Iohn Buicke, a perfect good seaman, and one that had aforetime doone much hurt to the English nation.
Sidenote: The capteins that wēt with the bishop of Norwich against the antipape.
There scaped yet foure of their notable capteins frō the hands of our men, Martin Grantz, Iohn Peris Mantago, Iohn Husce Gitario, and one Garcias of S.
This bishop chose diuerse to be associat with him, as capteins that were expert in warlike enterprises.
Iohn Littester and other cheefe capteins were taken aliue.
Sidenote: The lords confer how to preuēt the perils pretended against them.
King John (after his capteins in Flanders had sped so well as before yee haue heard) prepared to make a voiage into Guien, not much regarding the matter, in that the realme stood as yet interdicted.
Wherevpon the capteins discharged and sent home a great number of the commons, reteining onelie the men of armes, yeomen, and freeholders, with the crossebowes and archers.
Albons about the 21 day of December, leading his said armie northwards: in which were chiefe capteins these that follow, William erle of Albemarle, Philip de Albeney, and John Marshall.
He madecapteins of that armie which he left behind him, his brother William earle of Salisburie, Sauerie de Mauleon, Will.
Whilest diuerse of the capteins within were talking with the king on the one side of the towne towards the meadowes, the lord Philip Bassett approched the walles neere vnto the monasterie of S.
What capteins of honour among the nobilitie liued in his time, it may appeare by the course of the historie of his age.
In diuerse of the kings castels they placed suchcapteins and soldiers as they thought conuenient, and displaced others whom they either knew or suspected to be aduersaries to their purpose.
The chiefe capteins of this companie were these: William Marshall earle of Penbroke, and his son William Marshall the yonger, Peter bish.
From thence the king marched streight to Caen, wherein were capteins Rafe earle of Ewe and Guines constable of France, & the earle of Tankeruile.
The cheefest capteins that went ouer with him were these.
The bishop with certeine knights and capteins were taken and had their liues granted, though the bishop was in great danger to haue lost his head, bicause he was a cheefe dooer in yeelding the citie before vnto the Frenchmen.
Capteins of the Englishmen were two knights of Heinault, the lord Eustace Dambreticourt, and the lord Iohn of Guistelles.
Lord 698, one of his capteins named earle Berthred, or Bertus, was slaine in battell by the Picts, whose confins he had as then inuaded.
It is said that Penda had thirtie companies of men of warre, furnished with thirtie noblecapteins or coronels, against whome came Oswie with his sonne Alchfrid, hauing but a small armie, but confirmed yet with hope in Christ Iesus.
For one of the capteins was a pagan, and the other wanting all ciuilitie, shewed himselfe more cruell than anie pagan could haue doone.
In the second yéere of king Ethelred, the said capteins came with their armies into Yorkshire, finding the country vnprouided of necessarie defense bicause of the ciuill discord that reigned among [Sidenote: Hen.
And what manercapteins he to {the} feld brou{gh}t ¶ Hymselfe sekerly was the fyrst man.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "capteins" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.