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Example sentences for "obteine"

Lexicographically close words:
obtaining; obtainment; obtains; obtayne; obtayned; obteined; obteining; obtenir; obtenu; obteyne
  1. For he ran through the pikes yer he could obteine it, and offered his bodie to manie desperate perils in hope to get it; which if he had either feared or shunned, it is a matter of demand whether he had euer had it.

  2. For this thing onelie tooke awaie from him and all his companions their hope and courage, that they had to obteine an happie enterprise.

  3. For suerlie he knew that to be the daie, in the which it should be decided and determined whether he should peaceablie obteine and inioy his kingdome during his life, or else vtterlie forgo and be depriued of the same.

  4. Sidenote: The dukes resolution not to medle in seeking to obteine the crowne.

  5. Was not his first enterprise to obteine the crowne begun and incepted by the murther of diuerse noble, valiant true, and vertuous, personages?

  6. And so king Richard did obteine the crowne as a preie mischeefouslie gotten by the dispatching awaie of my brother and me.

  7. Wherevpon most men were persuaded in their owne opinion, that by this heauenlie voice he was prouided & ordeined long before to inioy & obteine this kingdome.

  8. He was also constreined to giue vnto the earle of Leicester the countie Palantine of Chester before he might obteine to haue so much libertie.

  9. Shortlie after also king Henrie the sonne and Philip earle of Flanders came thither, meaning to obteine the possession of Normandie first, and after to go into England.

  10. Britaine in France, and obteine their sute.

  11. Wherof although presentlie I want a few, yet I doo not doubt but to obteine them all, if friendship at the leastwise procured for monie shall be able to preuaile.

  12. About a moneth after he was made king, he [Sidenote: The Danes obteine the victorie.

  13. Ferrex was constreined to flée into Gallia, and there purchased aid of a great duke called Gunhardus or Suardus, and so returned into Britaine, thinking to preuaile and obteine the dominion of the whole Iland.

  14. Wherefore I vtterlie despaired to obteine my purpose, till this present yeare of Grace 1584.

  15. And because he was verie yonge, and not capable by the decrees, of suche a dignitie, they went with him to Rome, to obteine of the holy father a dispensation for his age, and for a confirmation of that office.

  16. That all such as committed the filthie sinne of Sodomitrie should be accursed by the decrée of this councell, till by penance & confession they should obteine absolution.

  17. And if examples be sufficient to obteine priuilege for my child, I need not farre to seeke.

  18. After his deceasse, the moonks of Canturburie without knowledge of the king, chose one Reignold the subprior of their house to be their archbishop, who secretlie went to Rome to obteine his confirmation of the pope.

  19. Now hath our souereigne lord made vs subiect to Rome, and to the Romish court, so that we must hencefoorth obteine our protection from thence.

  20. And therefore perceiuing small helpe to come that waie, he sought to obteine the fauour and fréendship of earle John, and of his mother quéene Elianor.

  21. In like maner the king sent to Rome to obteine that the said bishop of Elie might be constituted the popes legat through both the prouinces of Canturburie and Yorke, and likewise through Wales and Ireland.

  22. Wherefore I intended to reuenge their deaths, not caring in the meane time what became of my selfe, so that I might in anie wise obteine my will of thée, who in such sort hast bereft me of my freends.

  23. Yorke, as a meane the sooner to obteine peace, offered to become christians, & to submit themselues vnto him: wherevpon he receiued them to his peace.

  24. About a moneth after he was [Sidenote: The Danes obteine the victorie.

  25. For being now entred the field, they set vpon the kings people so fiercelie, that it seemed they ment either to obteine the victorie, or to die for it, euen all the whole number of them.

  26. Since whose death, I comming to my full age, haue neuer desisted to pursue my title, and require my right, which by meanes of sinister counsell and vniust detention, I can neither obteine nor recouer.

  27. And although for one part thereof he demanded allowance of monie, which he had defraied and laid out in Almaine, and in Boheme, about the kings marriage, and for the residue desired daies of paiment, yet he could obteine neither.

  28. Neither might they recouer at that present, either the person or dignitie of their maior, nor obteine the kings entire fauour, till they had satisfied the king of the damages and iniuries by them doone, either to him or his people.

  29. This yeare a parlement was called by the king, which began the ninth of October, from the which none of the noble men could obteine licence to be absent.

  30. I may call him, hoping in reward of so great an exploit, to obteine the whole gouernement into his hands.

  31. Ile feare no coulours[11] to obteine my will, Though all the fiends in hell were opposite.

  32. Wherevpon the yoong man, being of an ambitious nature, and now pricked forward by the sinister counsell of his adherents, seeketh to obteine that by violence, which he thought would be verie long yer he should atteine by curtesie.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obteine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.