Then drawe the thyrde lyne to make a triangle with those other twoo, and you haue doone according to the conclusion, and haue made a twelike triangle, whose ij.
Wherevpon he rode on with euill will, and that notwithstanding on the morow, rose from the feast, feining himselfe sicke, and king Richard said it was doone in hatred and despite of him.
And to such as went home, he gaue streight charge and commandement, to see their countries well ordered, and that no wrong nor extortion should be doone to his subiects.
Wherefore this occasion offered, of verie speciall friendship he tooke his time to put him forward, and by such wise doo him good, that all the enimies he had (except the deuill) could neuer haue doone him so much hurt.
Wherevpon he being expelled, resorted into Kent, there to take aduise with his fellow-bishops, Laurence and Iustus, what was to be doone in this so weightie a matter.
Ethelburga, praieng hir to continue in hir good purpose, and by all meanes possible to doo what might bedoone for the conuerting of hir husband vnto the faith of Christ.
Augustine in his ministerie, he receiueth his pall, reformation must be doone by little and little, not to glorie in miracles, the effect of Gregories letters to K.
Why you have doone thys, that myne innocent soule May teache repentance to you-- dies.
This Peterson is in greate favour with the King of Syam, and therefor I marvell Mr. Pittes would take this cours; but Mr. Mattias saieth it was doone in drink.
But this must be doone when yow have receaved money of the Emperour.
Adams tells me I need not to stand in dowbt of, for that the Duch have doone the lyke heretofore and have receaved good payment.
Carver Doone caught me round the waist with such a grip as never yet had been laid upon me.
John Ridd, who tells the story, while fishing one spring had followed a stream into the Doone estate.
That tune was Carver Doone's passport (as I heard long afterward), which Charleworth Doone had imitated, for decoy of Lorna.
The Doones were a band of aristocratic, but lawless, people living in the Doone Valley, from which they sallied forth to raid the neighboring farmers and travelers.
He resolved to gain an entrance to the Doone village, and, after a desperate night adventure, succeeded.
With the aid of friends he planned and successfully executed a raid upon the Doone village, and carried away Lorna to his mother's house.
Carver Doone was somewhat stunned, and could not arise for a moment.
Carver Doone turned the corner suddenly on the black and bottomless bog; with a start of fear he reigned back his horse, and I thought he would have turned upon me.
Blackmore's Lorna Doone has a keen interest in what is frequently called the Doone Country.
At this distance one turns to the right by another stream, and enters a combe containing the ruins of the Doone Houses as they are called.
Indeed they haue doone great mischeefe in this Iland, & with extreme crueltie; but as for any conquest the first is yet to heare of.
Alexander the sonne of Malcolme brother to this Mawd was next king of Scots, he did like homage for the kingdome of Scotland to this Henrie the first, as Edgar had doone before him.
How manie of the like prouiders stumble vpon blind creekes at the sea coast, I wote not well; but that some haue so doone and yet doo vnder other mens wings, the case is too too plaine.
Britons did vse to fast all the whiles they went to the sea in them: but whether it were doone for policie or superstition, as yet I doo not read.
Hereof one example may be touched, as of a thing doone in my yoonger daies, whilest queene Marie bare the swaie and gouerned in this land.
For among princes a thing once doone, is well doone, and to be doone oftentimes, though no warrant be to be found therefore.
These things were dooneat Lions in the quindene after Easter.
The Nobles of the realme indeuoured themselues also to match the diligence of the king in this preparation, vpon an earnest desire to reuenge the iniuries latelie doone to the common-wealth.
This doone he passed ouer the riuer of Loir, and wan a castell situat neere vnto a promontorie or head of land called Grapelitum, which was woont to be a great succour & aid to Englishmen arriuing on that coast.
Certeinelie it should seeme the man had a princelie heart in him, and wanted nothing but faithfull subiects to haue assisted him in reuenging such wrongs as were doone and offered by the French king and others.
And all this was doone cheeflie by the working of the kings mother, whom the nobilitie much honoured and loued.
The earles and barons that belong to the duke, which were neuer my leeges, for the honour which I haue done to their master, they haue now doone homage and sworne fealtie to me, the couenants betwixt me & the said duke alwaies saued.
The other which had before doone homage to me, haue sworne fealtie to me as to their souereigne lord.
Howbeit they got nothing of the king but faire words, and promises of amendment in that which had béene doone otherwise than equitie required which promises were vtterlie vnperformed, and so the councell brake vp.
They which keep the castle of Wallingford haue doone their homage to me, and haue giuen to me pledges for the observing of their fealtie.
This doone he went to Wallingford, and besieging the castell, he builded at the entring of the bridge a fortresse to stop them within from issuing out, and likewise from receiuing any reliefe or succour by their fréends abroad.
Hereof one example may be touched, as of a thing doone in my yoonger daies, whilest quéene Marie bare the swaie and gouerned in this land.
At length Arthur wearied with irkesomnes, after the twelfth yéere of the comming of Cerdicus, gaue vnto him vpon his homage doone and fealtie receiued, the shires of Southampton and Somerset, the which countries Cerdicius named Westsaxon.
In my ignorance I had set the rogue in the company of the decorous Lorna Doone and the gentle ladies of Mrs. Gaskell.
At the last I put him on his former shelf in the company of the chaste Lorna Doone and the gentle ladies of Mrs. Gaskell.
His patience was such that of all the iniuries to him doone (which were innumerable) he neuer asked vengeance, thinking that for such aduersitie as chanced to him, his sinnes should be forgotten and forgiuen.
And if all the world knew how I haue promoted him, and what I haue doone for him, they would little thinke, that he would so vntrulie handle me as he dooth.
O the patience and clemencie of this good king, who (besides the putting vp of wrongs doone to him by violence of foes without vengeance) freelie forgaue the offenders, and did so honorablie temper his affections!
Oh Lord, oh saint George (quoth the duke of Burgognie) haue you thusdoone in deed?
For it is not likelie that God, in whose hands is the bestowing of all souereigntie, will suffer such an indignatie to be doone to his sacred maiestie, and will suffer the same to passe with impunitie.
And the great black rock might be Carver Doone petrified and very much magnified, left here forever for his sins.
Lorna Doone in the big snow was in a safe place to what we would be in a big freshet up this valley with no way to get back but by the creek bed," said Molly, jumping out of the hay wagon and beginning to make ready the supper.
To whom haue I doone any harme can ye say, Ye stander me nowe, yet I trust I may Aunswere for my selte in euery maner way Ye wyl not deny that?
And wyl is an vngracious stay Wyl hath doone many thinges men say 720 And yf ye let wit and wil goe his way ye wil repent it soone.
The matter is doone we are agreed To reason it more it shall not neede O brother helth, thou art in deede More preciouser than golde.
Sidenote: 3] The third was to be reuenged of the wrong doone vnto Robert archbishop of Canturburie, who (as he was informed) was exiled by the meanes and labor of Harold in the daies of king Edward.
Illustration: The Doone Valley in Winter] The fury of such a storm across these always windy Exmoor heights can hardly be imagined; only Conrad could convey in words some adequate idea of the fury and the force, as he has done in "Typhoon.
Great hurt was doone in manie places of the realme by fire, and speciallie in London, where vpon the 7.
And sithens I haue doone my good will, accept the same, as I with a free and thankefull mind doo offer it thee; so shall I thinke my labour well bestowed.
I haue bin tedious in this relation, more than a commentarie doth require, but I haue doone it by reason it is a newe thing and little abrode as yet, and it seemeth to mee not to giue discontent vnto the reader.
The which aduice did little profite, for that there was none that would beleeue them: but beleeued that it was some false larum doone by the people of the countrie for to mocke them.
The complayntes increased euerie day more and more vnto the king and his counsell, of the euils doone vnto the Chinos by this rouer Lymahon.
The houre being come, and the ceremony doone as aforesaide, the gates were opened, and there was in the court many souldiers apparelled in the same liuerie that those were of in the streete.
Welshmen, who (after his comming from Shrewesburie, and the marches there) had doonemuch harme to the English subiects.
White friers in Fleetstreet by the ladie Constance his wife, where was doone for him a solemne obsequie, with a great feast, and liberall dole to the poore.
Thirdlie, that he should likewise aid them in all iust quarels, for recouering of damages doone to their fréends, vassals and subiects.
But where the mighty may of force the weake constraine, It shal be wysely doone to bow to voyd a farther payne, Like as in tempest great, where wind doth beare the stroke, Much safer stands the bowing reede then doth the stubborne oke.
I always wanted to see the moors and the Doone Valley, and the water-slide that little John Ridd had found so slippery, when he first saw Lorna.
His bodie was buried in an old churchyard of the pied friers, without any manner of exequies of funerall seruice doone for him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "doone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.