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Example sentences for "abettor"

Lexicographically close words:
abest; abet; abets; abetted; abetting; abettors; abeyance; abhominable; abhomination; abhor
  1. Eight days did the great rejoicings endure which the Cid made in Valencia, for the vengeance which God had given him upon the Infantes of Carrion, and their uncle Suero Gonzalez, the aider and abettor in the villainy which they had committed.

  2. Miss Blandy's Poisoning her Father and being an Abettor therein; and he having absconded from the time of her being comitted for the above Fact, I am commanded to signify to you it is His Majesty's Pleasure that the sd.

  3. It is not necessary that the abettor should actually lend a hand, that he should take a part in the act itself; if he be present ready to assist, that is assisting.

  4. Ricard, Ionian's most trusted counsellor, the abettor of his plans.

  5. Who, then, is the abettor of Madame Valois?

  6. Among the accused were General Pichegru, the abettor of Georges, and General Moreau, the most prominent of all.

  7. The mother, in her own despite, became an abettor in all this juggling.

  8. And now they were passing on to the trial of Boulle, the curate, and supposed abettor of Picart.

  9. To convict the prisoner, it was necessary for the government to prove that he was present, actually or constructively, as an aider or abettor in the murder.

  10. In the language of the late Chief Justice, "It is not required that the abettor shall be actually upon the spot when the murder is committed, or even in sight of the more immediate perpetrator of the victim, to make him a principal.

  11. In the first, he is charged as having done the deed with his own hand; in the second, as an aider and abettor to Richard Crowninshield, Jr.

  12. The Dauphin was mentioned as "Charles, calling himself Dauphin"; but he was not directly implicated as the author or abettor of the crime.

  13. A person may in certain cases be convicted as an abettor in the commission of an offence in which he or she could not be a principal, e.

  14. Though a great swordsman, Savolio seems to have been anything but a brawler, or an abettor of fighting.

  15. Mayhap it hath been a good service formerly, by comparison with its having this night made me partaker in a five days' lie, abettor of a piece of play-acting, and associate of a scurrilous soldier!

  16. Who, we ask, was the secret contriver, aider, and abettor of most of the ills Queen Caroline endured?

  17. One of the physicians who was an abettor of the tragedy on the Brassos, in which a slave was tortured to death, and another so that he barely lived, (see Rev.

  18. When lie had expatiated upon the present dangers, even to English liberty and property, from the contagion of havoc and novelty, he earnestly exclaimed, "This it is that has made ME an abettor and supporter of kings!

  19. He regarded England as the chief abettor of heresy in the world, and therefore would have rejoiced over her downfall; this was the common feeling of his party.

  20. Peel was the abettor of all this, and by many deemed the inventor of it.

  21. Perhaps the truth of the case was, that Peel originated all the intrigues against Canning, in which the duke was unconsciously an abettor of the designs of that artful man.

  22. Bresson, the queen and queen-mother of Spain, and Narvaez, the chief abettor and tool of the faction of Christina.

  23. Designs against the integrity of the Turkish empire had long been entertained by Russia, and there was reason to believe that Austria was an abettor of those schemes, in the hope of being a partaker of the spoil.

  24. The form abettor is the legal term and also in general use.

  25. An abettor is one who incites or encourages to the act, without sharing in its performance.

  26. Wherefore wait till it be too late to repent--to persuade us that you are an unwilling abettor and assistant in this man's schemes?

  27. For whoever will be the abettor of sedition, will be instantly put to death; nor will it be permitted to any one to utter those sentiments which amongst you are expressed with impunity.

  28. But though Volero was the inventor of it, his colleague, Lætorius, was both a more recent abettor of it, as well as a more energetic one.

  29. This was the only foreign religious institution which Romulus adopted, being even then an abettor of immortality attained by merit, to which his own destinies were conducting him.

  30. It is odious to think of, this making God the abettor and encourager of evil; but I am sure it is so, viz.

  31. I fear to increase the plague, to be convicted an abettor of great evils, though by the measure of a little one.

  32. In short the principle of nationality, unless it is prepared to serve this international ethic, is but a frank abettor of the devilish maxim, "Might is right.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "abettor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abettor; accessory; accomplice; admirer; advocate; angel; apologist; associate; backer; buff; champion; cohort; conspirator; defender; dependence; endorser; exponent; fan; gadfly; inspirer; lover; mainstay; mover; partisan; patron; pleader; promoter; prompter; protagonist; reliance; second; seconder; sectary; spark; sponsor; stalwart; standby; support; supporter; sustainer; sympathizer; tempter; upholder; votary