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Example sentences for "vnderstande"

Lexicographically close words:
vnde; vnder; vndergoe; vnderneath; vnderstand; vnderstanded; vnderstanding; vnderstandinge; vnderstode; vnderstonde
  1. If he be lustye, vnderstande that the sweat doth not stoppe for wekenes of nature in it selfe.

  2. Before I declare this theoreme by example, it shall bee needefull to declare, what is it to be vnderstande by the wordes in this theoreme.

  3. By the square of any lyne, you muste vnderstande a figure made iuste square, hauyng all his iiij.

  4. Illustration] The seconde tractate/ the first chapiter treteth of the forme of a kynge of his maners and of his estate.

  5. It is the foundation of Lydgate's "Two Friends," and is beyond doubt an Eastern importation.

  6. He would detect you an old black-letter ballad among the leaves of a law-paper, and find an editio princeps under the mask of a school Corderius.

  7. You do vnderstande howe the two prouinces, Paguia and Tolanchia are gouerned by the supreme counsell of the king, and such ministers as they doo send to gouerne.

  8. Likewise hee sendeth order vnto the iudge, how hee shall intreate that ambassador, which is giuen according vnto the relation sent him, wherein he did vnderstande the state of the king and prince that sent him.

  9. Unto the colleges, as well maiors as minors, the king dooth sende euerie yeere uisiters, for to see and vnderstande howe the studentes doo profite, and what the masters bee, with other matters touching their good governement.

  10. And for that it is of a truth, you shall vnderstande the proofe by experience.

  11. There is founde great store of pearles in all this kingdome: but the most part of them are not rounde, by the which you may gather and vnderstande the goodnesse and fertilitie of the same.

  12. In the chapter past you do vnderstande what care these Chinos haue in the time of peace as well as in warre for to defend their citties, and what preparations they haue generrally throughout al the countrie.

  13. Unto this captayne they did giue to vnderstande the effect of all their desire, requesting him of his ayde and helpe in the prosecuting of the same.

  14. Likewise hee would giue him to vnderstande of the flying of the rouer Limahon, how and in what manner and order it was, and how that the generall of the field and the other captaines were in no fault thereof.

  15. The iudge did straightwaies send and gaue them to vnderstande of this new order, because they should make themselues readie for to trauaile: the which they did with great ioy and diligence, as you shall vnderstand in the chapter following.

  16. I doe imagine (Poliphilus) that you doe not vnderstande the conditionate state of this maruellous seate, and therefore giue attendance to my wordes.

  17. Poliphilus, thou shalt vnderstande that the deuise of these obiects, are more pleasant to bee vnderstoode then behelde, and therefore lette vs enter in heere, to bee satisfied in both.

  18. But what auaileth it nowe to wepe and lament: for thou shalt so sone plucke the starres out of the Skye, as euer recouer one peny of thy losse: and without doubt he will kill thee, if hee vnderstande that thou make any wordes thereof.

  19. But for the bounden duetie that I beare to my Lord the Duke, and for respect of the estate which he hath committed to my charge, I will tomorrow dispatch a poaste, to make him vnderstande the whole accident as it is come to passe.

  20. And after friendly gretinges one of an other, the Duchesse made her to vnderstande how since her departure she had neuer almost commen out of her bed, for that she had been afflicted with a moste grieuous sickenesse.

  21. Wherefore I praye you if it chaunce that fortune be contrary vnto me, after my death, make it to be openly knowen what I am, and chiefly that the Duchesse may vnderstande it, for speciall purpose.

  22. In which imprisonment shee was not depriued from the companie of her gouernesse, by whose meanes she let the Bastarde vnderstande all her fortune, and she likewise vnderstode what he thought best for her to doe.

  23. They gaue vs also to vnderstande that those Agouionda doe continually warre one against another, but because we did not vnderstand them well, we could not perceiue how farre it was to that Countrey.

  24. Frauncis, wher shee founde Fryer Laurence who tolde her that the same nyghte Rhomeo would not fayle at hys accustomed houre to visite Iulietta, and there to do hir to vnderstande what he purposed to doe in tyme to come.

  25. Moreouer, if other vnderstande that godly men are for their exercise vexed by spirits, they become more patient whensoeuer they are sicke, or otherwise troubled, acknowledging their owne harmes to be but small in comparison of other mens.

  26. With this aunswere Cortes wente to Mutezuma, who sayde vnto him, Senior Captayne, you shall vnderstande that now you haue Shippes wherein you may departe, therefore now at your pleasure make you ready.

  27. And berars of lettres/ And y'e shall vnderstande that the roock whiche is vicaire of the kynge whan he seeth to fore hym suche peple as ben folelarge and wastours.

  28. And in this playe we ought to knowe by the nature of hit how the kynge meueth hym and yssueth oute of his place/ For y'e shall vnderstande that he is sette in the fourth quadrante or poynt of theschequer.

  29. Make them to fele & vnderstande the swetnes of thy blessyd presence / & the grete attendaunce of thy holy angelles about hem at theyr celebracyons.

  30. This prayer folowynge is good for them that vnderstande not theyr seruyce in latyne.

  31. Erthe oute of erthe is wondirly wroght, Erthe of þe erthe hathe goten a dyngnyte of noght, Erthe vpon erthe hathe set all{e} hys thovght Houe erthe vpon erthe maye be hyghe broght.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vnderstande" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.