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Example sentences for "vnderstand"

Lexicographically close words:
vncouth; vnde; vnder; vndergoe; vnderneath; vnderstande; vnderstanded; vnderstanding; vnderstandinge; vnderstode
  1. Ist not possible to vnderstand in another tongue,[26] you will too't sir really.

  2. These profound heaues You must translate; Tis fit we vnderstand them.

  3. I could neuer vnderstand from whence they that are called Balassi come.

  4. Neither did he regard to write them in difficult Latine or in an eloquent stile, but euen as Odoricus himselfe rehearsed them, to the end that men might the more easily vnderstand the things reported.

  5. For if the Marchants that stande by should vnderstand the bargaine, it would breede great controuersie amongst them.

  6. But where mountaines do continually burne we vnderstand that there is no stopping of the passages, wherby they poure forth abundance of fire sometime flaming, & sometime smoaking gas it were a streaming flood.

  7. Which notwithstanding, I thinke might easily grow to composition, if men would vnderstand that this Iland was first inhabited about the yeere of our Lord 874.

  8. The prisons that they haue are no lesse cruell and rigorous, as you shall vnderstand in a chapter by it selfe hereafter.

  9. This mightie kingdome is diuided into fifteene prouinces, that euery one of them is bigger then the greatest kingdome that we doo vnderstand to be in all Europe.

  10. They may leaue their order at all times at their pleasure, giuing their generall to vnderstand thereof.

  11. All employ their sons, of whatever condition they may be, setting them to read and write, which they vnderstand generally.

  12. Not much imployement for you, you vnderstand me Clo.

  13. I am my Lord a wretched Florentine, Deriued from the ancient Capilet, My suite as I do vnderstand you know, And therefore know how farre I may be pittied Wid.

  14. We vnderstand it, and thanke heauen for you Hel.

  15. For that by the armes in the scale it may the better be knowne of what stem this noble man sproong (a matter which this storie seemes iustlie to require) vnderstand yee thus were the same.

  16. Before he made them answer (to vnderstand what they would saie) he demanded of them whie they made to him that request, considering that he knew not whether the victorie was his or theirs?

  17. But so much was our loue, We would not vnderstand what was most fit, But like the Owner of a foule disease, To keepe it from divulging, let's it feede Euen on the pith of life.

  18. And you shall vnderstand that, the Cape passed, there be two wayes to India: one within the Ile of S.

  19. At these places our Negros did vnderstand them well, and one of them went ashore at all the places and was well receiued of them.

  20. It may so be: for as soone as they did see our seruants (our seruants were Preuzaretes) they iudged them to be Indians: many of their wordes sounded vpon the Persian tongue, but none of vs coulde vnderstand them.

  21. Therefore these are to let you vnderstand that there went with Alcaide Hamode for those parts seuenteene hundred men: who passing ouer the sands, for want of water perished one third part of them: [Sidenote: Tombuto taken.

  22. And now to speake somewhat of the communication that was between the king and our men, you shall first vnderstand that he himselfe could speake the Portugall tongue, which he had learned of a child.

  23. And because I cannot personally come to certifie your maiestie thereof, I thought it good to write some part of the same whereby your maiestie may vnderstand the estate of this countrey.

  24. Each one is contented with one wife: they be all desirous to learne, and naturally inclined vnto honesty and courtesie: godly talke they listen vnto willingly, especially when they vnderstand it throughly.

  25. Wherefore Zichmni causing his men to make signes of peace vnto them, they sent 10 men vnto vs that coulde speake ten languages, but we could vnderstand none of them, except one that was of Island.

  26. August, when they descryed a sayle neere vnto Mount Oxford, with whom when they had spoken, they could vnderstand no newes of any of the Fleete at all.

  27. Now to answer some part of your letter touching the sundrie nauies that come to Newfoundland, or Terra noua, for fish: you shal vnderstand that some fish not neere the other by 200.

  28. That vpon the sight of an ensigne in the mast of the Admirall (a piece being shot off) the whole fleete shall repaire to the Admirall, to vnderstand such conference as the Generall is to haue with them.

  29. If they vnderstand you not whereof you should aske them, they wil stop their eares.

  30. Howbeit in this Kings Librarie are preserued certaine Latine bookes which they vnderstand not, being perhaps left there many yeeres before by some Europeans, which traffiqued thither.

  31. In the meane time, king Henrie visited the north parts of his realme, to vnderstand the state of the countrie, and to prouide for the suertie and good gouernement thereof, as was thought requisite.

  32. That we may rightly vnderstand how we ought to behaue our selues, if any thing either good or euill, appeare vnto vs, we wil first declare how the Gentiles and Iewes vsed themselues in like cases.

  33. I trust it be sufficient to testifie my good will to do thee good, and to let thee vnderstand the Authours meaning.

  34. When men come to vnderstand the matter, they can neither hear, nor sée any bodie, and the prisoners likewise say they heard no maner thing.

  35. The king sent the bishop of Durham into Scotland, to vnderstand the certeintie of this rebellion, who returning from thence, informed him of the truth.

  36. My legges do better vnderstand me sir, then I vnderstand what you meane by bidding me taste my legs To.

  37. I told him you were sicke, he takes on him to vnderstand so much, and therefore comes to speak with you.

  38. If I did loue you in my masters flame, With such a suffring, such a deadly life: In your deniall, I would finde no sence, I would not vnderstand it Ol.

  39. The houre come when he thought good to repayre to the Queene, he went vnto hir, and gaue hir to vnderstand by one of the priuy Chamber, that he was attendant there to know hir pleasure.

  40. For when you were vnmaried, I could so wel subdue my harte and affection, as you did neuer vnderstand my will and desire.

  41. Which don, he went to the Queenes, and gaue them to vnderstand that shortely he would send his Secretarie into Spayne, and told them the cause, humbly praying them both, that they would write their fauorable letters in his behalf.

  42. But because the common sort of Authors doe vnderstand the Amazones to be those of Asia, I meane to leaue of the difference.

  43. This voyage endured long time, but the king because he was a publike person, could not so well dissemble his Loue, but all the worlde did vnderstand it, and all men pitied the gentleman's state.

  44. And if I had not demaunded of others, bothe men and women, that commonly walketh as he doth, and knowen by them his deepe dissimylation, I neuer hadde vnderstand the same.

  45. There are of these many, and but one that I vnderstand of hath lost his toung in dede.

  46. By my troth, neuer speake more of it: when they shal vnderstand of it in the parish, they wyll but laugh you to skorne.

  47. P] Farther, vnderstand for trouth that the worst and wickedst of all this beastly generation are scarse comparable to these prating Pallyardes.

  48. And although I set and place here but thre orders, yet, good Reader, vnderstand that all the others aboue named are deriued and come out from the vpright men and Roges.

  49. But faithfullye for the proffyt and benyfyt of my countrey I haue don it, that the whole body of the Realme may se and vnderstand their leud lyfe and pernitious practisses, that all maye spedelye helpe to amend that is amysse.

  50. But yet you shall vnderstand (good syr) that this is nothing for them, for whom I do thus shamefastly entreate.

  51. Now by the way we must vnderstand this mother Gunby had a daughter, who all that day sate heauily at home with a willow garland, for that the bridegroome (if he had dealt faithfully) should haue wedded her before any other.

  52. I vnderstand not what you meane by this Hel.

  53. I vnderstand thy Lookes: that pretty Welsh Which thou powr'st down from these swelling Heauens, I am too perfect in: and but for shame, In such a parley should I answere thee.

  54. He comes too late, the ship was vndersaile; But there the Duke was giuen to vnderstand That in a Gondilo were seene together Lorenzo and his amorous Iessica.

  55. What an asse art thou, I vnderstand thee not Lau.

  56. Intellectio, Intelleccion whẽ one thyng is vnderstand by another y^t is of the same maner and kynd, and this is done many wayes.

  57. For sometime it is noted in a word as: Doest thou not vnderstand that the sayles muste be turned?

  58. By blacke is vnderstand ful of darkenes & consequently stepe downe and verye depe.

  59. Sir, You speake a Language that I vnderstand not: My Life stands in the leuell of your Dreames, Which Ile lay downe Leo.

  60. Why, thynkest thou, foole (quod the doctour), that the birdes do vnderstand latin?

  61. And we vnderstand him well, how he comes ore vs With our wilder dayes, not measuring what vse we made of them.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vnderstand" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.