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Example sentences for "vnderstanding"

Lexicographically close words:
vndergoe; vnderneath; vnderstand; vnderstande; vnderstanded; vnderstandinge; vnderstode; vnderstonde; vnderstood; vnderstoode
  1. The French vnderstanding that they within were in no small feare of themselues, with such violence came vnto the walles, and renewed the assault vpon all sides, that streightwaies they entred by force.

  2. The gentleman well vnderstanding her meaning, aunsweared: "Madame, vengeance is sweete vnto him which in place of killinge an ennemye, giueth life to a perfecte freinde.

  3. Tarquinius vnderstanding these inuections made againste hym by Turnus, immediatly deuyseth meanes to kil him, to the intent he myght inculcate like terror to the Latines, that he did to his owne subiects.

  4. The Gentleman vnderstanding well what that woorde did meane, absented him selfe a day or twaine to aduise what were best to be done.

  5. A litle whyle after Simphorosia vnderstanding of the deceits whiche the other twoo had done to Philenio, attempted to geue hym the thirde, whiche was not inferior to the other twayne.

  6. Amadour vnderstanding well by those woordes, that she had desyre to remedy her owne necessitie, vsed the best maner he coulde deuise, to the intent that in makyng her beleue a lye, he should hyde from her the truthe.

  7. Galgano vnderstanding that sir Stricca was gone to Perugia, in the eueninge at conuenient time, repaired to the house of her whose sight he loued better than his owne eyes.

  8. All the Marchaunts and Gentlemen repaired to buye some of the veale, and vnderstanding that euery pound would not be solde under a Frenche crowne, they bought none at all.

  9. Wherefore Ricciardo vnderstanding the duke's minde, toke him asyde, and tolde hym the whole matter particularly from the beginning to the ende.

  10. The poore Duchesse into whose harte the loue of her husbande strongly did inuade, vnderstanding that he could not be founde, was very pensife and sorowfull.

  11. The wise maiden well vnderstanding her father's minde, and conceiuing the summe of his intent, promised to performe his charge, and so with the Haraulde and honorable traine, he caused his daughter to be conueyed to the Court.

  12. With the rumor and shouts of those that saw this sight, Aristotimus was appalled, and vnderstanding the circumstance of the chaunce, hee sent for his diuine to declare the signification of this Augurye, which greatly troubled his minde.

  13. The women vnderstanding those woordes, made as though they knew nothing and after a little sport and laughter betweene them, they went to bed.

  14. What will ye do if the people vnderstanding that we care not for their departure, do in armes assaile vs?

  15. The senate vnderstanding the effect of his indeuour, allowed his deuise.

  16. Tullus vnderstanding the death of their Prince, with great expedition marched into the countrie about Alba, pssiang by the Albanes campe in the night which by the watche and scoutes was skried.

  17. The kinge vnderstanding this straunge discourse, was so rapte with ioye and appalled with gladnesse, as hee could not for a longe time make any aunswere.

  18. Open the eyes of thine vnderstanding and knowe thy selfe, geue place to reason, and reforme thy vnshamefull and disordinate appetites.

  19. The queene vnderstanding by her husbande, the circumstance of the facte, neyther for shame did crie out, ne yet made countenaunce as though shee had seen Gyges; but in her minde purposed, to reuenge her husbandes follie.

  20. A litle while after, the king of Englande vnderstanding that the Marshall was dead, and knowing the valour and stoutnesse of Perotto the Picarde, he made him to supplye the rowme of the deade Marshall.

  21. Abradatas knowing his wiues tokens, and vnderstanding the effecte of her message, spedely came to Cyrus with two thousand horsemen.

  22. Of fooles and madmen leaue thou then the care, That haue no vnderstanding of their state: For whom high heauen doth so iust plagues prepare, That they to pitty shall conuert thy hate.

  23. And for the better vnderstanding what is meant by a gentleman of bloud, he is defined to descend of three descents of noblenesse, that is to saie, of name and of armes both by father and mother.

  24. In the meane time Albion vnderstanding how Hercules intended to make warres against his brother Lestrigo, he thought good if it were possible to stop him that tide, and therefore sending for his brother [Sidenote: Bergion.

  25. Encomium Emmae, an old Pamphlet written to hir, conteining much good matter for the vnderstanding of the state of this realme in hir time, wherein hir praise is not pretermitted, and so hath obteined by reason thereof that title.

  26. Druiydes also themselues, that dwelt among the Galles, would often resort to come by the more skill, and sure vnderstanding of the mysteries of that doctrine.

  27. The treatise where of for your more readie view & easier vnderstanding I will diuide into three speciall parts.

  28. The king of Cochin hauing vnderstanding of this, would not suffer any more Pepper to bee weighed.

  29. Eliphants, nor of more vnderstanding in al the world: for he wil do all things that his keeper saith, so that he lacketh nothing but humaine speech.

  30. I will diuide it for the better vnderstanding into three principall parts.

  31. Yet vnderstanding afterwards they wrought this by a pollicie, he vsed them as drudges to hewe wood and to carie water, and other necessaries for his people.

  32. Luzernes also we haue vnderstanding of, although for the time we saw none.

  33. Marline Basanier of Paris, I was easily enduced to turne it into English, vnderstanding that the same was no lesse gratefull to you here, then I know it to be acceptable to many great and worthie persons there.

  34. For which cause vnderstanding that his gracious enimy was gone into the Countrey, he thoughte well to consyder of his determynatyon, and to breake wyth hir in hys absence, the better to Execute the same, vppon his nexte retourne to the Citye.

  35. And now vnderstanding by you that he waxeth worsse, and worsse, I will be ruled, being well assured of your honesty and vertue, and that you will not aduise me to any thing that shall be hurtfull to myne honour.

  36. King Lewes vpon receipt of the letters, & vnderstanding the present danger of the earle, made such hast in continuing his iournie both daie and night, that he came to Tholouze, before king Henrie could arriue there.

  37. Vnderstanding by this word (Moppe) a litle prety Lady, or tender young thing.

  38. Or if we should faine king Edward the thirde, vnderstanding how his successour Queene Marie had lost the towne of Calays by negligence, should say: That which the sword wanne, the distaffe hath lost.

  39. I called for my wages, and bought me all things new, different from the apparell that I did weare at sea, and yet durst not be ouerbold to walke abroad: and after vnderstanding that there were certaine English ships at S.

  40. And vnderstanding that he meant to stay aboue three daies, he neuer sent any more Indians, nor any other message, but conspired with the lame Cacique to rebell.

  41. The Gouernour returned vnto the place where he had lodged before: and vnderstanding within eight daies after that the Riuer was passable, he departed.

  42. What it should bee More then his Fathers death, that thus hath put him So much from th' vnderstanding of himselfe, I cannot deeme of.

  43. Beleeue me, I speake as my vnderstanding instructs me, and as mine honestie puts it to vtterance Cam.

  44. Was this taken By any vnderstanding Pate but thine?

  45. I thinke his vnderstanding is bereft: Speake Clifford, dost thou know who speakes to thee?

  46. And so the ambassadours vnderstanding his mind, returned with all conuenient speed.

  47. The king and the peeres of the realme vnderstanding themselues to be touched in this wrong offered to this knight, had written in his fauour to the pope, so that his suit had the better successe.

  48. I haue also left the names of the Countreys on both the shores vntouched, for lacke of vnderstanding the peoples language: as also for sundry respects, not needfull as yet to be declared.

  49. King Henrie vnderstanding that the French king by setting on of the duke of Burgognie in pursuing contrarie faction, [Sidenote: The duke of Clarence sent to aid the duke of Orleance.

  50. He confessed with lamentable repentance (as writers doo record) that diuers & manie waies he had offended God and his prince, because that vnderstanding the purpose of the other lords, he had not reuealed the same.

  51. The king vnderstanding the purpose of the cardinall, shewed him what courtesie might be deuised, offering to beare his charges, so long as it pleased him to remaine in England, and promising him to consider aduisedlie of the matter.

  52. For what did he who with his ten-tong'd lute 'Gaue beasts and blocks an vnderstanding eare?

  53. As touching this my treatise concerning Spirits, and straunge wonders, I haue deuided it into three partes for the more cleare vnderstanding therof.

  54. But because the most parte of simple men haue not vnderstanding alwayes to iudge of those things which are vttered by diuels, he at once excludeth them from all credit.

  55. He vnderstanding it, goeth with him to the manour, and there in the same place where the farmer had before digged vp the coffin, casting a new graue, they bury the coffin with the bones.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vnderstanding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.