For neither increasing years nor the vexationsthrough which he had passed damped his ardour in the missionary cause.
Such encouragement was opportune; he thanked God and took courage; for the difficulties were great, and from time to time grievous disappointments and vexations had occurred.
A trivial incident, however, broke through this reserve, and afforded me a first taste of the petty domestic vexations in store for me.
These vexations are inseparable from the conditions of Societies trying to govern from home instead of letting the management be carried on by a head upon the spot.
Scherer, speaking of him as he knew him in youth, "which reacted against vexations from without, and his cheerfulness was readily restored by conversation and the society of a few kindred spirits.
And his panegyrist, Sprat, describes him as "weary of the vexations and formalities of an active condition--he had been perplexed with a long compliance with foreign manners.
Here we had the first taste of the vexations of the journey.
This is why I have said that I less regard in this case the private individual, than my duty to my Master and his whole household, who have so much interest in such a spirit not being quenched by vexations and annoyances.
How far the cause of all these vexations might, or might not, have arisen out of himself.
The different weight, dear Sir--nay even the different package of two vexations of the same weight--makes a very wide difference in our manner of bearing and getting through with them.
In the presence of all these emanations of genius, the wise reader may feed on nectar and ambrosia, and forget the petty cares and vexations of to-day.
Another drawback to be recognized in the librarian's calling, is that there are peculiar trials and vexations connected with it.
Another of the librarian's vexations is frequently the interference with his proper work by the library authorities.
Not long after his commitment, the frequent vexations he had to meet with, and the unsympathizing temperament of his keepers, drove him to distraction.
During this year he experienced the same vexations that had attended him before his trial.
But these servants of the prison are not only inhuman and vain, there is no meanness to which they will not stoop; and they delight in all those little vexations with which they can perplex the prisoners.
At Bologna he experienced many vexations for which his new relations with Paul Bombasius could only in part indemnify him.
This unhappy feeling takes the special form of his having been charged by unlucky stars with Herculean labour, without profit or pleasure to himself:[16] troubles and vexations without end.
I did not see that brooding overvexations was not pardoning them.
It seems to tell me not to be out of heart about all those vexations at Cocksmoor.
The multiplied vexations which Washington had latterly experienced from this man, had preyed upon his spirits, and contributed, with his incessant toils and anxieties, to undermine his health.
The year wore away on his part in the harassing service of defending a wide frontier with an insufficient and badly organized force, and the vexations he experienced were heightened by continual misunderstandings with Governor Dinwiddie.
The multiplied vexationswhich Washington experienced from this man had preyed upon his spirits, and contributed, with his incessant toils and anxieties, to undermine his health.
Particular circumstances, also, may expose some to greater trials and vexations than others.
We know a happy man; one who in the midst of the vexations and crosses of this changing world, is always happy.
In that peaceful hour they gained strength to encounter the petty vexations and désagrément incident to the at once humble and important vocation they had adopted.
The chief object of his existence was an endeavor to "take life easy," and guard himself from all vexations and discomforts.
In respect to your people, it is very certain that they must speedily be ruined, from the vexations they suffer under your bailiffs, provosts, and especially from the farmers of your domains, and under your soldiers.
He doesn't say exactly what he wants, but intimates that both parties could profit by such an arrangement and save the vexations of a law suit.
Lighten the cares and chase away the vexations to which he is inevitably exposed in his commerce with the world by rendering, as far as is in your power, his home pleasant.
Its claims are fresh every morning and new every evening, and it were difficult to conceive of any thing which had more to do with home happiness than bearing patiently the innumerable vexations which are constantly thrown in your path.
AS A BAKER My father's disillusionment Industry and democracy The vexationsof a small tradesman XII.
Slow pass’d the heavy years, and each had more Pains and vexations than the years before.
Lawsuits followed, and such expenses and vexations occurred that Landor decided to leave England--always a popular resource with his kind.
Of Michelangelo at Rome and Carrara, whither he went to superintend in person the quarrying of the marble that was to be transferred to life and where he had endless vexations and mortifications, I say nothing.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vexations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.