Urinal secretion is somewhat diminished and the urine is characterized by a brick-colored precipitate.
The bladder, the ureters and the kidneys are affected and show extreme derangements with altered urinal secretions and excretions.
Urinating in this metallic East-Asian urinal embedded within the floor of a toilet sandwiched between two cars, he facetiously told himself that the fetid little space was his friend.
With reference to the formation of the urinal cloaca there is not much to say.
The Wolffian ducts of the two sides fall independently into an unpaired urinal cloaca, but their lower ends, instead of remaining simple as in the male, become dilated into urinary bladders.
The originally separate terminal extremities of the Wolffian ducts always coalesce, and form a urinal cloaca, opening by a single aperture situated at the extremity of a median papilla behind the anus.
Seats with lids are provided and covered to the ground to keep flies from reaching the deposits; urinal troughs discharging into trenches are provided.
When obtainable, urinal tubs or cans should be placed in the company streets at night, their location being indicated by lighted lanterns, the tubs or cans being removed at reveille.
Urinal cans must also be provided and cared for in a similar manner.
Urinal troughs, made of muslin and coated with oil or paint, should discharge into the trenches.
The urinal tub and the latrine must invariably be used.
Not long afterwards the urinal graced the scaffold which held the remains of the dead warrior, and as it has not to this day been returned I presume the young man is not done using it.
As illustrating the propensity to provide the dead with the things used while living, I may mention that some years ago I loaned to an old man a delft urinal for the use of his son, a young man who was slowly dying of a wasting disease.
The floors and walls of urinal apartments must be lined with similar non-absorbent and non-corrosive material.
In all buildings the outside partition of any water closet or urinal apartment must be air-tight and extend to the ceiling or be independently ceiled over.
The copper lining of water closet and urinal cisterns must not be lighter than 12 ounces copper, and must be stamped on lining with maker's name.
They are also found on urinal flush-pipe connections where the branch often is brass and the run lead.
The platforms and treads of urinal stalls must be connected independently of the plumbing system, nor can they be connected with any safe-waste pipe.
This entereth into my veins,--the pissing tools andurinal vessels shall have nothing of it.
The enemies, after that they were awaked, seeing on one side the fire in the camp, and on the other the inundation of the urinal deluge, could not tell what to say nor what to think.
I spied Peter Gilles among these, with a urinal in his hand, narrowly watching the water of those goodly fishes.
Again, in country houses a urinal for gentlemen placed in some accessible but secluded spot, and formed of a basket or barrel of convenient height, filled with peat or sawdust, will be found both economical and inoffensive.
The condition of a cabstand is in strong contrast with the average urinal with an ordinary water supply.
There's a fellow with a nightcap on his head, an urinal in his hand, would fain speak with Master Theodore.
In the character of a young man with a chapeau bras he brings a urinal for the physician's inspection.
Death behind a physician in his study lays his hand on a urinal which he is inspecting.
He holds up a urinal to a patient who comes to consult him, behind whom Death is standing and laying hands upon him.
Death habited as a modern beau, with chapeau-bras, brings his urinal to the Doctor for inspection.
A pitch sufficient for rapid drainage should be given the urinal trough.
A urinal made of two long boards joined together to form a V-shaped trough and drained by a pipe into the pit completes the whole.
Urinal cans will be provided and men required to use these cans and contents will be emptied as often as necessary into deep pits at least one hundred yards from the trenches.
She remembered how during this time she went with him into the menĀOs bathroom to get him started on his own "Go to urinal 425.
If necessary, urinal tubs may be placed in the company streets at night and removed at reveille.
This put our Doctor to his Trumps, when having mused a while for an Excuse, he shook the Urinal again, and asked her if there was all the Water her Husband had made?