But though the police worked long and arduously in this new direction their efforts were without fruit and the case bids fair to remain an unsolvable mystery.
Natural selection, he says, solves the seemingly unsolvable problem of explaining the conformity to the end in view, as result, without taking it as an aiding principle.
The seemingly unsolvableeconomical and social questions are like the problem of Krilof's casket.
The seeminglyunsolvable question is the old question of the utilizing some men's labour by others: this question, in our time, has found its expression in property.
In the light of grace it is unsolvable how God may condemn him who cannot by any power of his own do otherwise than sin and be guilty.
In the light of nature it is unsolvable that it should be just that the good are afflicted while the wicked prosper.
The water was unquestionably rising, and whether or not it would rise above my chin was an unsolvable problem.
Fractions and decimals were unsolvable mysteries to him.
But, though the police worked long and arduously in this new direction, their efforts were without fruit, and the case bade fair to remain an unsolvable mystery.