Cooking is good because it makes matters easier by unsettling the meat's mind and preparing it for new ideas.
Is or is not the story of Robert Elsmere unsettling to one's beliefs?
The wild affections, unsettling at will, wrote better love-songs than the steadfast principles of the sober and well-governed.
For its unsettling effects upon time-honoured beliefs and mental habits the Darwinian theory is no more to be compared to the Copernican than the invention of the steamboat is to be compared to the voyages of Columbus.
If there is anything that was abhorrent to me, it was the scattering doubts, and unsettling consciences without necessity.
Never will I run the risk of unsettling a man's whole character for life by wantonly interfering with his affections.
Gods who took an active part in mundane affairs introduced an uncertainty factor that he found unsettling at best.
Give it a littleunsettling heat, and it can just melt away.
He'd also caused some unsettling rumors in the world markets by putting on some very heavy "straddles" in December gold futures and oil.
Thus I went home alone to check in with Amy and then drift off into a very unsettling dream.
To place business upon a silver basis would mean a sudden and severe contraction of the currency by the withdrawal of gold and gold notes and such an unsettling of all values as would produce a commercial panic.
If there be no necessity, I shall be glad to avoid unsettling our habits, and probably Bayford would hardly afford much enjoyment to your aunts.
Yet Henry himself showed his strength rather in unsettling ancient institutions than in establishing new ones.
With a sincerely ingrained trust that the scenes of dignity, opulence, and wisdom, set forth in these superficial letters, are not unsettling your intellect and causing you to yearn for a fuller existence.
I haven't seen them, but a rumor is as good as a fact for unsettling the public.
Diplomacy, as offered by the United States Government, is a most unsettling thing, anyway.
The more he learned about the Daedalus, the more unsettling he found it.
If there is any thing that was abhorrent to me, it was the scattering doubts, and unsettling consciences without necessity.
Unsexing women and unsettling the minds of working-people.
Hence a protectionist agitation pervaded the country, unsettling the minds of the farmers, inspiring false hopes, irritating the trading classes, producing counter agitation, and by all these means inflicting injury upon the country.
He expressed his intention not to proceed with Lord John Russell's reform bill, which he described as unsettling everything and settling nothing, which began by exciting the country, and finished by dissatisfying it.
This linking of the school with the offender is unfortunate, as it is unsettling to the other pupils of the school and disturbing to the parents of the district.
The competition of organizations for good school children as leaders can become unsettling to the young.
Writing as an Englishman Dean Inge did not note the equally unsettling influence of migratory races.