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Example sentences for "supplementation"

Lexicographically close words:
supple; suppled; supplement; supplemental; supplementary; supplemented; supplementing; supplements; supplementum; suppleness
  1. If a compulsory rate be not enforced, as in Scotland and formerly in some parishes in England, a voluntary rate may be made in supplementation of the local charities.

  2. The figures suggest that the money served as a charitable supplementation of the citizens' relief in direct aid of the children.

  3. If the supplementation be not immediate, but postponed, as in the case of old-age pensions, its effect will be similar.

  4. There should be no supplementation of poor-law relief by charity.

  5. Indeed, it is questionable whether a gospel of mere simplification, extension and supplementation of the Law would ever have made permanent conquest of the Gentile world.

  6. Change of mind as to the essential contents of the message would involve supplementation or alteration of the written gospel employed.

  7. But its own scope was so meager that it required supplementation by information concerning matters outside of sense-perception and by matters which appealed more directly to thought.

  8. I view protomorphogens as containing nutritional supplementation specific for the rebuilding of the damaged organ.

  9. Well, some of these human guinea pigs have been on heavy vitamin supplementation for over thirty years (as of 1995) and none seem to be suffering any damage.

  10. An obese person fasting without significant nutritional supplementation would begin starving long before they became really skinny.

  11. But enjoying well-being does not mean that no dietary supplementation is called for.

  12. This approach to using supplementation is at the other end of the scale compared to using supplements to prevent gross deficiencies.

  13. I couldn't know because I can't know how long they might have lived without supplementation and since they refuse to admit the vitamins do them any good, they won't pay for them.

  14. However, after the full benefit of the supplementation has worked itself through their body chemistry, they again begin to experience the aging process.

  15. Pure absolute water fasting while not taking any vitamins or other nutritional supplementation has a very limited maximum duration, perhaps 45 days.

  16. We shall now have to add to the seed another supplementation by subsidiaries themselves requiring an additament.

  17. Again, we ask, does the supplementation required for the production of the effect produce its effect independently of the seed and the like, or does it require the seed and the like?

  18. On the first alternative (if the supplementation works independently), it would ensue that the seed is in no way a cause.

  19. Instinct must be guided by reason if perfect friendship and mutual supplementation in the whole range of interests are to be added to the intenser, but less certain, attraction.

  20. Affection and mutual supplementation of husband and wife, love and devotion to offspring, must stand the strains formerly distributed over several ties.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "supplementation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accession; adjunct; agglutination; annexation; attachment; increase; joining; junction; juxtaposition; reinforcement; supplement; supplementation; uniting