On this account potato water is an excellent thing to wash them, if boiled down to a thick consistence, as it stiffens them without showing.
This is anexcellent thing to exclude the air from such things as are injured by being exposed to it.
The water that potatoes has been boiled in is an excellent thing to wash black calicoes in.
They also make a fine tea for persons that have a fever, particularly the hectic fever--it is also an excellent thing to counteract the effects of opium.
Religion is an excellent thingin every matter except politics; there it seems to make men mad.
Is the soul such an excellent thing, and is the loss thereof so unspeakably great?
Is the soul such an excellent thing, and the loss thereof so unspeakably great?
But who told thee that thy soul was such an excellent thing as by thy practice thou declarest thou believest it to be?
If a mad elephant were loose in one's garden, it would be an excellent thing to give one's gardener a gun.
But what an excellent thing to have it out, once for all, with some of these rankling problems!
It is an excellent thing to be able to photograph animals, both living and dead; but the trouble is, one cannot always get the game and the camera together.
In general I should say that the human figure is an excellent thing to leave out of a group of mounted quadrupeds, unless it happens to be an Esquimau completely enveloped in thick furs.
Mortar put on the top of the apples, is said to be an excellent thing to prevent their decaying, as it draws the air from them, which is the principal cause of decay; the mortar should not touch the apples.
Hellebore with molasses rubbed on it, is an excellent thing to kill cockroaches, and put round the places that they are in the habit of frequenting.
The water in which pared potatoes has been boiled, is an excellent thing to wash black silk in, it makes it look almost as black and glossy as new.
It is always an excellent thing to set aside particular days and hours for different duties.
Titaniferous iron is an excellent thing in its way, and good for steel making; but it exists nearer home and in cheaper worked regions than Sierra Leone.
You have too much sense to give all the honour to Lord Kitchener of Khartoum's sword, though a sword is an excellent thing.
Trade is an excellent thing, but, in the case of the Royal Niger, this very factor, trade, restricts the man who uses the Chartered Company to a set of white men and a set of black.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "excellent thing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.