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Example sentences for "laid upon"

  • Love renders every burden light that is laid upon us by Jesus; whereas to him that is devoid of this heavenly principle, every act which duty requires is grievous and oppressive.

  • And as every cross, however small, is laid upon thee by the particular order and direction of Providence, so thou oughtest to receive it with thankfulness.

  • Oftentimes he glories in that which is his shame, and boasts in that which is his sin, and which will cause nothing but shame, the more weight be laid upon it.

  • England shakes and totters already, by reason of the burden that Mr. Badman and his friends have wickedly laid upon it.

  • Yes, it was therefore that he was such an enemy to it; even because more restraint was laid upon him on that day, from his own ways, than were possible should be laid upon him on all others.

  • Take the tables for the hearts of the murderers, and the instruments for their sins, and what place more fit for such instruments to be laid upon?

  • For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!

  • If there be laid on him a sum of money, then he shall give for the ransom of his life whatsoever is laid upon him.

  • Fermentation will succeed in a few days, when it must be well stirred and pressed down to make it soak; and when the fermentation is over, the matter is to be laid upon sieves to drain.

  • To this purpose the Intestines are to be rank'd along the side of the Wound, and a Bolster is to be laid upon 'em dipt in warm Wine, which may be held by some Assistant.

  • Does my conscience need some strong detergent to be laid upon it which shall take out the stains that are most indurated, inveterate, and ingrained?

  • A necessity is laid upon Him, which springs at once from that divine work which is the law of His life, and from His own love and pity.

  • Now in my greatest extremity; now sin is laid upon Me, the curse takes hold of Me, the pains of Hell are clasped about Me, and Thou hast forsaken Me.

  • All that I can say, then, is that I resolve on nothing but to arm myself with patience, to resist nothing that is laid upon me, nor struggle for what I have no hope to get.

  • The hardy is used for small work, which is laid upon it and struck with the hammer.

  • The edge A of the rule or of the level should be laid upon a surface plate, and a fine line drawn on the face of these plugs with a scribing block, the coincidence of the line l with these marked lines testing the truth of the work.

  • The end of the bar is flattened somewhat, and a slab is laid upon it as in Fig.

  • Then the said plates must be laid upon a grate of iron included in an earthen vessel, yet so as one touch not the other that the virtue of the fire may have free and equal access to them.

  • The cakes of copper, put into wheelbarrows, are carried into the third part of the building, where each is laid upon a saddle, and is broken up by the impact of successive blows from the iron-shod stamp.

  • No vows or promises of our own can dissolve the obligation laid upon us by the law of God.

  • She loved him, that was the truth of it, and between them there was a great gulf fixed, not of the sea only, which ships could sail, but of that command which the dead had laid upon her.

  • Moreover, though it be sharp, your pain is not more than you can bear, else it would never be laid upon you.

  • Daughter, is it your wish that such dishonouring bonds should be laid upon me?

  • Think loftily of that office and honour, lowly of yourselves who have it laid upon you as a crown.

  • Its especial meaning was this, that the whole man is to be laid upon God's altar and there consumed in the fire of a divine love.

  • The obligation is laid upon us all; the commandment still comes to every Christian which was given to the old prophet, 'Declare unto My people their transgression, and to the house of Jacob their sin.

  • Then beseech him that he yield thee the loan of the pigskin of the King of Greece, for if it be laid upon us while the life is yet in us, we shall recover.

  • Then Brian told him the story of the mighty eric which had been laid upon them, and what they had done and suffered in fulfilling it.

  • If it be laid upon a wounded man it will make him whole and well, if only it overtake the breath of life in him.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "laid upon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    above referred; beloved father; cane sugar; haue heard; human society; laid aside; laid before; laid before the house; laid claim; laid down; laid down his life; laid eggs; laid rope; laid them; laid upon; laid waste; lawful things; little baby; little joke; one who; place them; second home; serious consideration; small handful; terrible mistake; while back