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Example sentences for "unconverted"

Lexicographically close words:
uncontroulable; uncontrouled; uncontroverted; unconventional; unconventionality; unconvicted; unconvinced; unconvincing; uncooked; uncooled
  1. They had sought to awaken professors of religion to the true hope of the church, and to their need of a deeper Christian experience; and they labored also to awaken the unconverted to the duty of immediate repentance and conversion to God.

  2. Thus the churches came to consist, to a considerable extent, of unconverted persons; and even in the ministry were those who not only held errors of doctrine, but who were ignorant of the renewing power of the Holy Spirit.

  3. This is true, whether in reference to the unconverted sinner, or to the child of God.

  4. It is the worship of every unconverted soul, and is maintained by every false system of religion under the sun.

  5. But the judgment due to them hath been by the patience of God prevented, and we saved all the time of our ungodly and unconverted state, from that death, and those many hells, that for our sins we deserved at the hands of God.

  6. Again, he tells us the unconverted have no need to sing prayers for pardon.

  7. If they are building a chapel they would not take the money of an unconverted man.

  8. More logical or more consistent in small matters, they make no provision in their books of praise for the unconverted man.

  9. As a matter of fact, the unconverted do not avail themselves of the offer.

  10. Be not discouraged if you have to suffer from unconverted relatives.

  11. Father and the Son, and can therefore obtain everything from the Lord which we possibly can need in His service, without being obliged to go to the unconverted world!

  12. Another class of persons were brethren in business, who suffered in their souls, and brought guilt on their consciences, by carrying on their business, almost in the same way, as unconverted persons do.

  13. Different, however, has been the way in which I have dealt with my unconverted brother; for the relationship in which I stand to him is a different one.

  14. One evening, when I was expounding the Scriptures to them, an unconverted young man happened to be present, and it pleased the Lord to touch his heart, so that he was brought to the knowledge of the truth.

  15. May this encourage the heart of the believing reader still to pray for his unconverted friends, and may it strengthen him to hope for better days concerning those of his brethren in the Lord who are now weak in the faith!

  16. The difference between the unconverted and the unbeliever and the servant of the true God is this; it is that the latter has experienced a complete turning away from self.

  17. The religion of the atheist with a God-shaped blank at its heart and the persuasion of the unconverted theologian, are both like lamps unlit.

  18. It was calculated that at this time there were still 6,000 unconverted pagans in the upper Agúsan district.

  19. His offense was against a college law of the preceding year which forbade students to call their officers "hypocritical, carnal or unconverted men.

  20. The worse the unconverted sinner, the more marvellous his thorough conversion.

  21. In both cases there appears to be only a handful of real disciples with a company of shallow and fickle followers, to set against the stolid, unmoved mass of the unconverted world.

  22. When this rubric was carried out, they talked at full length and breadth on the unconverted and the elect, with sundries other kindred subjects, and this he used to style "comfortable conversation.

  23. It directs the Apostles under what circumstances they are to remove an offender from a Christian society, and treat him as an unconverted man, as a heathen man and a publican.

  24. Mr. Stanley's objection, that the Apostle could hardly have spoken of his unconverted state without stronger condemnation, might perhaps hold, were the allusions to his fit of persecuting violence against the Church.

  25. He knew that, despite rigorous measures and Dominican spies, converted and unconverted Jews met in subterranean caverns, and counseled and worshipped together, and comforted each other.

  26. He knew that there was a secret communion between "converted" and unconverted Jews.

  27. He counselled immediate expulsion of all unconverted Jews.

  28. Bear with patience his unruly and unconverted behaviour; thou art alive, he is dead; thou art principled with grace, he with sin.

  29. The awful condition of the unconverted consists in their being in a state of separation from God, insensible of that dismal state, utterly unable to extricate themselves out of it, and loathsome to God while they continue in it.

  30. The Dancing professor of religion, not only destroys himself but does immense injury to the souls of unconverted men.

  31. Unconverted sinner flee these scenes of guilty pleasures as the Gates of Perdition.

  32. It is no wonder, that unconverted men with such stumbling-blocks in their pathway, turn a deaf ear to the Gospel.

  33. The professed Christian, not only, but every unconverted man, must bow to its precepts, if he would gain the favor of God.

  34. So she labored to explain to him how impossible it was for an unconverted person to think an acceptable thought or do a single acceptable act in the sight of God.

  35. The good minister preached from the text, 'Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth,' and in the course of his sermon held up Hiram as an example to all the unconverted youth of his flock.

  36. Why this should be so; why the descendants of the unconverted Rajputs who held by their faith should not produce as hard a breed of men as the Rajputs who were the first to submit to Islam, and that under compulsion, is a mystery unexplained.

  37. I still aimed at the Salvation of the unconverted and the spiritual advance of my people, and still fought for these results.

  38. He was followed by a converted thief, who told how he was 'picked up,' and of his persecutions daily while working with twenty unconverted men.

  39. The saints and martyrs of the district were chiefly brave Saxons who had fought the Danes in many battles, and who had fallen at last under the swords of the unconverted heathen.

  40. Lindisfarne, "this is all true; but all this happened when the Danes were unconverted Pagans.

  41. Comedy and burlesque too found place especially in connection with Judas, or the exchangers, or the unconverted Magdalene.

  42. The State, with its penalties and punishments, belongs essentially to the domain of evil, and is to be endured only so long as there are unbelievers and unconverted people, who alone are under its jurisdiction.

  43. The pietists then went so far as absolutely to deny that saving results could follow the preaching of an unconverted man.

  44. How could that sufferer, in the midst of such intense pain, be thinking only of his Saviour and an unconverted soul?

  45. Father and the Son, and can therefore obtain everything from the Lord which we possibly can need in his service, without being obliged to go to the unconverted world!

  46. For the encouragement of believers, who are tried by having unconverted relatives and friends, I will relate the following circumstance, the truth of which I know.

  47. I likewise firmly believed that many unconverted persons would, by means of such writings, be led to see the reality of the things of God.

  48. Another class of persons were brethren in business, who suffered in their souls, and brought guilt on their consciences, by carrying on their business almost in the same way as unconverted persons do.

  49. To unconverted persons, a great part of the Bible resembles a letter written in cipher.

  50. I wouldn't think of talking to unconverted men about overcoming the world, for it is utterly impossible.

  51. I am not addressing the unconverted only, because I am one of those who believe that there is a good deal of repentance to be done by the Church before much good will be accomplished in the world.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unconverted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    damned; disbelieving; faithless; godless; graceless; heretical; incredulous; irreligious; lost; reprobate; unbelieving; unconvinced; unregenerate