To his unbelievably sensitive nostrils came the assorted smells of a Cro-Magnon shelter.
But the darkness was such that even hisunbelievably sharp eyes were helpless to penetrate it.
Garlud stood as though turned to stone, his eyes fastened unbelievably on the lifeless face of the old man.
For several minutes Tharn moved slowly about the cleared ground, his powerful body bent low, his unbelievably keen eyes searching every inch of earth.
Then Lancedale's video screen became the frame for an almost unbelievably commonplace set of features.
Unbelievably strange, however, it was that the rays of his anger by some subconscious process had hovered from the first about the son of Hilary Vane, and were now, by the trend of event after event, firmly focussed there.
In contrast to the agitation I felt rising within me, she was extraordinarily calm, unbelievably so.
Two men, looking unbelievably big and threatening in the darkness, were almost upon him.
He and Jerry settled in their places at the oars, with Frank at the stern for ballast, and Dave up ahead to watch the channel, for Plum Run, unbelievably deep in places, had a trick of shallowing at unlikely spots.
A pair ofunbelievably heavy oars, cut from a sapling with a hand-axe, trailed in the water from "loose oarlocks.
To that unbelievably keen organ was borne the individual scent spoor of Alurna, as well as that of Mog, the sullen.
His unbelievably sharp eyes of gray caught Barkoo's attempt at an unimpressed expression, and his own lean handsome face broke in a wide smile, the small even white teeth contrasting vividly with his sun-baked skin.
Roger made no reply and the road becoming unbelievably rough, Charley gave her attention to holding Felicia on the seat and nothing more was said until Preble called back, "Careful through this gate, Moore!
He had worked unbelievablyhard from his boyhood up.
He took a line across that wild country in the dark with such assurance, and so swiftly that it was unbelievably hard to follow him quietly.
They are unbelievably slow, and unbelievably stubborn.
He has an unbelievably strong hold on the people--how he got it, I don't know.
I dare say they are pretty poor,' she conceded; 'but they are unbelievably picturesque!
But there's another class too--the most unbelievably shiftless, ignorant people in America.
The echoes roared back, unbelievablyloud in the silence, and then abruptly died; and the only sound was a rustling of leaves as the cougar crouched.
It seemed to be in the last stages of starvation: unbelievably gaunt, with rib bones showing plainly even through the furry hide.
Fat Ed Meyers was out and standing beside her, his movements unbelievably nimble.
It seemed to me go unspeakably sad, so incredible, that one should be so unbelievably underestimated.
This land, this West, seemed to all then unbelievably large and limitless.
I note, too, that the shops on 25th October Avenue are not all directed toward the Russian man on the street, unless he is paid unbelievably more than we have heard.
Her mien, he saw, first softened astonishingly, then grew firm with an aspect of dignity that was unbelievably beautiful.
He became aware of an immediate sense of relief; in an unbelievably short time the fever had left him and he was himself again.
How unbelievably cruel it was that a ship could move through space with the stability of a completely stationary object.
How unbelievably cruel at this moment, when the slightest lurch might have saved him.
That report continued good all morning, and it was almost noon before the ragged, unbelievably unkempt old man on the bed opened his eyes.
In the wide out-of-doors, under the unbelievably blue sky and the stinging sun, with Jimsy and Yaqui Juan, life was sound and whole again.
Threading them through and through was a spy system unbelievably thorough and amazingly adroit.
Now you can see that, as a possible murderer of the President of the United States, he must have been unbelievably egotistical, an unbelievably egotistical person.
The scene was unbelievably brilliant, the hot, bright air sweet with flowers and perfume, and the more subtle odors of silk and fine linen and powder on delicate skin.
Clara had to draw what comfort she could from his intimation that all his relatives were unbelievably eminent and distinguished, the least of them superior in brain and achievement to any American who ever drew the breath of life.
Indeed, she found it unbelievably hard to leave him, trotting happily upstairs with his beloved Katharine, and to go about her day's business anticipating the long trip back to Home Dunes without him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unbelievably" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.