These he was secretly to convey along the coast to the Sound and there attack the big ironclad by night, in such manner as might appear best when the time was ripe for action.
Under date of October 30, he writes: Sir: I have the honor to report that the rebel ironclad Albemarle is at the bottom of the Roanoke river.
This ironclad was built on the lines of the old "Merrimac," and like the latter had met the fire of our biggest guns without injury.
The first to reach the hostile ironclad was the Monongahela, which struck her square amidships; and five minutes later the Lackawanna, going at full speed, delivered another heavy blow.
The Confederates showed the same skill and energy in building their great ironclad rams as the men of the Union did in building the monitors which were so often pitted against them.
The unequal fight between the ironclad and the wooden ship lasted for perhaps half an hour.
It is important that a suitable public station should be provided for the ironclad fleet.
With these completed according to the present design and our two iron torpedo boats now ready, our ironclad fleet will be, for the purposes of defense at home, equal to any force that can readily be brought against it.
They had advanced as far as Fort Darling, and the ironclad gunboats had engaged the batteries there.
At six o'clock theironclad came out from the river and made for the Minnesota, which was still aground.
It is interesting to learn that the Confederates were the first to adopt the new idea, the earliest ironclad of the war being produced by them on the lower Mississippi.
Tegethoff, in his flagship, the Ferdinand Max, twice rammed a greyironclad without effect.
On Sunday morning, March 9th, the Confederate ironclad came out to finish its work of destruction, preparatory to a cruise against the northern ports.
We there described the contests ofironclad ships during the Civil War.
After the Crimean war France and England both built ironclad ships, the French La Gloire being the first ironclad ever constructed.
New invention rendered it obsolete before it could be completed, yet to it belongs the credit of inaugurating the era of the ironclad navy.
As regards the work of our naval inventors, it will suffice to say, that the Americans, while not the first to plate vessels with iron, were the first to do so effectively and to prove the superiority of the ironclad in naval warfare.
He and a few men, in a steam launch carrying a large torpedo, sailed up the stream at night to where the ironclad lay in her dock at Plymouth.
An important lesson from the battle was the danger of too much wood-work in ironclad ships, and another was the great value in naval warfare of rapid-firing guns.
The Ironclad "Manassas"=] At the opening of the American Civil War this idea was in the air, and it was soon made evident that the era of wooden warships was near its end.
While these events were taking place in the waters of the coast, a fleet of ironclad boats was being built for service on the rivers of the West, seven of these being begun in August, 1861, by James B.
Yet despite this enterprise, the fact remains that the first conception of an ironcladship belongs to the United States, and the first hostile meeting of two ironclads took place in American waters.
Thus, moreover, was the value of the ironclad demonstrated--the armoured vessel, the forbear of the Dreadnought.
The ironclad rushed in upon the wooden hull of her victim, ramming her on the port side.
I suppose that without much metaphor or exaggeration one might say that the poor cretin's bushel of corn is gone into that ridiculous ironclad over there.
He has been in Sorrento some time, and he took us to Castellamare to see that ironclad launched.
For a few months I am to command a training ship--an ironclad that is in dry dock at present, until a captain in the English Navy comes out, who has been sent for to command her.
Ironclad is a very capricious bearer and especially so on rampant growing vines, one of the faults of the variety being that it makes too rank a growth.
Ironclad is of interest because of its history, and because of its possible value for breeding purposes.
Scott's gardener reported the vine to be free from rot and Pearson, who had named the variety Scott, changed the name to Ironclad when he found the gardener's report as to rot verified.
Ironclad is said to be a hybrid between Labrusca and Riparia and its botanical characters justify such a supposition.
From the accounts of those who have grown it, Ironclad is as free from mildew and rot, in fruit at least, as any of our cultivated native grapes.
In the low, ironclad chambers a fiery heat prevailed, which rendered even breathing difficult.
But the stability of a modern ironclad could be endangered by a single leak, whether caused by a torpedo or a ram, to such an extent that the gigantic mass of iron would be drawn down into the depths by its own weight in a few minutes.
Let us send an ironclad squadron to Heligoland and bombard the island and its fortifications until it crumbles into the sea.
For aught they knew the ironclad would next be trying her terrible ram on them, and they had need to prepare for her onset.
When Terry saw the ugly black ironclad bearing down upon the Minnesota, he could not suppress a cry of consternation.
Never before had the tremendous power for harm of the ironclad ram been displayed, and by that one blow the Merrimac had put out of date the navies of the world as then constructed.
In this cannonade the batteries on Newport News also joined lustily, and the ironclad was the target of many well-aimed cannon.
The tone of incredulous surprise was as marked in Captain Afleck's voice as if the ironclad had seemed to be making preparations to fly; yet he had only too correctly guessed the meaning of her next movement.
The Confederate ironclad gunboat, Patrick Henry, lay at anchor in the river just above the bluff.
The naval force of the United States consists at this time of five hundred and eighty-eight vessels completed and in the course of completion, and of these seventy-five are ironclad or armored steamers.
I turned impatiently as one turns upon an impertinence, and beheld a great ironclad not four miles out, steaming fast across the dappled silver, and from its funnels sparks, intensely red, poured out into the night.
They were amazed to find themselves not three hundred yards from an ironclad that had run ashore in the mud, and heeled over with the falling tide.
First of all I'd have to tie Josephine Francis down with an ironclad contract.
I received the present of an ironclad at the hands of a British Colony.
The firstironclad built was the Gloire, designed by M.
In 1864 a Confederate ironclad ram, the Albemarle, appeared on the waters of Albemarle Sound.
A notable feature in the naval war was the use ofironclad vessels.
In previous experiments this year the ironclad was attacked on the port side, which had been specially strengthened for the occasion, and the result was a victory for the defense.
The torpedo experiments against the Resistance were resumed on June 13, when the oldironclad suffered some rough treatment.
Our readers are aware that the Resistance is an obsolete ironclad which has finished her career as a battle ship, and that nothing could have converted her into a modern armorclad.
The injuries received by the ironclad in the previous experiments having been repaired, so as to make the vessel watertight, the old ship was towed up the harbor, and moored in Fareham Creek.
The implicit assumption of this complaint would cover the engineers of an ironclad or the guides of a night attack, everybody, in fact, who was not positively weapon in hand.
Ingraham, commanding the Confederate naval forces in Charleston harbor, with the Confederate ironclad gunboats Palmetto State and Chicora, made a brilliant attack on the blockading squadron on the early morning of January 31st.
The ironclad was swinging to the ebb, so that it was impossible to do the work undertaken, and Carlin's only hope was of escape.
General Gillmore says truly: "Neither Fort Wagner nor Battery Gregg possessed any special importance as a defense against the passage of the ironclad fleet.
The brilliant victory of the forts over the much-dreaded ironclad fleet was celebrated on every hand, and the gallant commanders of batteries, their officers, and their men, were the boast and the toast of the day.
There will be also two strong ironclad gunboats, each armed with four guns, to give important, indeed vital, assistance.
They will be of no use after the termination of this war in their present condition, for I take it, impregnable ironclad batteries must take the place of stone and mortar.
Hamilton, in use at the same time, approached still more closely the plan of the famous ironclad of Hampton Roads.
Third, because, in Scattergood's safe were ironclad contracts with both of them whereby the said dam and boom company should receive sixty cents a thousand feet for driving their logs down the improved river.
For in his safe reposed ironclad contracts with those gentlemen, covering the future for a decade, compelling them to pay him sixty cents for every thousand feet of timber that floated down his river.
They had also a number of powerful rams andironclad gunboats, for coast and harbor defense.