And at the Drawe brigge that is faste by, Two toures there were vp pight; An Antelope and a Lyon stondyng hym by, Above them Seynt George oure lady’s knyght.
And oure holy fader, of his special grace, remytted my boke to ben examyned and preued be the avys of his seyd conseill.
Nowe see I signe of solace seere, A glorious gleme to make vs gladde, Wherfore I hope oure helpe is nere, And sone schall sesse oure sorowes sadde.
Now ar we there as we shuld be; 325 Do get in oure gere, oure catall and fe, Into this vessell here, my chylder fre.
A ship He bad me ordayn, to safe vs and oure fee; Therfor with all oure mayn thank we that fre, 310 Beytter of bayll.
He has for oure seyll to sheld vs fro shame, And sayd All this warld aboute With floodis so stoute, That shall ryn on a route, 305 Shall be ouerlaide.
Here begynneth the book of the historyes and Fables of Esope whiche were translated out of Frennshe in to Englysshe by wylliam Caxton at westmynstre In the yere of oure Lorde.
Colophon: And here with I fynysshe this book translated by me William Caxton at westmynstre in thabbey and fynysshed the xxvi daye of Marche the yere of oure Lord Mcccc.
Ther thei beryed hem both In nouther mosse nor lynge, And Litulle Johne and Muche infere Bare the letturs to oure kyng.
Johne, and Moche, and Wylle Scathlok, For sothe as I yow say, Thir slew oure men vpon oure wallis, And sawtene vs euery day.
Oure maister has bene hard bystode, And zet scapyd away; Pluk up your hertes and leve this mone, And herkyn what I shal say.
Then bespake oure cumly kynge, In an angur hye, "Litulle Johne hase begyled the schereff, In faith so hase he me.
Than worde came to oure kynge, How Robyn Hode was gone, And how the scheref of Notyngham Durst neuer loke hyme vpone.
And nowe lest oure foes our lives sholde betraye, We clothed ourselves in beggars arraye; 110 Her jewelles shee solde, and hither came wee: All our comfort and care was our prettye Bessee.
She's a friar's daughteroure in France And I hoped to see her a queen.
That lasteth ay withouten ende, Bidde we God, ant oure Ledy to thilke blisse Jesus us sende.
Moreouer all the riches which God hath tak[~e] from oure father/ that is oures and oure childerns.
Neverthelesse if oure youngeste brother go with vs then will we goo/ for we maye not see the mannes face/ excepte oure yongest brother be with vs.
But with whome soeuer thou fyndest thy goddes/ let him dye here before oure brethr[~e].
That is/ the ensamples that are in the scripture comforte vs in all oure tribulacyons/ and make vs to put oure truste in god/ and pacyently to abyde his leysure.
Come therfore/ let vs geue oure father wyne to dryncke/ and let vs lye with him that we may saue seed of oure father.
And whenoure father sayde vnto vs/ goo agayne and bye vs a litle fode: we sayd/ y^t we coude not goo.
In the chefest of oure sepulchres bury thy dead: None of vs shall forbydd y^e his sepulcre/ y^t thou shuldest not bury thy deade therein.
The yongest is yet with oure father/ and one no man woteth where he is.
Ismaelites/ and let notoure handes be defyled vpon him: for he is oure brother and oure flesh.
Corinthyans he bringeth in examples of the scripture to feare vs and to bridle the fleshe/ that we caste not the yoke of the lawe of god from of oure neckes/ and fall to lustynge and doinge of evill.
Oure faces ar this day confounded, oure ennemyes triumphe, oure heartis have quaiked for fear, and yitt thei remane oppressed with sorrow and schame.
We deny nocht the taking of the House of Brouchty;[971] and the cause being considderit, we think that na naturall Scottisman will be offendit at oure fact.
The crewell murthar and oppressioun usit be thame quham now sche fosteris, is till us ane sufficient argument, quhatt is to be luikit for, quhan hir nomber is sa multipleit, that oure force sall not be abill to gainestand thair tyranie.
It is also to be remembred that the seid Fastolf hath lent to oure seid Soverayn Lord, in the moneth of Feverer, the seid xv.
Oure Lorde have zow in his blyssed kepyng, body and soule.
Boryngwode," and of the fees for the "kepyng of the Dikes within oure counte of Hereford, parcelles of oure seid forest.
Go saddle me my mylk white steed, Go saddle it so sadly O, And I will ride out oure the lea, To follow her Gipsy laddie O.
O how can I gae wi' a stranger, Oure hills and oure glens frae my hame?
Thro' glens andoure mountains they wander'd, Till Lizie had scantlie a shoe; 'Alas and ohone!
O ourefather which art in heven, halewed be thy name.
Oure father which art in heauen, halowed be thy name.
In the following year Tyndale once more set forth a revised edition, "fynesshed in the yere of oure Lorde God A.
And forgeue vs oure dettes, as we forgeue oure detters.
And forgeve vsoure treaspases, even as we forgeve them whych treaspas vs.
Ac hijs wylle was in þe wylle of oure Lord, and he schal þenche in hijs lawe boþe daye and nyyt.
We sigh and sobbe and bleden inwardly Fretyng oure self with thought and hard complaynt, That ney for love we waxen wode and faynt"[1563].
Alas," thay sayn, "we fayne perfeccion, In clothes wide and lakeoure libertie But all the synne mote on oure frendes be.
Such follie is it not to regard aforehande the inclination and qualitie of him to whome wee dedicate oure bookes.
Whether thow shalt be oure kyng, oither we shal be undirloute to thi bidding?
In the same year, thanksgivings being offered at Aberdeen for the victory of Leslie over Rupert, 'oure minister Mr. William Strathauchin declairit out of pulpit that this victory wes miraculous, wrocht by the fynger of God.
The thre estaitis of parliament hes [=a]nullit and declarit all sik actes maid in tymes bipast not aggreing w^t goddis word and now contrair to the confessioun of oure fay^t according to the said word publist in this parliament.
We persaif,' writes James, 'be zoure saidis writingis yat Ze ar informyt yat yair suld be sum thingis laitlie attemptat be oure kirkmen to oure hurte and skaith, and contraroure mynde and plesure.
Item for making of a dublette of fustian, lyned with cotton and canvas for oure same foole.
In a wardrobe account of that sovereign, we find these articles: "For making a dubblette of wursteede lyned with canvas and cotton, for William Som'ar oure foole.
These ben the artycles of our Crede / and oure byleue / that who is baptysed and trusteth in hem shall be saued.
Thane the Romayns relevyde that are ware rebuykkyde, And alle to-rattys oure mene with theire risté horsses.
If at ȝe schap ȝow to schount unschent of oure handes.
We were amasyd as and if a man had stryke vs with a clube, or we had be slayne with a thonderclape, and we very lowly axid pardon of oure folishe boldenes, and gote vs frome thens.
Frome ourestony churche the calendes of Auguste, the yere frome my sonnes passyon a M.
The temple ys goodly & goregious, butoure Lady dwellythe nat in it, but that was purchasyd for the honor of her sone.
There hange also the sherte of heyre, & hys gyrdle with hys heren breches where with that noble champyõ chastnyd hys body, thay be horryble to loke apon, and greatly reproue oure delycate gorgeousnes.
But how is it callyd oure ladyes mylke that came neuer owt of her breste?
And we were afrayd lest that he wold haue cast vs out of the churche for heretykes, but that oure monay dyd tempte hys greate furye.
For oure lady is nat as yet so ryche, that she is able to bye a crosse, & a mytre, whiche be so deare, Me.
Than || lett no man be there, wyll nat oure Lady shote her thonderbowlte at suche.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "oure" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.