I dare say Locke and Newton were very like Kneller's portraits of them.
Indeed, so little can children judge of the beauty of those they love, that I dare say she might have thought her dear teacher quite handsome if she had not heard everybody speak of her as "that homely Miss Pike.
That sounded dreadful, but I dare say was not as bad as it seemed.
Look me in the face and dare to say you have never loved me.
Often would Miss Le Smyrger come upon her there, and sometimes would pass her even without a word; but never--never once did she dare to ask of the matter of her thoughts.
Well, yes; there's that resource at any rate, and for your sake I dare say I should be more civil to him than papa.
In the first interview, he did not dare speak of their love at all.
Your idea is quite right," answered Darius, "but what I know I dare not tell.
Having made you our confidant we dare not jeopardize our lives by allowing you your liberty.
If, however, he declines to join us, we dare run no risk.
I daresay it's not an easy thing to stop those blighters, but I've faith in the justice of God.
Pains and penalties were threatened against any newspaper which should dare to publish a word of military information beyond the official communiqués issued in order to hide the truth.
No Boche would dareto poke the beak of his engine above the housetops.
Whenever there was time to establish discipline, the men were well behaved, and did not dare to disobey the orders of their chiefs.
Who shall name Him And dare to say, 'I believe in Him'?
But one day there shall come another mightier than he; But I dare not name his name.
However great their anger or the desire to kill me might have been, none dare lay the finger of harm upon me.
They wishing to appear as not at all fearful of us, commenced dancing, and singing loudly, still they dare not meet us in the field.
We dare not look forward to an opportunity of escape, so often had we been doomed to disappointment.
We had not proceeded far, before our path was intersected by a chasm at least thirty feet wide, and of greater depth than we could ascertain, at the nearest distance we dare approach.
I dare say that's the press at work," said Warrender in a whisper, after they had listened for a few minutes.
We have heard something, but I dare say it's just talk, you know.
I dare say distance lends enchantment to the view; no doubt it's a pretty dismal place inside; but the sunlight makes a gorgeous effect with those old walls.
He wears a red waistcoat, so I dare say he has blue socks.
Oh, well, you're lord of the manor; I dare say you're right to look the part.
I dare say you haven't sold a box of these since last season.
I dare say you'll be surprised to hear it, but it wouldn't be fair to you to keep it a secret; Mr. Pratt is my uncle.
Only when they had gained the shelter of the thicket did they dare to pause for a moment to consult the compass.
I dare say the place teems with rabbits, and there are plenty of fellows besides Rush who'd be glad of getting their dinner for nothing, and would want to keep other people out of their preserves.
I dare say Rush is playing some game of his own with one of the underlings.
I dare say he made tons of money out of rabbits in the lean time during the war; skinned them and the shop people too!
As we had made a shorter stage yesterday than I intended to have done, and the quantity of flour we had now remaining was very small, I did not dare to make use of any this morning, and we commenced our journey without breakfast.
I spent great part of the day in charting, and took a few angles from the tent, but did not dare to venture far away.
How dare you meddle with the places I choose to keep closed?
Why, I live mostly upon dry toast; hardlydare touch an ounce of meat in a day.
I can't go on by myself; I dare not," she said, turning her frightened face towards us.
Oliver, who did not dare to absent himself without permission, and perhaps was too conscientious to do so, left his chair for the window.
I dare say Barbary could not afford to entertain him unless he did.
When you hear from him, as you most likely will in a day or two, I dare say he will tell you he was called away unexpectedly, and had to go at once.
But I darenot break the rules, sir; I might lose my place.
I told you to pull up, Sam; how dare you disobey me and drive on in that way?
I dare say he pays Barbary well for the accommodation.
When I tell you this is my only son, except the child, how dare you dispute my word?
I dare say he told the truth--he looked peaked, and was a great deal the worse for the dinner next day, I remember.
I may be laid up for what you care, as I dare say I shall--and a pretty doctor's bill there'll be.
And who dare say that the Angel of that child "always beholding the face of the Father in Heaven," did not stand beside her then, and teach her in faint shadow-ings the mystery of a life to come?
I tell you this plainly; though I tell you, at the same time, that if you dare to seek me there, or drag me thence.
I had never laughed and cried in all my life, I dare say--not even to her--more freely than I did that morning.
I do not hold one natural gift, I dare say, that I have not abused.
I dare say ours is likely to be a rather long engagement, but our motto is 'Wait and hope!
Happy they would have been, I dare say, if they could have dismissed me at a month's warning too.
How dare you to insinuate that you don't know my character better than your words imply?
You'll be glad to spend another shilling or so, in almond cakes, I dare say?
I dare say no words she could have uttered, would have affected me so much, then, as her calling me her child.
If, therefore, from this Moment more you dare to let me know one Thought of Love, though in the humblest Stile, expect to be a Sacrifice to him you attempt to wrong.
Madam, you have made me so fool-hardy, I dare do any thing.
You alone, Don John de Alvarada, seeming ignorant of my Vows, dare traverse my Amour.
Is it then possible, after all, that youdare think of downright lawful Wedlock?
Now is there any one of you who dare say, "I wish I had not been christened?
And she was in his eyes not merely a suppliant pleading for mercy, but a prophetess declaring to him a divine law which he dare not resist.
Perhaps he is ashamed of it, and dare not speak of it, even to himself.
God in heaven should say one thing, and a human being, six feet high at most, should dare to do another!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dare" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.