And thei han often tymes werre with the briddes of the contree, that thei taken and eten.
And men wolden many tymes put the appulle into the ymages hond azen, but it wil not holde it.
And whoso drynkethe 3 tymesfasting of that watre of that welle, he is hool of of alle maner sykenesse, that he hathe.
For thei han had often tyme werre betwene hem, be cause that the grete cane wolde constreynen him to holden his lond of him: but that other at alle tymes defendethe him wel azenst him.
For I have seen and beholden many tymes that of Parys and that of Costantynoble: for thei were bothe on, made of russches of the see.
I have often tymes assayed, that zif a man kepe hem with a litylle of the roche, and wete hem with May dew ofte sithes, thei schulle growe everyche zeer; and the smale wole wexen grete.
The first statute was, that thei scholde beleeven and obeyen in God inmortalle, that is allemyghty, that wolde casten hem out of servage; and at alle tymesclepe to him for help, in tyme of nede.
And men fynden many tymes harde dyamandes in a masse, that comethe out of Gold, whan men puren it and fynen it out of the myne; whan men breken that masse in smale peces.
Now schalle I telle zou the governance of the court of the grete chane, whan he makethe solempne festes: and that is princypally 4 tymes in the zeer.
Also in Egypt ben gardyns, than han trees and herbes, the whiche beren frutes 7 tymes in the zeer.
For I have oftentymes passed and ryden the way, with gode companye of many lordes: God be thonked.
And therfore hathe it befallen many tymes of o thing, that I have herd cownted, whan I was zong; how a worthi man departed somtyme from oure contrees, for to go serche the world.
And for this cause was hee extolled aboue any other Prynce or Lorde that in tymes passed did commaund or rule the Common wealth wythin the Countrey of Thuscan.
Then came a Prieste from the Cathedrall Churche, wyth other Religious persons to blesse the Sacrifice, saying certayne diuelishe prayers, and throwing the ball four tymes in the Tennis Court.
Hernando Cortez in his childehood was very sickely, so that many tymes he was at the poynt of death: And when he came to .
And besides all this crueltie and vituperie, they sende theyr officers and Serieantes to execute the premisses, who without eyther pittie or mercie many tymes suffereth them to sterue with hunger.
Cortez turned agayne to admonishe and require hym diuers tymes to leaue off his determination, and wylled Mutezuma to commaunde hym to accepte hys offer.
There is a hill eyght leagues from Chololla, called Popocatepec, whiche is to say, a hill of smoke, for manye tymes it casteth oute smoke and fier.
For, if thou have corage as thou hast might, Thee were nede of hennes, as I wene, Ya, mo than seven tymes seventene.
At alle tymes thou shalt blesse god, and praye him to dresse thy weyes"; and looke that alle thy conseils been in him for evermore.
For slayn is man right as another beste, And dwelleth eek in prison and areste, 1310 And hath siknesse, and greet adversitee, And ofte tymes giltelees, pardee!
The fifthe circumstaunce is, how manyetymes that he hath sinned, if it be in his minde, and how ofte that he hath falle.
This world is nat so strong, it is no nay, As it hath been in olde tymes yore, 1140 And herkneth what this auctour seith therfore.
Right trusty and Welbeloved We grete you well often tymes with al our herte.
And for our gret & singler comfort We pray you oft tymes to signifie us be wryting of youre Welfare.
And not to suffre any such multitude of people entre into our saide citee neiþer to be in þe same but as ye may be at alle tymes of power to suppresse them and to be governours for us of þe same as reason wille ye shuld.
I have in my tyme at diverse tymes taken up the rootes of Mandrag out of the grounde, but I never saw any such thyng upon or in them, as are in and upon the pedlers rootes that are comenly to be solde in boxes.
And they broughte rewardes vnto them from before him: but Ben Iamins parte was fyue tymesso moch as any of theirs.
Than Abimelech rose vp be tymes in the mornynge and called all his servauntes/ and tolde all these thinges in their eares/ and the men were sore a frayde.
And they rose vp bytymes in the mornynge and sware one to another.
And Iacob behelde the countena[~u]ce of Laban/ that it was not toward him as it was in tymes past.
Moreover I will make my bonde betwene me and the/ and thy seed after the/ in their tymes to be an everlastynge testament/ So that I wyll be God vnto the and to thy seed after the.
But it is not good trustyng the lookes, vnder that frownynge face lurke oftẽ tymes most vnchaste and wanton maners, neyther is to be spoken amonge honeste men, to what shamefulnes these bouchers abuse chyldren by fearyng them.
Tymes maie be compared, as the Spryng with Som- mer: Harueste with Winter.
The debtour often tymessaieth he, runneth awaie, and carieth with hym, the debte and gaines of the Usurie.
The prouidence of God, so disposeth the tymes and ages of the world, the state of kyngdomes, by the fall of mightier kyngdomes, meaner grewe to power and glorie.
Tullie al- so as a moste excellente Orator, in the like sorte trauailed, whose Eloquence and vertue all tymes extolled, and the of- spryng of all ages worthilie aduaunceth.
Many fa- mous menne and greate learned, haue in the Greke tongue and otherwise trauailed, to profite all tymes their countrie and common wealthe.
This was doen he takyng his waie & progresse to Glocester, whereof he was before tymes Duke: the murther perpetrated, he doubed the good squire knight.
The chro- nicles of aunciente tymes herein doe shew, and the decrées of auncient elders also, how horrible a thing adulterie is, when thei punishe it with death.
Fraunce, from the tymes of Faramundus vntill this daie haue stoode, and did florishe in a Monarchie.
And yet he was at alle tymes one of the best and moste worthy in armes that liuyd.
Alas what haboundance was some tymes in the royames.
Newlie set foorth, as it hath sundrie tymes bene played by Ed: Allen and his Companie.
A comedie entitled a Knack to knowe a Knaue, newlye sett fourth, as it hath sundrye tymes ben plaid by Ned Allen and his Companie, with Kemps applauded Merymentes of the men of Goteham.
But it is often sene, that he which many tymes hath vanquyshed his enemies in straunge countreys, and returned agayn as a conqueror, hath of his owne nation afterward been shamfully murdered and brought to confusion.
Man was mad of suche matere, He may nat wel asterte, That som tymes hym tit To folwen hus kynde.
Ac bestes brouhte hem no mete, Bote onliche the fouweles; In tokenynge that trywe man Alle tymes sholde Fynde honeste men in holy men And other ryghtful peuple.
So hope ich to have of hym That his almyghty A gobet of hus grace, And bygynne a tyme That alle tymes of my tyme To profit shal turne.
After which, that Chronicler says, "they were well cherished and diverse tymes resorted to the courte and had greate chere and good rewardes, and so the 3rd.
I have often tymes assayed, that gif a man kepe hem with a litylle of the roche, and wete hem with May dew ofte sithes, thei schulle growe everyche yeer; and the small wole waxen grete.
Wherfore he concluded in hymself to breke it, and toke it, and smote upon a rocke wyth all hys myght iii tymes wythout hurtynge ony thynge the swerde, and clefte the rocke to therthe, and colde in no wyse breke the swerde.
O how many tymes have I by the avenged thynjury made to God!
Our recluses eate and drinke at all tymes of the beste, being of the number of them qui curios simulant et Bacchanalia vivunt.
Many tymes be nyght and dayys, He had solace of notes and layys.
And so they used longe, tille many tymes that thei lost her masse, and made other of her parisshe to lese it, for the knight was lorde and patron of the chirche, and therfor the priest durst not disobeye hym.
Beholde me better, and you shal see hir before you that is able to acquyte you of youre promyse, and therefore prayeth you to pardon hir committed faultes done in tymes past by abusing so cruelly the honest and firme loue which you bare hir.
Verily I loue him a hundred tymes better than I do my selfe, my Wife or children whych God hath sent me: and what sir, do not you loue our Prince?
Beholde the letters (my Lordes) which so many tymes he wrote vnto me, wherein hee made suite to come to my speache, and continually in the same doth call me Wyfe.
My beauty which at other tymes thou hast so greatly commended, it is not esteemed of thee?
For so many tymes as talke was moued of the Lord Nicholas, hee exalted his prayse vp into the Heauens, and commended hym aboue all his Brethren.
For many tymes (as lamentable experience teacheth) Noble men for the onely respecte of their Nobility, make no Conscience to doe wrong to the honor of them, whose reputation and honesty, they ought so wel to regard as their owne.
In whom (setting aside all other care) many tymes (by meanes of one of hir maydes which she trusted best) she had great pleasure and delight.
Sutch fall the euents of valiaunt mindes, though many tymes mother iealosie that cancred Wytch steppeth in hir foote to anoy the well disposed heart.
The other which come but by tymes and onely in certein partes, or broken, be not sufficient nor good, but very euill, of whose insufficiency, ij.
But tymes foure the mone hath hid her face Sin thilke day ye wente fro this place, And foure tymes light the world again.
If I my herte sholde to you breke, And than you to tourne your mynde fro me, And wolde not me comforte whan ye here me speke, Then sholde I ten tymes soryer be.
Be sure of your own tymes and look at Domesday for light.
What more I didde as seemed best, for the old tymes were changing and menne loved the glory of our ceremonial.
Absteyne also from lyes at all tymes / as ye wolde from helle / for them in no wyse loueth Ihesus your spouse.
Knowleche your self at all tymes carayne and erthe / & the glory therof is as a floure in the medowe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tymes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.