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Example sentences for "dayes"

Lexicographically close words:
daycent; daydream; daydreaming; daydreams; daye; dayis; dayleet; daylie; daylight; daylights
  1. For the second hee made many sumptuous feasts, especially vpon the high Festiuall dayes in the yeere.

  2. The yeare following a blasing starre appeared, for the space of fifteene dayes together; the greatest bush whereof pointed towards the East, and the lesser towards the West.

  3. Fourtie dayes they layed siege to this castle; hauing no hope to carrie it, but by the last necessity, which is hunger.

  4. After this, and happely vpon this vicious feeding, he fell into a feuer; which increased in him by such dangerous degrees, that within seuen dayes it led him to the period of his life.

  5. It is certaine that in this Kings dayes Io.

  6. King Malcolme being slaine, Dunwald his brother vsurped the kingdome; but after a few dayes he was dispossessed thereof by Duncane, bastard son to K.

  7. The earth in diuers places yeelded foorth a hideous noyse; It cast foorth flames at certaine rifts diuers dayes together, which neither by water nor by any other meanes could be suppressed.

  8. And in these dayes beside, They iudge what weather all the yeare shall happen and betide: Ascribing to ech day a month.

  9. If they needed a holiday, "let them keep the fift of November, and other dayes of that nature, or the late great mercy of God in the taking of Hereford, which deserves an especiall day of thanks giving.

  10. According to the minute, the Court took notice that the Lord Mayor had “for two Lords dayes past in the afternoones gone to private meetings with the sword,” whereupon his Lordship promised to forbear the practice for the future.

  11. Here was James Marcadye and required to have Lycens of absens one[189] Lecture dayes and it was graunted hym savinge that he muste pay for his lycens xx{d} the quarter.

  12. Two dayes after, Powhatan having disguised himselfe in the most fearefullest manner he could, caused Captain Smith to be brought forth to a great house in the woods, and there vpon a mat by the fire to be left alone.

  13. By this the out-stretch’d shadows of the trees Pointed me home-ward, and with one consent Foretold the dayes descent.

  14. Then this short night and ignorant dull ages Will quite be swallowed in oblivion; And though this hope by many surly Sages Be now derided, yet they’ll all be gone In a short time, like Bats and Owls yflone At dayes approch.

  15. In the dayes of Nero there was an odde fellowe that had found out an exquisite waie to make glasse as hammer proofe as golde: shall I saie, that the like experiment he made vppon glasse, we haue practised on the Gospell?

  16. The ballet of the whipper of late dayes here in England, was but a scoffe in comparison of him.

  17. The house of God a number of hungry church robbers in these dayes haue made a den of theeues.

  18. Such and so extraordinarie was his care and industrie heerein, that within few dayes after mistres Tabitha and her pandor cride Peccaui confiteor, and we were presently discharched, they for example sake executed.

  19. Many masters desire to haue such semants as would worke till they sweate againe, but in those dayes he that sweat neuer wrought againe.

  20. We that live in these later dayes Of civile government, If need be, have an hundred wayes 435 Such outlawes to prevent.

  21. I myght never in this seven nyght No tyme to slepe ne wynke, Nother all these seven dayes 95 Nother ete ne drynke.

  22. He beleeved it, for he knewe that Nerestan had stayd some dayes at Rion and yet his heart began to suspect more.

  23. Ffor the maiors daughter of Lin, God wott, He chose her to his wife, And thought to haue liued in quiettnesse With her all the dayes of his liffe.

  24. God let neuer soe old a man Marry soe yonge a wiffe As did Old Robin of Portingale; He may rue all the dayes of his liffe.

  25. And when he came to Strawberry Castle, To try ffor his ladye he had but one weeke; Alacke, ffor sorrow hee cannott fforbeare, For four dayes then he ffell sicke.

  26. Soe haue I done a heathen child, Which ffull sore greiueth mee, For which Ile repent all the dayes of my life, And god be with them all three!

  27. And though sixe dayes it thee did please To build this frame, the seventh for rest assigne; Yet was it not thy paine or ease, But to teach man the quantities of Time.

  28. How can the night Shew stars, when Fate puts out the dayes great light?

  29. Every book is to be delivered to the junior Warden within 10 dayes after its off from the press, and we are to appoint somebody to demand them of him.

  30. Ffor the enterteynement of his Apothecarye for ninety dayes at xiij's.

  31. For the Stable at Estbarnett for lxviij dayes begonne the first of Aprill 1611 and ended the vij'th of June followinge: and for hyer of a coche of Thomas Webster employed in this service by the space of xxiij dyes at xx's.

  32. Chardges of the Stable for the xvij'en dayes abovemenconed--xxxviij'li.

  33. Here our men were very sicke of their agues, and with eating of another fruit called in the Indian tongue, Guiaccos, which fruit did binde vs so sore, that for the space of tenne or twelue dayes we could not ease our selues.

  34. At the end of which fiue dayes wee came to a towne within fiue leagues of Mexico, which is called Quoghliclan, were wee also stayed one whole day and two nights, where was a faire house of gray friers, howbeit wee saw none of them.

  35. Sidenote: Ceuola 40 dayes iourney from thence by the riuer.

  36. From hence I began againe to set saile, and within a dayes sayling I found a towne dispeopled: where assoone as I was entred, by chance there arriued there 500.

  37. Joy and Universal Acclamations of your People, for your this dayes Exaltation and glorious investiture.

  38. The 3 and 4 dayes we made some sales, though not great, and finding the wind this 4.

  39. The nouices of this order, before they be admitted, goe together two or three thousand in a company, vp a certaine high mountaine to doe pennance there, threescore dayes voluntarily punishing themselues.

  40. Sixe dayes after our sending backe for England of the Marchant Roiall from Agoada de Saldanha, our Admirall M.

  41. After this, within 6 or 7 dayes sayling, dyed also Pinteado for uery pensiuenesse and thought that stroke him to the heart.

  42. Now a dayes the king marrieth his daughters at his owne pleasure, with great men of the kingdome: the like order he obserueth in the marriage of his sonnes.

  43. Our men vpon fish-dayes had rather eate the rootes with oyle and vineger, then to eate good stockfish.

  44. Within three or foure dayes after the first standing of the yce, when it was firme and strong, they tooke out all their goods, being fourty and eight bales or packes of raw silke, &c.

  45. The ninth and tenth dayes they met with shoald water, and were forced to lighten their ship by the pauos: the 11.

  46. Shamaky is the fairest towne in all Media, and the chiefest commoditie of that countrey is rawe silke, and the greatest plentie thereof is at a towne three dayes iourney from Shamaky called Arash: [Sidenote: Grosin or Georgia.

  47. In the dayes of Sigismund the Russe would tant the Polacks, that they loued their ease at home with their wiues, and to drinke, and were not at commandement of their king.

  48. Janet Breadheid of the Auldearne Coven emphasizes the irregularity of the dates: 'Efter that, we vold still meit euerie ten, twelve, or twantie dayes continwally.

  49. The devil] 'gave her ane elf errow stone to shott him [a child of seven] which she did ten dayes therafter that the child dyed imediately therafter.

  50. I cut off mine three dayes before I was searched.

  51. But as often as Mr Greatarick came and rubbed him he would be all in a flame againe for half-an-hour: the experiment whereof was frequently practised for five or six dayes at Ragly.

  52. And therefore we can with the more willingness, suffer our selves to be the But of every mans malice, and the subject of every dayes Pamphlet.

  53. Yee obserue dayes and monethes, and times and yeares, I am afraid of you, lest I haue bestowed vpon you labour in vaine.

  54. I say no more concerning this point, only I pray with our forefathers in the first English Letany, set out in the dayes of King Henry the 8.

  55. On fysche dayes sche schal ordeyn for whyte metes, yf any may be hadde after the rewle, be syde fysche metes, as it is before seyd.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dayes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.