And he gaue vnto eche of them chaunge of rayment: but vnto Ben Iamin he gaue iij.
Thre gentylmen cam into an Inne, where a fayre woman was tapster: wherfore, as these thre satte there makynge mery, eche of them kyssed her, and made good pastyme and plesure.
But whan he harde the hydous noyse, and sawe a myle frome hym howe fyerslye they of the citie and theyr enmyes assayled eche other, he stode euen stylle.
There was a certayne man that had two sonnes unlyke eche other.
They were so well stored of biscuit, that for the space of halfe a yeere, they might allow eche person in the whole Fleete half a quintall euery moneth; whereof the whole summe amounteth vnto an hundred thousand quintals.
The Galliasses were rowed with great oares, there being in eche one of them 300.
Hee put in the ballast of the said ships, great store of beames of thicke plankes, being hollow and beset with yron pikes beneath, but on echeside full of claspes and hookes, to ioyne them together.
Concerning which meeting, it was also couenanted on eche side, and promised, that whatsoeuer ship of these 5.
Pembrooke and Ferdinand, in mutual strife, Slayne by eche other doth confirme my words And for revenge whets keene the two Kings swords.
O by no meanes, whom should I trust but thee; Tys thou & I must make eche other happye.
So, set on to Court; Sound Drums and Trumpets, deafe the ayre with cryes, And fill eche subjects heart with joyes increase T'applaud our childrens love and this dayes peace.
Fight, and hurteche other; both fall downe as dead.
But I would have You understand that I may rise agayne Without the catchinge of a rotten boarde To keepe bare life and mysserye together To fyght eche other.
Hope, the last comforte of eche liveinge man, Has undoone me.
Then manye a knighte was mickle of might Before his ladye gaye; But a stranger wight, whom no man knewe, He wan the prize eche daye.
Wyllyam start to an officer of the towne, Hys axe 'from' hys hand he wronge, On eche syde he smote them downe, Hee thought he taryed to long.
And whan they came before the kyng, As it was the lawe of the lande, The kneled downe without lettyng, 75 And eche held up his hand.
Then greater reliefe may be shewed to the pouerty of eche parishe.
Vncomly couetinge, ofeche to imbrace, Money or wares, as he made his race.
Symbol: Right Index] Thus I conclude my bolde Beggars booke, That all estates most playnely maye see, As in a glasse well pollyshed to looke, Their double demeaner in eche degree.
And the fair flatte truthe that the vplandishe or homely and play-clubbes of the countree dooen use, nameth eche thinge of the right names.
We have for instance a somewhat selfish motto, "Payne thee not eche croked to redresse," a counsel not to worry over other people's troubles.
She served and honoured eche one after his degree, and specially she bare grete reverence to the good and trewe wymmen, and to them whiche has deservyd to be worshipped.
And when that Theseus had seen that sight, Unto the folk that foughten thus eche one He cried 'Ho!
All a long summers day rode the king pleasantlye, With all his princes and nobles eche one; Chasing the hart and hind, and the bucke gallantlye, Till the dark evening forc'd all to turne home.
Then manye a knighte was mickle of might, Before his ladye gaye; But a stranger wight, whom no man knewe, He wan the prize eche daye.
There thai hitten̄, it was wele sene; To sle eche other was here entente.
Thai smyten̄ of here hedes alle, the delegates of Eche man̄ toke one in his lappe.
Thai kissed eche other with herte gladde And thanked god of his grace; 1864 And eche toolde othir, howe thay sped hadde, They told each other And howe thay come in-to that place how they had fared.
In eche one of these shyres be set Ponchiassini and Anchiassini, before whom are handled the matters of other cities.
There is also placed in eche one a Tutan, as you would say a gouernor, and a Chian, that is a visitor, as it were, whose office is to goe in circuit and to see iustice exactly done.
They are as follows: "This land of China is parted into 13 shyres, the which sometymes were eche one a kyngdome by it selfe, but these many years they haue been all subject unto one kyng.
And they that hadde y-knowen hir of yore Seye hir so wepe, and thoughte it kindenesse, And eche of hem wepte eek for hir distresse.
Vpon whom do wayte (as meete it is) inferiour persones, eche one vouchsafing to tell what hee was, in the transitorie trade of present life.
Where dame nature hath formed you by your comely grace, and your fayre face, to beholde eche man, and to vtter pleasaunt talke intermixed with honestie and vertue.
When the wife and husbande sawe eche other, they imbraced like twoo that mette after suche troublesome aduentures.
Item, thu shalt kepe pees yn thy self, and do thy deuoyrs that euery brother and sustre be in parfyte pees, loue and charite, eche with othre.
And eche of these knyghtes bare themselves so valyantly, that they departed fro the felde wythout any damage, and they were well regarded, bothe of theyme wythyn, and they wythout.
Eche man hym loved in honeste, Hye and lowe in their degre; So dyd the kyng--&c.
Have eche his pile or pale upfixed fast, And as it were uppon his mortal foe; With mightyness and weapon most be cast To fight stronge, that he ne skape hym fro.
Eche lif to wolden#, so far as the attainment of eternal life is concerned.
For that maketh meeche where so highly fauoured, And all women on me so enamoured.
Yea, leuie the campe sirs, and hence againe eche one, +R.
O Lorde, howe necessarie it is nowe of dayes, That eche bodie liue vprightly all maner wayes, For lette neuer so little a gappe be open, And be sure of this, the worst shall be spoken Howe innocent stande I in this for deede or thought?
Ah, eche finger is a thombe to day me thinke, I care not to let all alone, choose it swimme or sinke.
It begins: Here begynyth A shorte extracte, and tellyth how par ware sex masterys assemblede, ande eche one askede oper quhat thing pai sholde spek of gode, and all pei war acordet to spek of tribulacoun.
So eche of thyse foure pyeces was of one of those trees/.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eche" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.