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Example sentences for "wrang"

Lexicographically close words:
wracking; wracks; wrait; wraith; wraiths; wrangle; wrangled; wrangler; wranglers; wrangles
  1. But, as the thing is to be tried afore the circuit lords, it wad be far wrang to say either this or that to influence the public mind; it is best just to let justice tak its swee.

  2. But I hope there was naething wrang in standing up for ane's ain country's credit in a strange land, where all men cry her down?

  3. My lieges keep a' their happiness to themselves; but let bowls row wrang wi' them, and I am sure to hear of it.

  4. Joey kent there was something wrang when I had to gie that up, an' syne he noticed 'at I couldna even gang to the window unless Hendry kind o' carried me.

  5. Ye see what put him on the wrang scent was a notion 'at I had put it some gait.

  6. It was one of the things that was wrang wi' the world.

  7. They've an audacity, when they're the wrang sort, I've never seen equalled in any other land.

  8. But there was something wrang wi' the world, and there had tae be a visitation of some sort before the world could be made better.

  9. I ken only tae well that she's done wrang things.

  10. And there were other things that were wrang wi' Britain.

  11. But right is right, and wrang is wrang; and rather than we s'ould gang beyond oor means and mak debts, we might better let her gang to a gude place.

  12. Ye hae, as ye say, led me in the wrang way; let me noo seek to lead you in the right way.

  13. I think I would hae been comforted sooner," said Rab, "if I could hae brought mysel to forgive Donald the wrang he has done me.

  14. Especially would it be wrang for me, sin' I hae the comfort o' ithers to consider.

  15. Jamie would hae dune wrang if he hadna treated Davie wi' respect," said Belle.

  16. Haith, he cam' upo' the wrang side o' the sheet to play the lord and maister here!

  17. Ye'll no' gang far wrang if ye're guided by Betty.

  18. I'm quite sure aboot that pairt o't; but of coorse he's wrang aboot the burial.

  19. He'd look into thy bonnie face And say, "I canna wrang thee.

  20. Their waefu' fate what need I tell, Right to the wrang did yield: My Donald and his country fell Upon Culloden's field.

  21. And some says they've Clannied to wrang us; But I think we may all curse the Daun o' that day, That the block-headed Board com amang us.

  22. The skipper was vex'd, and he curs'd and he swore, That his nose had ne'er led him se far wrang before!

  23. The ladyes wrang their fingers white, The maidens tore their hair, A' for the sake of their true loves, For them they'll see na mair.

  24. O they bet him, and they spurrd him, As gin he had been gain to ride, Pat a huntin-horn about his neck, But the sword on his wrang side.

  25. The knights they wrang their white fingers, The ladies tore their hair; The women that neer had children born, In swoon they down fell there.

  26. He saw his young son in her arms, Baith tossd aboon the tide; He wrang his hands, than fast he ran, An plung'd i the sea sae wide.

  27. Sae their horses are the wrang way shod, And Hobbie has mounted his gray sae fine; Jock his lively bay, Wat's on his white horse behind.

  28. Eh, but we maun dee oor best to mak up til God's bairn for the wrang we did him afore he was born!

  29. What is there I wadna dee to clear him--that is, to ken him innocent o' ony wrang til her!

  30. Gie them sic grace to bring him up, that he be nane the waur for the wrang they did him afore he was born; and lat the knowledge o' his parents' faut haud him safe frae onything siclike!

  31. Na, but his had need be a guid conscience, for did ever onybody ken eneuch aboot it or him to say richt or wrang til 'im!

  32. He wantit her hame; and he's no are to dee onything ill, or at the wrang moment!

  33. The wrang dune may hae caused mair evil, that is, mair injustice, nor the man himsel kens!

  34. An' gien ony o' them cam in at a wrang door, may they a' gang oot at a richt ane.

  35. There's naething wrang I houp," she added, changing her tone.

  36. Na, na; they're a' wrang there, whaever says that.

  37. There is something wrang with the lad," muttered the Morrison to himself; "but we will maybe see better into it the morn's morning.

  38. I reckon there's summat wrang agen with that Robbie.

  39. Mary seemed vexed, and said, "What wrang hae I dune?

  40. But I was forgettin' the Sergeant--what's wrang wi' him?

  41. It was impossible to conceal from the inquiring and suspicious look of his wife that something was out of joint, to the extent at least of making it allowable and natural on her part to ask, "What's wrang noo, Adam?

  42. The minister," said the Sergeant, "doots it, and he tells me that it was wrang to speak aboot it.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wrang" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.