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Example sentences for "twentith"

Lexicographically close words:
twenti; twentie; twenties; twentieth; twentieths; twenty; twentye; twentyeight; twentyfive; twentyfour
  1. He landed here the twentith day of Aprill, [Sidenote: Ger.

  2. Witnesse myselfe, at Ville Leuesche, the two and twentith of August.

  3. After this, the emperour with the aduice of the princes of the empire, assigned a day to king Richard, in which he should be deliuered out of captiuitie, which was the mondaie next after the twentith day of Christmasse.

  4. So the same daie about nine of the clocke, which was the nine and twentith daie of March, being Palmesundaie, both the hostes approched in a faire plaine field, betweene Towton and Saxton.

  5. And thus he, being more stronglie accompanied than before, departed from Leicester, and came before the wals of the citie of Couentrie, the nine and twentith daie of March.

  6. They tooke their ships at Hunflue, the foure and twentith of March (as before you haue heard) but through contrarie winds and tempests, they were driuen backe, and constreined to abide for conuenient wind.

  7. Moreouer queene Isabell, mother vnto king Edward the third, departed this life the seauen and twentith daie of August, and was buried the seauen and twentith daie of Nouember, in the church of the friers minors at London, not yet dedicated.

  8. The one and twentith of March the two cardinals tooke the sea at Douer, and in their companie went ouer the archbishop of Canturburie, the bishop of Durham to treat of a peace, if by any good means the two kings might be made freends.

  9. Yeuen at Paris, the fiue and twentith daie of Ianuarie.

  10. Also this yeare, the seuen and twentith of Iulie, Ingeram de Guines lord de Coucie, a Frenchman, married the ladie Isabell daughter to K.

  11. Thus was the French king set at libertie, after he had beene prisoner here in England the space of foure yeares, and as much as from the nineteenth daie of September, vnto the fiue and twentith of October.

  12. He arriued here in England, about the latter end of this yeare, and came to Eltham (where king Edward as then laie) on the foure and twentith day of Ianuarie, and there dined.

  13. The date of these letters was in full parlement at Westminster, the eight and twentith of Maie, in the yeare of Grace 1343.

  14. Scots and Picts, as also the Saxons, and especiallie in Ammianus Marcellinus, where in the beginning of his twentith booke intreating of the doings of the emperour Iulianus, he saith as followeth.

  15. In the two and twentith yeare of the reigne of king Henrie the second, Gilbert sonne of Ferguse prince of Galwaie, did homage and fealtie to the said king Henrie, and left Dunecan his sonne in hostage for conseruation of his peace.

  16. Lords haruest, Kingils or Kinigils, one of the kings of that countrie receiued the faith, and was baptised about the fiue & twentith yéere of his reigne.

  17. Againe in the two and twentith yéere of his reigne, and 555 yéere of Christ, the same Kenrike and his sonne Cheuling fought with a great power of Britains at Branburie.

  18. Worcestershire called Scorastan, on the foure and twentith of June, they incountred togither, and fought a verie cruell battell, which at length the night parted with equall fortune.

  19. Herevnto the word Hora among the Grecians signified so well the foure quarters of the yéere, as the foure and twentith part of the daie, and limits of anie forme.

  20. Julie, the twentith of his reigne, and whose toombe or monument dooth yet remaine (for ought that I doo know to the contrarie) with an inscription vpon the same written in Latine letters.

  21. But God tooke the defense of king Henries part, and deliuered the same William king of Scots into the hands of a few Englishmen, who brought him prisoner to king Henrie into Normandie in the twentith yeere of his reigne.

  22. Michaelmasse terme beginneth the ninth of October (if it be not sundaie) and ending the eight and twentith of Nouember, it hath eight returnes.

  23. The six and twentith at Tenderden in Kent.

  24. After this the Scots rebelled againe, and all the lords of Scotland [Sidenote: This was doone upon the nine & twentith of Ianuarie, 1306.

  25. Herevnto the word Hora among the Grecians signified so well the foure quarters of the yeere, as the foure and twentith part of the daie, and limits of anie forme.

  26. The foure and twentith at Henlie vpon Thames, at Tewkesburie.

  27. And this he confirmed by charter, bearing date the seauen and twentith of Nouember, after the Scotish king was returned into Scotland, & departed from the king.

  28. Howsoeuer the matter was, the truth is, that he fled the six and twentith daie of Iulie, in the night.

  29. This ordinance, award and agreement, was giuen vp vnder the kings great seale, at the kings palace of Westminster, the foure and twentith daie of March in the six and thirtith yeare of his reigne.

  30. The duke the night after he was thus committed to prison, being the foure and twentith of Februarie, was found dead in his bed, and his bodie shewed to the lords and commons, as though he had died a palsie, or of an imposteme.

  31. In this seuen and twentith yeare of king Henries reigne, as witnesse the English chronicles, a knight of France called sir Lewes de Bueill challenged an esquier of England, named Rafe Chalons, to triall of certeine feats of warre.

  32. The award made at Westminster on the three and twentith of March, Anno regni regis 36.

  33. This was the end of the first battell at saint Albons, which was fought vpon the thursdaie next before the feast of Penthecost, being the three and twentith day of Maie, in this three and thirtith yeare of the kings reigne.

  34. King Edward went ouer into France vpon the fiue and twentith of Maie, passing through Picardie vnto Amiens, and there the French king, to doo him honor, was readie to receiue him.

  35. The morrow after being saturdaie, which was the eight and twentith day of Aprill, at the kings comming thither the castell was surrendred vnto him.

  36. Scotland, on the twentith day of Nouember, in the castell of Norham, did fealtie to king Edward for the kingdome of Scotland, in maner as followeth.

  37. Yeuen at Warke the foure and twentith of March, in the 24 yeare of the reigne of our said lord the king of England.

  38. Some saie there died of the Scots that daie (being the two & twentith of Iulie, and the feast of Marie Magdalene) aboue twentie thousand.

  39. Witnesse our selfe at Berwike vpon Tweed the nineteenth day of Nouember, in the twentith yeare of our reigne.

  40. During these warres, the king had of the temporaltie, the thirtith part of all their goods, and of the spiritualtie, the twentith part, towards the maintenance of the same warres.

  41. Henrie the second, surnamed Claudus, in the twentith yéere of the reigne of Robert king of France, and about the 7 yeere of Malcolme king of Scotland.

  42. The fiue and twentith of Februarie, John de Loy, a Frenchman, and fiue English gentlemen, was conueied from the tower of London towards Norwich, there to be arreigned and executed for coining of monie counterfeit.

  43. On the twentith daie of August, which was the day of the appointment, the king of Scots receiued the towne and castell to the behoofe of his souereigne lord the king of England, who (during all the time of the siege) laie at Moraumall.

  44. Shortlie after, to wit on the one and twentith of Aprill, the said archbishop sat at saint Magnus, vpon inquisition for the authors of the said disorder, and found the fault to consist speciallie in the lord Strange and his wife.

  45. Herevpon twelue hostages were deliuered to the king, and when the daie came, being the twentith of September, they within rendred the castell into the kings hands; and thus, both the towne and castell of Caen became English.

  46. Yeuen at Troes, the thirtith day of Maie, 1420, & proclamed in London the twentith day of Iune.

  47. But others write that it held out seauen moneths, and was not deliuered vp till the twentith of December.

  48. This was on the two and twentith day of October.

  49. In this yeare, the one and twentith of October deceassed the gentle and welbeloued Charles French king the sixt of that name, who was buried at S.

  50. From thence went the king with all speed vnto Point de Larch, standing vpon the riuer of Seine, eight miles aboue Rone towards Paris: he came thither about the seauen and twentith of Iune.

  51. But the historie writen of the dukes of Normandie affirmeth, that it was surrendred the two and twentith of September, after the siege had c[=o]tinued about it from Aprill last.

  52. This battell was fought the two and twentith of Iune, in this yeare of our Lord 1402.

  53. Upon the thursdaie, the commons came and rehearsed all the errors of the last parlement holden in the one and twentith yeare of king Richard, & namelie in certeine fiue of them.

  54. Marie Oueries in Southwarke, by the hands of Don Alfonso de Cainuola, vpon the day of the solemnization of the marriage, which was the foure and twentith of Ianuarie.

  55. Herewith were the acts established in the parlement of the one & twentith yeare of king Richards reigne repealed and made void, [Sidenote: Acts confirmed.

  56. This yeare the twentith of October began a parlement holden at Glocester, [Sidenote: Thom Wals.

  57. He died the eight and twentith of Nouember in the yeare of our redemption 1437, and was buried in the church of Durham in the chanterie which he had before erected.

  58. From Pontois the two and twentith of October, the duke of Burgognie marched towards Paris, and passing the riuer of Saine at Pont Meulene, he staid not till he came to Paris, into the which he entred the 23 of October, late in the euening.

  59. This doone he set foorth towards London, where he was crowned king by Theobald archbishop of Canturburie the twentith daie of December.

  60. Now the king of Scots (according to couenants before concluded) came vnto Yorke in the moneth of August, where dooing his homage about the twentith day of the same moneth in S.

  61. England the fiue and twentith of October, in the yeare after the creation of the world 5121.

  62. Neuerthelesse, he was so wasted with his long maladie, that nature could no longer susteine his life, and so he departed out of this world the two and twentith of Aprill, in his palace of Richmond, in the yeere of our Lord 1509.

  63. The king being now in some better suertie of his estate, did take his progresse into Lancashire the fiue & twentith daie of Iune, there to make merrie with his moother the countesse of Derbie, which then laie at Lathome in the countrie.

  64. The lord Audeleie was drawne from Newgate to the Tower-hill in a coate of his own armes, painted vpon paper reuersed and all torne, and there was beheaded the foure and twentith of Iune.

  65. This was first named Sauoie place, by Peter earle of Sauoie, father to Boniface archbishop of Canturburie, about the nine and twentith yeare of king Henrie the third, who made the said Peter erle of Richmond.

  66. The foure and twentith of Februarie in this fifteenth yeare of this kings reigne his third son was christened and was named Edward.

  67. On the one and twentith of Nouember at night, began a perillous fier at the signe of the panier vpon London bridge, neere to saint Magnus church; where six tenements were burned yer the same could be quenched.

  68. William Browne mercer maior of London, this yeare deceassed, and foorthwith sir Laurence Ailmer draper was chosen and sworne, and went home in a graie cloake, with the sword borne before him, on the eight and twentith daie of March.

  69. It began about the one and twentith of September, and continued vntill the latter end of October, being so sharpe and deadlie, that the like was neuer heard of to anie mans remembrance before that time.

  70. Then the archbishop (about the fiue and twentith day of August) came to London, there to take aduise for the reformation of things touching the good gouernement of the common-wealth.

  71. William archbishop, who was in number the eight and twentith from Augustine.

  72. In the yeare next ensuing, the twentith of October, Rafe archbishop of Canturburie departed this life, after he had ruled that see the space of 8.

  73. After this, about the twentith daie after Christmasse, there was a parlement called at London, in the which the king required to haue the aduise of the lords, how he might worke for sauing of the duchie of Guien, sore molested by the French.

  74. But bicause he was the queenes vncle, and sonne to the kings vncle, he was pardoned of all saue heading, and so accordinglie therevnto suffered at Pomfret the two and twentith of March.

  75. Also, order was taken for the buriall of his fathers corpse, which was solemnelie conueied from Waltham, and brought to Westminster the seauen and twentith day of October following, where with all funerall pompe it was interred.

  76. Vpon the one and twentith of March, came sir Andrew de Harkley vnto Pomfret, bringing with him the earle of Lancaster and other prisoners.

  77. Edmundsburie, and staieng there till the two and twentith of the same moneth, set foreward that day towards Cambridge, where he laie with his armie, the better to bridle them that kept the Ile of Elie against him.

  78. Also, vpon the two and twentith of Nouember, were brought vnto Westminster a hundred and two Iews from Lincolne, that were accused for the crucifieng of a child in the last summer, in despight of Christes religion.

  79. Vpon the fiue and twentith day of Ianuarie also, while the bishop of London was at high masse within the church of S.

  80. In the twentith yeare of king Henries reigne, in the Aduent time, the noble baron the lord Robert Fitz Water departed this life, and so likewise did a noble yong man descended of most noble parentage one Roger de Somerie.

  81. Iohn Baptist, in the fiue and twentith yeere of the reigne of the said king.

  82. Also in the beginning of the seauenteenth yeare of his reigne, Ranulfe earle of Chester and Lincolne departed this life the six and twentith day of October, whose bodie was buried at Chester, and his bowels at Wallingford where he died.

  83. In the eight and twentith yeare of king Henries reigne, the queenes mother the ladie Beatrice countesse of Prouance arriued at Douer on the foureteenth day of Nouember, bringing with hir the ladie Sanctia hir daughter, and in the octaues of S.

  84. Michaell the archangell in the yeare of our Lord 1399, and in the thrée and twentith yeare of his reigne.

  85. The Duke of Guise, following the councell of the Cardinall Morosin, had the one and twentith of December incensed the King a new by some bold and presumptous speeches.

  86. The three and twentith he assembles his Councell somewhat more early in the morning then was usuall, having a devotion to go after dinner, and to spend the holidayes at our Ladie of Clery.

  87. King Edward about the twentith yeare of his reigne, as then [Sidenote: Simon Dun.

  88. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "twentith" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.