For (as Thomas Walsingham saith) there were slaine about a thousand men of armes, and there were taken two earles, seuen and twentie lords, and fifteene hundred men of armes.
The Italian gaue eare to the lord Geffrie his sute; and to make few words, couenanted for the summe of twentie thousand crownes to betraie the towne vnto him, in such sort as he could best deuise.
There is an account thereof remaining, and by the same (as it appeareth) was answered for the first yeare twentie markes.
There are six and twentie companions or confrers of this felowship of that order, being called knights of the blew garter, & as one dieth or is depriued, an other is admitted into his place.
Rom: Heeres twentie duckates, Giue me a dram of some such speeding geere, As will dispatch the wearie takers life, As suddenly as powder being fierd 45 From forth a Cannons mouth.
Tis since the mariage of Lucentio, 15 Come Pentecost as quicklie as it will, Some fiue and twentie yeares, and then we maskt.
Ro: Alas there lies more perrill in thine eyes, Then twentieof their swords, looke thou but sweete, And I am proofe against their enmitie.
Iul: I will not faile, tis twentie yeares till then.
Mo: He is a Mountagew and speakes partiall, Some twentie of them fought in this blacke strife: And all those twenty could but kill one life.
For after they had sayled the third part of their way, they were surprised with calmes which did so much hinder them, that in three weekes they sailed not aboue fiue and twentie leagues.
True it is that certaine souldiers being better husbandes then the rest, and hauing made some prouision of mast, solde a little measure thereof for fifteene and twentie sous vnto their companions.
M255) Witnesse our selues, at Westminster, the fiue and twentie day of March, in the sixe and twentith yeere of our Raigns.
He staied in Mauilla, because of the wounded men, eight and twentie daies: all which time he lay in the field.
Prouided that what earle soeuer will turney there, shall giue to vs twentie markes, a baron ten marks, a knight that hath lands foure marks and he that hath no lands shall giue two marks.
And if it so chanced, that by the death of either of them the mariage could not take place, then should king Richard restore the same twentie thousand ounces of gold againe.
Who will goe to Hazard with me for twentie Prisoners?
Indeede the French may lay twentie French Crownes to one, they will beat vs, for they beare them on their shoulders: but it is no English Treason to cut French Crownes, and to morrow the King himselfe will be a Clipper.
Were twentie lives engadged for this coine, Ide end them all, to have the money mine.
Nay, this is nothing; he hath but showne A patterne of himself, what thou shalt finde In others; search through the Globe of earth, If there mongst twentie two thou doost find Honester then himself ile be buried straight.
Ile take order for his winding sheete, And further, to furnish it with further suertie, Ile have a potion that for twentie houres Shall quench the motion of his breath.
Turne pasture into Park grounds and starve cattle, Or twentie other honest thriving courses.
Lady Anne Drury (1621) bequeaths 'tenne pounds a peece to all my brothers to buy them ringes, and twentie pounds to be bestowed in ringes of tenne shillinges amongest my freinds whom they shall thinke fitte.
This yeare, and likewise the yeare last past, was such plentie of graine; that wheat was sold in some places of this land for twentie pence a quarter, and in some places for sixteene pence, and pease for twelue pence a quarter.
Some saie there died of the Scots that daie (being the two & twentith of Iulie, and the feast of Marie Magdalene) aboue twentie thousand.
Hee had, before this last Expedition, twentie fiue Wounds vpon him Mene.
Now it's twentie seuen; euery gash was an Enemies Graue.
Smith they conducted to a long house, where thirtie or fortie tall fellowes did guard him, and ere long more bread and venison were brought him then would have served twentie men.
I tell thee Siracusian, twentie yeares Haue I bin Patron to Antipholus, During which time, he ne're saw Siracusa: I see thy age and dangers make thee dote.
There were twentie fiue of those that were so elected, namelie these.
Moreouer, there were other that were sworne to be obedient, and as it were assistant vnto these fiue and twentie peeres in such things as they should appoint, which were these.
There were twentie of the cheefest rulers within Ireland, which came to the king at his comming to Dublin, and there did to him homage and fealtie as apperteined.
These fiue and twentie were sworne to see the liberties granted and confirmed by the king to be in euerie point obserued, but if he went against the same, then they should haue authoritie to compell him to the obseruing of euerie of them.
Furthermore, king John did set a rate vpon the prices of wines, as Rochell wine to be sold for twentie shillings the tun, and not aboue.
Whereof the king hauing knowledge, assembled a mightie armie out of hand, and comming to Notingham, he hanged vp the Welsh hostages which the last yeare he had receiued, to the number of eight and twentie yoong striplings.
She is hard by, with twentie thousand men: And therefore fortifie your Hold, my Lord Yorke.
Now faire befall thee good Petruchio; The wager thou hast won, and I will adde Vnto their losses twentie thousand crownes, Another dowrie to another daughter, For she is chang'd as she had neuer bin Petr.
I mistris, and Petruchio is the master, That teacheth trickes eleuen and twentie long, To tame a shrew, and charme her chattering tongue.
After my death, the one halfe of my Lands, And in possession twentie thousand Crownes Pet.
He dares not calme his contumelious Spirit, Nor cease to be an arrogant Controller, Though Suffolke dare him twentie thousand times Warw.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "twentie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.