Mauds castell: but the lord chéefe iustice comming to the reskue of them within, gaue battell to the aduersaries, and vanquishing them slue three thousand of them, and seauen hundred of those that were taken prisoners and wounded.
Bicause they had receiued seauen hundred marks for the consecration of the bishop of Mauns, and 1500.
Also, order was taken for the buriall of his fathers corpse, which was solemnelie conueied from Waltham, and brought to Westminster the seauen and twentith day of October following, where with all funerall pompe it was interred.
The gates were shut at nine of the clocke & opened againe at seauen in the morning.
Sir Hugh Caluerlie, and sir Thomas Percie, going to sea, tooke seauen ships laden with merchandize, and one ship of warre.
Rome, in the compas of those seauen hondred yeares, whan it florished moste.
God and good order, than all The In- // the bloodie Inquisitors in Italie be in seauen yeare.
The third battell the king led himselfe, hauing with him seauen hundred men of armes, and two thousand archers, and in the other battell were to the number of eight hundred men of armes, and twelue hundred archers.
Moreouer queene Isabell, mother vnto king Edward the third, departed this life the seauen and twentith daie of August, and was buried the seauen and twentith daie of Nouember, in the church of the friers minors at London, not yet dedicated.
This outragious wind continued thus for the space of six or seauen daies, whereby euen those buildings that were not ouerthrowne and broken downe, were yet so shaken, that they without reparing were not able long to stand.
There were diuerse of the nobles of Scotland slaine, to the number of seauen earles, beside lords.
She was affianced by procuracie, about the seauenand twentith of Februarie.
In the seauen and thirtith yeare of king Henries reigne, one of the popes notaries called Albert came into England to offer vnto Richard earle of Cornewall the kings brother, the kingdoms of Naples and Sicill.
And with these they fall acquainted, and passe the seauen reuolucions.
The breadth whereof was two paces, and seauen in heigth, artificiously sharping of the stone of Thebais called Pyrus.
The head of which image was redymited with an azure Diademe, adorned with seauen beames, and at the foot of the Eagle two braunches of greene Lawrell, one one way, the other contrary towards either side.
In the hynder parte of which base and stone, wherevpon this mightie beast did stande, I founde an assending place of seauen steps, to mount vp to the plaine superficies of the base wherevpon the Olyphant did stand.
Which certainly maketh me absolutely perswaded, that he which wrote the seauen woonders of the world, neuer heard of this: neyther in any age hath their been seene or imagined the like, no not the sepulcher of Ninus.
Theyr armes were stretched abroade, both the right and left to the corners of the triangle, where they held a Coppy, filled and fastned to the corners of the Trigonall, the length of euery one of which Coppies of fine gold, was seauen foote.
Then he said the seauen psalmes, and receiued the sacrament, and in saieng the psalmes of the passion ended his daies heere in this world, at Bois saint Vincent, the last of August, in the yeare a thousand foure hundred twentie and two.
But others write that it held out seauen moneths, and was not deliuered vp till the twentith of December.
From thence went the king with all speed vnto Point de Larch, standing vpon the riuer of Seine, eight miles aboue Rone towards Paris: he came thither about the seauen and twentith of Iune.
The Latins and Aegyptians accompted their daies after the seauen planets, choosing the same for the denominator of the daie, that entreth his regiment with the first vnequall houre of the same after the sun be risen.
Ireland, at a place called Crowch, not past seauen miles from Waterford the day next folowing, about nine of the clocke: and on the morrow after being S.
Insomuch that men commonlie report that seauen hundred nintie & seauen yeeres passed, it was by a heauenlie voice reuealed to Cadwalader last of king Britains, that his stocke & progenie should reigne in this land & beare dominion againe.
By this also it appeareth how the defect of our calender may be supplied from the creation, wherein the first equinoctiall is seene higher toward the beginning of March than Caesars calender now extant dooth yeeld vnto by seauen daies.
Such plentie of whales also are taken in this coast, that the verie tithe hath beene knowne, in some one yeere, to amount vnto seauen and twentie whales of one greatnesse and other.
It goeth vp also from the said passage vnto Abbatsbirie about seauen miles off, where a litle fresh rondell resorteth to the sea.
Leland saith, that Kensan hath two heads, whereof the more northerlie called Brane, lieth in Luenlithan, and runneth seauen miles before it meet with the other.
Kenlet or the Camalet, which taketh in also the Tate or Tadbrooke water rising out of the hilles a mile from Bishops towne, the whole course thereof being about seauen miles from the head (as I haue often heard.
And this he confirmed by charter, bearing date the seauenand twentith of Nouember, after the Scotish king was returned into Scotland, & departed from the king.
The wondring and regardles multitude making his honor cleere way, left the streetes where he past to gape at me; the throng of them being so great that poore Will Kemp was seauen times stayed ere hee could recouer his Inne.
Vpon Fryday morning I set on towardes Thetford, dauncing that tenne mile in three houres; for I left Bury somewhat after seauen in the morning, and was at Thetford somewhat after ten that same forenoone.
I could not chuse but lough to see howe like two frogges they laboured: a hartye farwell I gaue them, and they faintly bad God speed me, saying if I daunst that durtie way this seauen yeares againe, they would neuer daunce after me.
My setting forward was somewhat before seauen in the morning; my Taberer stroke up merrily; and as fast as kinde peoples thronging together would giue mee leaue, thorow London I leapt.
The earle of Warwike was withdrawne into this citie, keeping himselfe inclosed therein with his people, being in number six or seauen thousand men.
There were a seauen hundred of them that fled from Algate, and other places, slaine outright, beside the prisoners.
I wonder on't, he was wont to shine at seauen Luci.
By seauen a clock, ile get you such a Ladder Duk But harke thee: I will goe to her alone, How shall I best conuey the Ladder thither?
Did her Grand-sire leaue her seauen hundred pound?
I thought by the readinesse in the office, you had continued in it some time: you say seauen yeares together Elb.
About the same time Geffrey archbishop of Yorke departed this life, after he had remained in exile about a seauen yeares.
The morow after the feast of saint Michaell, a parlement began at Westminster, which continued the space of seauen weekes, in the same was a tenth and a halfe granted by the cleargie, and a fiftéenth by the communaltie.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seauen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.