Colon cleansing reduces the formation of new toxemia from putrefying fecal matter (but dietary reform is necessary to maximize this benefit).
To maximize bulk yield they build soil fertility in a certain direction (organically or chemically) and choose varieties that produce greater bulk.
Nor are they worthy of a person attempting to maximize health.
And in either case, using chemical fertilizers or so-called organic fertilizers, to maximize nutrition the humus content of the soil must be maintained.
It is not enough tomaximize wealth; we must strive to maximize utilities.
This would maximize Shock and Awe and help break the adversary's will.
The Secretary shall take steps to maximize the number of registration applications that are submitted and processed during the six-month period described in section 899F(e).
The Oil Sector Since the success of the oil sector is critical to the success of the Iraqi economy, the United States must do what it can to help Iraq maximize its capability.
In order to maximize the effectiveness of assistance, all involved must be on the same page at all times.
An Alternate Approach Although the time of release for the four wolves in this study was selected in order to maximize chances that they would remain in their new range, possibly a release earlier in winter would be more successful.
Thus to maximize chances that members of the same pack would be captured, the trapper set traps where he suspected only one pack ranged.
To maximize their chances of breeding, we would have to try to obtain animals with already established social ties, that is, members of the same pack.
We had scheduled the release for mid-March for several reasons which we felt would maximizechances for success.
The con man now is in a haste to maximize his hard earned profits and exit the scene, on his way to another realm of guile and naiveté.
People in possession of liquidity wish to maximize the returns on their money and are driven to economically transact; c.
They try to maximize their benefits at any cost, as long as it is a cost to others.
No attempt is made to maximize the product's C/N as is done in slower methods developed by Howard at Indore.
These languages are meant to speed up processing and transaction cycles, reduce risk, maximize profits, and ensure the effectiveness of the transaction on a global level.
At other times, design seems idealized for finding a way to maximize the efficiency of human practical experiences, or for projecting a challenging sense of quality against the background of our obsession with more at the lowest price.
Each of us is so different that the main function of education should be not to minimize differences through literacy and literacy-based strategies that support a false sense of democracy, but to identify and maximize differences.
The relevance of experience to the task at hand was replaced by the anticipated relevancy of structuring future tasks in order to minimize effort and maximize outcome.
In theory - if all our properly motivated financially - all these players (entrepreneurs and managers) will seek to maximize the value of the firm.
Innovators tend to maximize their returns by sharing their technology and licensing it to more efficient and profitable manufacturers.
The managers seek to maximize their short-term utility by securing enormous pay packages and other forms of company-dilapidating compensation.
The shelter must be totally sealed during this time to maximize protection.
To maximize the unit's survivability and HSS capabilities and to avoid such contamination, leaders must use-- · Contamination avoidance techniques.