This city standeth vpon certaine hie mountaines, which are very thicke planted with townes very holesome and fruitfull, hauing plentifull fountaines of water running thorow them.
Countrie, and hath many lakes and thicke woods, and in some places they are of wild pine trees; and is a weake soile: There is in it neither Mountaine nor hill.
And being come into the woods, I threw my yrons into a thicke bush, and then couered them with mosse and other things, and then shifted for myself as I might all that night.
Riuer, and groues of canes, and thicke woods that were along the banks of the Riuer, and that hee had found no habitation.
On this side the land shewed greene with pieces of plaine ground which was neere the sea, and likewise all those coasts of hils shewed greene, and were couered with many trees, although they grew not very thicke together.
Warlewood, & after Horewood, not shewing that he meant him anie hurt, till at length he had got him within the thicke of the wood, where he suddenlie stroke him through with his dart.
And at these three assaults many of our men were hurt with the sayd fire, and with the stones that came asthicke as raine or haile.
He trauelled seuen daies through a desert of many marishes and thicke woods: but it might all be trauelled on horseback, except some lakes which they swamme ouer.
The birds sit there as thicke as stones lie in a paued street.
The people are of colour russet, and not much unlike the Saracens: their hayre blacke, thicke and not very long, which they tye together in a knot behind and weare it like a litle taile.
M54) And for your anchoring in the sayd hauen, see that you carefully seeke the middest of the sayd Thicke land, which lyeth in the bottome of the sayd hauen: for you must anchor betweene two bankes of sand, where the passage is but narrow.
And on the waters side we found certaine leaues of fine gold as thicke as a mans nayle.
But the ships for their parts, had so well bestowed their shot on the castle, that they of the castle began to faint, wherby they discharged not so thicke and often as before.
Then the English archers stept foorth one pase, and let flie their arrowes so wholie and so thicke togither, that it seemed to snowe.
You must daube on thicke collours then to hide it.
And they say that their skinnes are so thicke that a pellet of an harquebush will scarse pearce them, except it be in some tender place.
Their walles are not aboue two foote thicke made of brickes: euery flanker hath diuers mastes and peeces of wood, which they vse when they are besieged by their enemies.
By reason of the great quantitie of it, the men of that countrey doe pitch their boates two or three inches thicke on the outside, so that no water doth enter into them.
East wind, holding our course North and by East, and yet we saw much Sargosse driuing, but not so thicke as it did before.
Into a bushie caue hard by they got, Which thicke set trees did couer ore the top; In which the Carthage Queene Æneas led, Who there deceiu'd her of her maidenhead.
At seuen of the clocke we changed our course and went North, the wind being at Southsoutheast, and it waxed very thicke and mistie, and when it cleered, we went Northnortheast.
The fourth is a Musketoe which is not unlike to our gnats in England; In places where there is no thicke woods or Swampes, there is none or very few.
Ashbert one day vnder a colour to haue the yoong king foorth on hunting, led him into a thicke wood, and there cut off the head from his bodie, an impe by reason of his tender [Sidenote: King Kenelm murthered.
The Britains in those daies (as Cesar writeth) called that a towne or hold, which they had fortified with anie thicke combersome wood, with trench and rampire, into the which they vsed to get themselues for the auoiding of inuasion.
And in my lecture, I often perceive how my Authors in their writings sometimes commend examples for magnanimitie and force, that rather proceed from a thicke skin and hardnes of the bones.
Sometimes they prease out thicke and three fold, and other times they come out languishing one by one.
Thicke of hearing, yet thin ear'd, Long of neck and visage, Hookie nosde and thicke of beard, Sullen in his usage.
Albanes had caused the woods belonging to his Church to be felled, and the trees to be cast so thicke in the way, that the Duke was compelled to coast about to the castle of Berkhamstead.
When they were well entred this valley, the Normans did liuely charge vpon them in head; they deliuered also their deadly shot from the hils on both sides, as thicke as haile.
Also, that at the time of his birth, he fell from his mothers body to the ground; and there filled both his hands with rushes, which had bene cast thicke vpon the floore, and streined them with a very streit gripe.
Hereupon it followeth, that the arrowes falling so thicke as haile vpon the bodies of men, as lesse fearefull of their flesh, so more slenderly armed then in former times, must necessarily worke most dangerous effects.
So they knit strongly together, and stood in close and thicke array, as if they had been but one body: not onely bearing the brunt of their enemies, but making such an impression vpon their squadron, that the great bodie began to shake.
And out of those quarters through which he vnderstood the Romans wold passe, he gathered both men and cattell into the woods & thicke forrests, leauing nothing of value abroad in the champion countrie.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thicke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.