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Example sentences for "thanke"

Lexicographically close words:
thana; thane; thanes; thanh; thank; thanked; thankee; thankefull; thankes; thankful
  1. Quoth hee, I thanke yee, ladye faire, 25 This kindness yee shew to mee; And whether it be to my weale or woe, This night will I lig with thee.

  2. I pledge thee, quotth our king, and thanke thee heartilye For my good welcome in everye degree: And here, in like manner, I drinke to thy sonne.

  3. Dame, he sayde, be mery and glad, And thanke my brethren two.

  4. Yet he speaks of what he has seen with his own eyes: "I was once in Italie my selfe; but I thanke God my abode there was but ix dayes.

  5. I am no thing to thanke heauen on, I wold thou shouldst know it: I am an honest mans wife: and setting thy Knighthood aside, thou art a knaue to call me so Falst.

  6. But let my fauours hide thy mangled face, And euen in thy behalfe, Ile thanke my selfe For doing these fayre Rites of Tendernesse.

  7. I thanke him, that he cuts me from my tale: For I professe not talking: Onely this, Let each man do his best.

  8. I Sir: whom I thanke heauen is an honest woman Esc.

  9. I thanke you for your paines: But not away to morrow Iach.

  10. I thanke you sir: Know you what Caesar meanes to do with me?

  11. Begger that I am, I am euen poore in thankes; but I thanke you: and sure deare friends my thanks are too deare a halfepeny; were you not sent for?

  12. I thanke thee for that gird good Tranio Hor.

  13. Meane time we thanke you, for your well-tooke Labour.

  14. Yes Master, cleare as day, I thanke God and Saint Albones Glost.

  15. I thanke God, I thanke God, is it true, is it true?

  16. It is so: and you may, some of you, thanke Loue for my blindnesse, who cannot see many a faire French Citie for one faire French Maid that stands in my way French King.

  17. But I thanke God, I had no wille to don it, for no thing, that he behighten [Footnote: Promised.

  18. And he that makethe there a feste, be it nevere so costifous, and he have no neddres, he hathe no thanke for his travaylle.

  19. I thanke you sir, where then doe you know best We be affied and such assurance tane, As shall with either parts agreement stand Bap.

  20. I thanke thee, thou shalt not loose by it Lady.

  21. I thanke you, and will stay vpon your leisure Wid.

  22. Ladie, of that I haue made a bold charter, but I thanke my God, it holds yet.

  23. So I thanke thee, waite on me home, Ile make sport with thee: Let thy curtsies alone, they are scuruy ones King.

  24. I humbly thanke you sir, a truth's a truth, the Rogues are maruailous poore Interp.

  25. We vnderstand it, and thanke heauen for you Hel.

  26. For your stubborne answer About the giuing backe the Great Seale to vs, The King shall know it, and (no doubt) shal thanke you.

  27. I humbly thanke your Highnesse, And am right glad to catch this good occasion Most throughly to be winnowed, where my Chaffe And Corne shall flye asunder.

  28. I thanke your Grace: Healthfull, and euer since a fresh Admirer Of what I saw there Buck.

  29. Lead the way Lords, Ye must all see the Queene, and she must thanke ye, She will be sicke els.

  30. Thanke you good Lord Archbishop: What is her Name?

  31. Thanke your Maiesty That you would loue your selfe, and in that loue Not vnconsidered leaue your Honour, nor The dignity of your Office; is the poynt Of my Petition Kin.

  32. By my faith, And thanke your Lordship: by your leaue sweet Ladies, If I chance to talke a little wilde, forgiue me: I had it from my Father An.

  33. This cannot saue you: I thanke my Memorie, I yet remember Some of these Articles, and out they shall.

  34. And once more in mine armes I bid him welcome, And thanke the holy Conclaue for their loues, They haue sent me such a Man, I would haue wish'd for Cam.

  35. To whom Thomas sayd, I thanke your Lordship hartily.

  36. When I knewe you were come, I prayed God I myght resiste your temptations, which I thanke him, he hath made me able to doe: therefore I pray you let me alone in peace.

  37. I thanke your majestie, I alwayes thought when you were king, that I should be knighted.

  38. I forgot to tell, that I heard the sermon preacht for the lady Danuers, and have it: but thanke yʳ ffriend.

  39. Sir, 'I received that oyle in a little glasse which you had from Mr. Decreet and a receipt in another letter, and I desire you not to impute it to my unthankefulnes that I did not thanke you for it in my last letter.

  40. My profession allso is physic, which I have practised now for many years with good successe (I thanke God) and a repute big enough for a person of greater parts than my selfe.

  41. Sir, All the good bodies thanke you for your remembrance, which I ought to have told you sooner if a paine in my head had not hinderd me.

  42. I thanke god, there came styll company by a fore this vnhappy time.

  43. I thanke you, good dame,' quoth I, 'and I warrante you I wyll bee true and trustye vnto you.

  44. Well," quoth I, "thanke God of all, and repaire home into thy natyue countrey.

  45. Extenuatio, the makyng lesse of a thynge to auoyde arrogance, thus: If I haue any wit O Iudges, if any exercyse of endyghtyng, al may I thanke Archias the Poete of.

  46. From thys differeth not when we do not simplye shewe forthe the matter, but reherse also those thynges that eyther go with it, or folowe it, as thus: We thanke the of thys warre.

  47. And, peradventure, other Authors may, Find Cause to thanke me for’t, another day.

  48. Which when hee had read hee sayd, Verily, I thanke my friend Demeas much, in that hee hath sent mee so worthy a guest as you are.

  49. Which when he had done he sayd, We thanke you gentle young man for your paines and verily for your diligence herein we will account you as one of the family.

  50. Yet fermer may thanke God and say, for yeerlie such good hap: Well fare the plough,[E376] that sends ynough to stop so many a gap.

  51. Take thankfull thy talent, thanke thankfully those That thriftilie teacheth thy time to transpose.

  52. I thanke zowyr mastyrchepe that ze have don for me.

  53. Also, syr, I have fulfyllyd myn pylgremage, thanke it be God.

  54. And, sir, I thanke yow for the lettyr that ze sent me.

  55. And if so bee ye doo effectuelly yor devoir in this matier þat sitteth us right nigh to hert we shal thanke you.

  56. In which thing doyng ye shal mynistre unto us cause of grete plaisir and deserve of us þerfore right good and especial thanke in tyme to come.

  57. For which we thanke yow and hold us muche behold to do for yow what we can or may to which we wol ever be redy with al our power.

  58. I am nowe well recouered I thanke God, although somewhat bruised with stones.

  59. I thanke you honest Gentlemen, good night: More Torches here: come on, then let's to bed.

  60. Proud, and I thanke you: and I thanke you not.

  61. I thanke you Gentlemen: This supernaturall solliciting Cannot be ill; cannot be good.

  62. See, see our honor'd Hostesse: The Loue that followes vs, sometime is our trouble, Which still we thanke as Loue.

  63. Herein I teach you, How you shall bid God-eyld vs for your paines, And thanke vs for your trouble Lady.

  64. Caesar, 'tis strucken eight Caes I thanke you for your paines and curtesie.

  65. Now Brutus thanke your selfe, This tongue had not offended so to day.

  66. You have made me (I thanke you, Cosen Arcite) almost wanton With my Captivity: what a misery It is to live abroade, and every where!

  67. I thanke ye: No, keepe it; your life lyes on it.

  68. I thanke him for his gentle patience; He's a kind Gentleman, and I am much bound to him.

  69. Would you were so in all, Sir; I could wish ye As kinde a kinsman, as you force me finde A beneficiall foe, that my embraces Might thanke ye, not my blowes.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thanke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.