These Quicke-sands Lepidus, Keepe off, them for you sinke Men.
My Lord Caes Strike not by Land, Keepe whole, prouoke not Battaile Till we haue done at Sea.
Good Madam keepe your selfe within your selfe, The man is innocent Cleo.
You keepe by Land the Legions and the Horse whole, do you not?
Off, plucke off, The seuen-fold shield of Aiax cannot keepe The battery from my heart.
You shall not finde, Though you be therein curious, the lest cause For what you seeme to feare, so the Gods keepe you, And make the hearts of Romaines serue your ends: We will heere part Caesar.
Let her not say 'tis I that keepe you heere, I haue no power vpon you: Hers you are Ant.
Marcus Octauius, Marcus Iusteus, Publicola, and Celius, are for Sea: But we keepe whole by Land.
He hath the Garland now; Let Bullingbrook beware how he it wan, For Munmouth meanes to keepe it, if he can.
To the ende thou maist once, taughte both by my instructions and experience, be able to keepe the right waye, as well for the helthe of thy Soule, as the commendation and praise of the Honourable and Noble house thou doest come of.
But there is another sorte of Ceremonious people, who make it an arte and merchandise, and keepe a booke and a reconing of it.
But they must beare them abroade without any suspicion and keepe them (in any case) washt & cleane without any spot of durt uppon them.
The citizens there keepe this day festiuall, and do ordeine manie dances and sportes.
The sons of the Tartarians do very much obserue and keepe the commandement in obeying their parents, for that they doo wholly accomplish the same without failing any iot of their will, vnder paine to be seuerly and publikelie punished.
This was a law so generall amongst them, that the queene her selfe did obserue and keepe it.
I haue hearde moreouer that in the citie Nanquim remayneth a table of golde, and in it written a kyng his name, as a memory of that residence the kynges were wont to keepe there.
They keepe the verie same order in their printing, as you shall vnderstande, and as may be seene this day at Rome in the librarie of the sacred pallace.
Such merchants as do keepe shoppes (of whom in euery citie there is a great number) they haue a table or signe hanging at their doore, whereon is written all such merchandise as is within to be sold.
When that the King of China is married, then dooth he choose thirtie concubines, the principallest persons in all his kingdome, the which hee dooth keepe and maintayne within his pallace so long as hee doth liue.
Loue all, trust a few, Doe wrong to none: be able for thine enemie Rather in power then vse: and keepe thy friend Vnder thy owne lifes key.
You had my prayers to leade them on, and to keepe them on, haue them still.
Go tell the Count Rossillion and my brother, We haue caught the woodcocke, and will keepe him mufled Till we do heare from them Sol.
I hope I neede not to aduise you further, but I hope your owne grace will keepe you where you are, though there were no further danger knowne, but the modestie which is so lost Dia.
The counsell which they shal commit to me by themselues, their messengers, or letters, I shall keepe secret, and not vtter to any man to their hurt to my knowledge.
It chanced, that the same time the men of warre which were appointed to keepe the French fleet, were gone foorth, togither with a great number of the mariners, to spoile and fetch booties abroad in the countrie.
And as we haue great store of todes where adders commonlie are found, so doo frogs abound where snakes doo keepe their residence.
Finallie, this is another thing likewise to be considered of, that the trees and bushes growing by the streets sides; doo not a little keepe off the force of the sunne in summer for drieng vp of the lanes.
Some have attempted to keepe them in warme roomes all the winter butt it hath not succeeded.
That it never was in our hearts to thinke of doing the least wrong to either: but have and wee hope, by your assistance, shal alwaies indeavour to keepe a conscience void of offence towards god and men.
My Lord of Westminster, be it your charge, To keepe him safely, till his day of Tryall.
I am sworne Brother (Sweet) To grim Necessitie; and hee and I Will keepe a League till Death.
My Legges can keepe no measure in Delight, When my poore Heart no measure keepes in Griefe.
Why should we, in the compasse of a Pale, Keepe Law and Forme, and due Proportion, Shewing as in a Modell our firme Estate?
Feare not my Lord, that Power that made you King Hath power to keepe you King, in spight of all Aum.
Was this Face, the Face That euery day, vnder his House-hold Roofe, Did keepe ten thousand men?
He shall be none: Wee'l keepe him heere: then what is that to him?
Oh thou think'st To serue me last, that I may longest keepe Thy sorrow in my breast.
It was also ordered, "That every town provide a sufficient place for retreat for their wives and children to repaire to, as likewise to keepe safe the ammunition thereof.
I give my body and stones to those masons that cannot telle how to frame the like againe, to keepe by them for a patterne; for in time there will be more crosses in London than ever there was yet.
And likewise the Duke thought that they bare him no good will; wherefore he came into the Citie with thirteen hundred men, in harnesse, to keepe the oier and determiner.
His majesty concludes this subject with the following good advice to his son: "Beware in making your sporters your councellors, and delight not to keepe ordinarily in your companie comœdians or balladines.
Who aunsweared, that he wouid tarrie there with a good will, but he said that he coulde do nothinge els but keepe horse, whereunto he was accustomed all the dayes of his life.
You saye well, sayd Cyrus, Therfore keepe this woman as I bid you, and loke wel vnto her: For peraduenture she is taken in good time.
Then Erasistratus was wel assured and certaine that Antiochus was feruently inflamed with his mother in lawe, but that shame constrained him to conceale the hotte firebrandes that tormented him, and to keepe theim close and secrete.
Desirest thou to knowe howe closely thou oughtest to keepe the secrets of honorable mariage, peruse the history of Candaules?
In like maner, I purpose not to violate the faith, which I haue giuen to my husband, but I intend to keepe the same vnspotted, so long as my soule shalbe caried in the Chariot of this mortall body.
Wherefore the Phisition thought it not good any longer to keepe secrete the cause, but toke the king aside, and said vnto him in this wyse.
Why I thinke so: I am not such an asse, but I can keepe my hand dry.
They haue heere propertied me: keepe mee in darkenesse, send Ministers to me, Asses, and doe all they can to face me out of my wits Clo.
Still you keepe o'th windie side of the Law: good Tob.
And all those sayings, will I ouer sweare, And all those swearings keepe as true in soule, As doth that Orbed Continent, the fire, That seuers day from night Du.
I am no feede poast, Lady; keepe your purse, My Master, not my selfe, lackes recompence.
Mer: Now heele keepe a mumbling in my guts on the 75 other side, come Benuolio, lend me thy hand: a poxe of your houses.
Next I undertake to cure madd folks; Then I keepe gentlewomen lodgers, to furnish such chambers as I let out by the night; Then I am provided for bringing young wenches to bed; and for a need you see I can play the matchmaker.
It auailed not any man to say, that he had no purpose to keepe a wife: he must pay for a facultie to keepe a wife if he would.
I haue you now; and I hope I shal be able to keepe you in quiet.
Againe, Henry King of France did many other times with great preparation inuade his Countrey; sometimes with purpose to winne vpon him, and sometimes to keepe him from winning vpon others.
My sonne and I will haue the winde of you: Keepe there, now talke at pleasure of your safety Deme.
Brothers helpe to conuey her hence away, And with my Sword Ile keepe this doore safe Tit.
Go, hyde thee ynn mie tente annethe the lere; I of thie boddie wylle keepe watche & warde.
Difficile[62] ys the pennaunce, yette I'lle strev To keepemie woe behyltren yn mie breaste.
Batten and me for some family offences, such as my having of a stopcock to keepe the water from them, which vexes me, but it would more but that Sir G.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "keepe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.