Perse is stylle in prisone, but he wolle not confese more thane he ded when ye wer at home.
I wold have delyvered it hym; he seithe he dede nevyr so mad a dede, for Wentworth wold no bettyr mean thane we had takyn a distresse.
To brawle and broyle she nad no maner fer, To thakke his pilche stoundemel nowe and thanne Thikker thane Thome koude clowten any panne.
Within the breast of Coralline, Stanley Thane Possessed acknowledged empire; all her love Was poured out on him, and her heart Stood like an emptied vase.
Not long the waiting; for when Stanley Thane Came from his northern home with Dalton Earl, And on the terrace steps met Coralline, Love took the sceptre that his waiting won.
And Stanley Thane was all that makes true men; High thought, high purpose, loving right the best, His mind was clear and fresh as air at morn.
I grieve," said Coralline, "that Stanley Thane Left me so rashly, and that he thinks My hasty words were said with earnest thought.
Mr. Thane has seen Mars in his blackest moods; he has seen him at play and laughs at some of the grim jests of the war god.
Grant of land at Ham in Wiltshire by Athelstan to his thane Wulfgar.
Stafford, by King Eadred to his thane Burhelm[576].
These crucial references occur in a charter given by Athelstan at Luton, concerning a grant of land at Ham in Wiltshire to his thane Wulfgar.
While they stood pondering on the strangeness of this adventure, there arrived certain messengers from the king, who were empowered by him to confer upon Macbeth the dignity of thane of Cawdor.
Macbeth first addressed them, when they, seemingly offended, laid each one her choppy finger upon her skinny lips, in token of silence: and the first of them saluted Macbeth with the title of thane of Glamis.
And the first arose in the likeness of an armed head, and he called Macbeth by name, and bid him beware of the thane of Fife; for which caution Macbeth thanked him: for Macbeth had entertained a jealousy of Macduff, the thane of Fife.
The general was not a little startled to find himself known by such creatures; but how much more, when the second of them followed up that salute by giving him the title of thane of Cawdor, to which honour he had no pretensions!
The second of them said; 'Haile, Makbeth, thane of Cawder.
Footnote 5: The second of them said; 'Haile, Makbeth, thane of Cawder.
In their armour, with swords girt on their sides, the fourteen heroes lay down to rest, but Beowulf laid aside all his arms and gave his sword to a thane to bear away.
It was a pleasanter dinner than that of the night before inasmuch as John Thaneford was at "Thane Court," while Miss Trevor pleaded a headache and had tea and toast served in her room.
In February "Thane Court" was sold at auction, and I bought it in.
Warriner ruffled the dozen or more sheets of paper between his fingers and began: Chapter XXII The Grapes of Wrath Thane Court, August third, eighteen-ninety-two.
What word could it be but 'Thane Court,' the ancestral home of the Thanefords?
There is a big fire over in the west," she said excitedly, "and I think it must be 'Thane Court.
His financial affairs were hopelessly involved, and "Thane Court" itself was to be sold at public auction in February in order to satisfy the demands of the creditors.
His personal skirts must be clear, for it was positively established that he had been at "Thane Court" the entire day of June the twenty-first.
There was a new drainage system to be installed, and the long neglected acres of "Thane Court" to look after.
Thane Court" was on fire, and it was evident, at a glance, that the house was doomed.
The king, who was jealous of Macduff, flew into a great rage and declared that "since the Thane of Fife sends such worthless cattle as these to do my labor, I will put his own neck into the yoke, and make him drag the burden himself.
You will never be able to put your yoke upon the neck of the Thane of Fife.
This balade made Geffrey Chauuciers the Laureall Poete of Albion, and sent it to his souerain lorde kynge Rycharde the secounde, thane being in his Castell of Windesore.
Nearly had I forgotten a dispute I have with Wislac the Thane here.
Very soon an old thane rose up and said that he thought all would be well if forces were so posted as to prevent the Danes coming beyond the land they then held.
Yet it may have been that the thane fought well, unobserved, in that press, and there is perhaps little blame to many who fly in a panic.
My handsome sword and belt seemed to decide him, for though the armour and helm were plain, they were good enough for any thane who meant them for hard wear and not for show.
Then," he went on, "come you to the hall door and bide there while I go in and call the thane thither.
Heregar, the outlawedthane I was, and am, except that the sheriff has bid me ride on his business.
However that may be, it came to pass that Matelgar, the thane of Stert, a rich and envious man, saw his way through this conceit of mine to his own profit.
Being thus marked we were easy to be known, and hardly had we drawn rein at the great hostelry where we should wait till the king summoned us, when a thane came to me, asking if we were from bishop or ealdorman.
It seems to me that Matelgar the Thane and these friends of his might well have laughed away all these foolishnesses, rather than hoard them up to bring before this solemn council.
Then they brought in a thane whom I did not know, and he said he was a messenger from Osric, laying a letter on the table at the same time.
Here were guards and many thanes, and I must show the tokens given me, before we might enter, while our thane stood by, impatient at the formalities.
I told him at once of the house of a great thane beyond the Quantocks, easily reached by safe roads through the forest land, where Danes would not care to follow, and he thanked me.
But Thane you may be no longer, and we do confirm that sentence.
The taste of the nation, according to Whitehead, depended on Garrick; but Garrick, like his predecessors, had been accustomed to dress the Thane in the uniform of a modern military officer.
In heat-waves burned that board {34d} to the boss, and the breastplate failed to shelter at all the spear-thane young.
Hied then in haste to where Hrothgar sat white-haired and old, his earls about him, till the stout thane stood at the shoulder there of the Danish king: good courtier he!
Strode then within the sovran thane fearless in fight, of fame renowned, hardy hero, Hrothgar to greet.
Then bethought him the hardy Hygelac-thane of his boast at evening: up he bounded, grasped firm his foe, whose fingers cracked.
The hardy Scylding, battle-thane best, {16i} on his balefire lay.
Eduuarde Langschankis had new begune hys wer 55 Apon Gaskone, fell awfull in effer: Thai landis thanehe clamde as heretage.
In all Ingland thare wes noucht thane As Willame Walays swa lele a mane.
Nor is it the way of a thane to fall on a house at night in outlaw fashion.
Now you are the Thane of Taunton, and to be the first ealdorman of Saxon Devon, with house and riches at your back, moreover.
Drinc hael, Oswald the king's thane--thane by right of ready and brave service just rendered!
Well," said Howel, "I have sat with thethane for close on an hour, and now I do not know what colour his eyes are.
I mind that I heard the leathern peace thongs of one snap as the thanewho tried to draw it tugged at the hilt, forgetting them.
It is not for a thane of the line of Woden to give up the faith of his fathers idly.
If I were to turn from all this to become a forest thane it would be banishment.
There a thane who sat at the table at the foot of the steps rose and handed her down them to where the servant waited.
It is the word of the king," said the falconer, "that a thane should ride with hawk on wrist if he bears a peaceful message.
I can do many things for you, and you had my life in your hand and gave it back to me; though indeed I know that it was hard for you to do so, seeing that a thane is sorely wronged by being bound by such as I.
Yet it was true that the heathen thane had scoffed at him, rather than forbidden him to seek Ina, though indeed it was plain that he meant to bind us from making trouble for him in any way.
It was indeed such a house as any thane would be proud to hold as his home.
This important document is therefore a general description of the services due from the thane to the king, and from the classes in villenage to their manorial lord.
Than spak Makbeth dyspytusly, And to the Thane sayd angryly, Lyk all wythyn in hys skin, Hys awyn nek he suld put in The yhoke and gev hym drawchtis drawe.
How, then, was a thane to plant new settlers on his 'gesettes-land'?
A free Saxon thane might hold many hides, and so might and did the lord of a Roman villa hold more than one 'centuria' within its bounds.
Thai awnsweryd till Makbeth agayne, And sayd, 'Makduff off Fyffe the Thane That ilk yhoke off oxyn awcht That he saw fayle in to the drawcht.
And though the text of the translation may not be earlier than the tenth century, yet, as the meaning of words does not change suddenly, it shows that the military service of the thane dated from a still earlier period.
But the military service was by far the most important of 'the three needs' or services due from the thane to the king.
I am thane of Cawdor: If good, why do I yield to that suggestion Whose horrid image .
The words of the Earl's thane fairly grazed the heels of the King's words: "The imp can do no otherwise than harm, my sovereign.
Has it happened that I am to be the bower-thane who is to fetch you in!
Equally aloof from English thane and Danish noble, the Etheling in the palace of his native king stood a stranger and alone, while his swordless sheath showed him to be also a prisoner.
Probably this figure and the Earl's thane were the only hearers he was conscious of, but his tone left the words open to all ears.
The King's thanes had the like jurisdiction in their thane lands as lords in their manors, where they also kept courts.
The middlethane was feudal, but not honorary; he was also called a vavasor, and his lands a vavasory, which held of some mesne lord, and not immediately of the King.
Thane after thane is ruthlessly carried off and devoured, while no one is found strong enough and bold enough to cope with the monster.
And many a martial mere-thane attending 30 Sank to his slumber.
Unferth, a thane of Hrothgar, is jealous of Beowulf, and undertakes to twit him.
To the weche it is to know that ther is nothynge more profytablere therefore thane to use glysteryes of malowys, mercurye [cheno-podium?
We see, too, that whole vills came gradually into the hands of some monasteries; so that the convent became the lord of the vill instead of a thane or a king.
They had to work for thethane or lord on certain days of the week; but, as they had no oxen, they had no ploughing to do for him.
Banquo thinks instantly of the word of the witches, Glamis, and thane of Cawdor, etc.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thane" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.