In shorter words, the old stunt of pointing loudly to someone else as a dodge for covering up your own crime was a lost art in this present-day world of telepathic competence.
Howard Macklin and Jonas Harrison went into a deeptelepathic conference that was interrupted only when Jonas Harrison turned to Phillip to say, "You'll have to provide us with uninterrupted time, somehow.
Half afraid that my perception of them would touch off their own telepathic sense of danger, I watched deliberately.
At first I resented my apparent inconstancy in forming an esper projection of Marian Harrison when I was trying to project my blank telepathic inadequacy to Catherine.
That's what cousin Jim said to-day; he's just been at our house; and it was so extremely telepathic that I thought I must run round and prevent your having the man on your conscience if you felt you had had too much of him.
Whitwell listened, with planchette ready on the table before him, and he consulted it for telepathic impressions of Jackson's actual mental state when the reading was over.
You and I'll get into telepathic communication yet before we've done; and when we do we'll show this ancient and highly civilised nation a thing or two.
Finally he answered, "Sir, I still think it was the telviz, rather than a telepathic communication, but the .
When you received this telepathic message--or whatever it was--what was your reaction?
Then all at once that subtle telepathic sense which certain individuals among the wild kindreds seem to possess signalled to him that the dogs were on a new trail.
It's not hard now to comprehend that telepathic forces of the mind can be directed by this means.
It merely amplified the normal telepathic impulses existing in every human mind, Ellerbee said.
It is that all such apparitional appearances, coincident with a death or not, are equally due to a telepathic force exerted by an agency independent of the percipient.
An obscure, apparently telepathicprocess was at work.
As if in obedience to a telepathic command of his master, Pepper stopped.
Everyone has it, to some degree; no telepathic thought can break through it.
It's a perfect insulator againsttelepathic prying by others.
It's a sudden, meaningless, disturbing blare of telepathic energy.
And all of them seem to have some sort of weird tie-in to these flashes of telepathic interference.
Instead he went on: "I will grant that there may be an amplification of the telepathic faculty in the normal individual in such cases.
I get those same flashes of telepathic static, too.
I assume," O'Connor said frostily, "that you are speaking of telepathic messages?
For those who draw the line at demonic possession, I suggest trying telepathic projection.
It seems to me as if Taylor makes a good case for this 'telepathic projection' of his.
Her Majesty--may God bless her--stated that she first spotted these flashes oftelepathic static by listening in on our minds.
But I, personally, prefer the telepathic projection theory.
It contained more facsimiles from Sir Lewis Carter, all dealing withtelepathic projection.
She was the one the guinea pig was supposed to fall in love with, so the guinea pig could be nice and telepathic and all the other experimenters could congratulate themselves.
Have you got any more data ontelepathic projection?
He'd caught the Telepathic Spy that way, and when the case of the Teleporting Juvenile Delinquents had come up he'd been assigned to that one too, and he'd cracked it.
Here is a littletelepathic spoof that anyone can accomplish who has a telephone in their house, or if not they can make use of the telegraph service.
One day when there were a lot of us together in my dressing-room at the Hippodrome, Sheffield, I turned the conversation on to my assistant’s wonderful telepathic gifts, flattering him to the top of his bent.
I was being interviewed by a representative of the Bristol Times and Mirror, and the conversation turned on the alleged telepathic feats of the Zancigs, then at the height of their popularity.
Fatty sat by himself in a corner, his head between his hands, intent on conveying a telepathicmessage to his brother two hundred miles away in London.
Visions, possibly telepathic or clairvoyant, implying acquirement of knowledge by supernormal means.
The tale was not 'unfolded to the ear,' as the telepathic impact only affected the sense of sight.
If a learned and fair opponent can find no better proofs than logic and (unconscious) perversions of facts like the logic and the statements of Herr Parish, the case for telepathic hallucinations may seem strong indeed.
But the most telepathic human stocks, it may be said, ought, ceteris paribus, to have been the most successful in the struggle for existence.
But, not possessing analogies for telepathic crystal-gazing, he will probably decline to examine ours.
I suspect when that happens we'll be able to return to direct telepathic contact.
On his way home in the monorail Connor tried to reach his office and had the frightening experience of having his telepathic call refused by Central.
As yet, there's no local telepathic Central but all Active Communicators are permitted to think in on Earth Central once a day--except for the big shots who can even telepath social engagements to each other by way of Earth!
For the past century and a half it had neatly routed telepathictransmissions with an efficiency that made ancient telephone exchanges look like Stone Age toys.
They had a good hour together, and shook hands and parted with a mutual liking, and at the instant at which he reached the street Paul was free to take up his station at his end of the telepathic wire and to call Gertrude to the other.
But when it comes to leaving the solar system entirely the telepathic method is the only one that will work; even the nearest of the fixed stars is out of the question.
Mainly they were trying to catch their agents in the proper mood for receiving telepathic communications, and it proved no easy matter.
The telepathic process employed enabled the investigators to know all that their agents' subconscious minds took in.
The formula had the effect of closing his mind to all save telepathic energy, and opening wide the channels through which it controlled the brain.
It must have been a telepathic impulse from our patriotism in the director.
They might have been carried near this point by those telepathic influences which have as yet been so imperfectly studied.
The patient did not really believe the theory of the telepathic hypnotic influence.
The story of telepathic mysteries which is often brought before the public is probably always the outcome of a diseased brain.
A man with whom he had some personal quarrel, had, as he believed, hypnotized him from a distance and made him act queerly or do things which he really did not want to do, by telepathic influence.
The pathological idea of the telepathic influence lasted a while after the voices had gone until this idea, too, yielded to suggestion.
He connected them with his brother living in Europe, heard his voice in the denunciations, and developed a pathological system of ideas around the central thought that his brother had a telepathic influence on him.
The existence of the self-styled intermediaries between sitter and communicator is another fact which does not fit in with the telepathic theory.
The telepathic hypothesis might very well be admitted as an explanation of the facts recorded in that book, although the spiritualistic hypothesis would explain them as well, or even better.
I shall repeat my explanation; it is necessary that the reader should have it well in mind, as in this chapter I am about to examine the telepathic hypothesis and endeavour to find out if it will cover the facts which we are studying.
Why should they become lucid at the time when they ought to be still more confused, if the telepathic hypothesis is the correct one?
To explain it, another hypothesis--that of suggestion on the part of the sitter--must be added to the telepathic hypothesis.
In this Hannah Wild case everything seems to support the telepathic hypothesis.
If the telepathic theory expresses the truth, we must grant an almost infinite power to telepathy.
I will quote another incident of "Uncle Carruthers'" communications, because on account of its stamp of vivid realism it is one of those which the telepathic hypothesis does not explain satisfactorily.
She still held and expressed the view that the manifestations are not spiritualistic, and felt that the telepathic theory is more probable than the spiritualistic hypothesis.
Another well-observed fact, opposed to the telepathic theory, is the selection made amongst incidents by the communicator.
The double meaning of the word "trouble" caused a curious misunderstanding, which the telepathic hypothesis will find it difficult to explain.
We can only conceive the telepathic process as a propulsion of waves through space; these waves should decrease with distance; the contrary is absolutely inconceivable.
Chapter XVI 154 Examination of the telepathic hypothesis--Some arguments which render its acceptance difficult.
Incidents like those I have just related are evidently difficult to explain on the telepathic theory.
In such cases one would only have to exclude the possibility of telepathic thought-reading.
The atmosphere of our dormitory was, if I may say so, in a state of chronic telepathic saturation, and the area where the currents ran strongest was in the space between Billy's bed and mine.
We had raised ourselves in bed, leaning toward each other, and the telepathic current was running strong.
No ghost who does not do this has any strict legal claim to be regarded as other than a telepathic hallucination at best, though, as we shall see, some presumptions exist in favour of some ghosts being real entities.
But if The sable score, of fingers four, Remained on the board impressed by the spectre, then there was no telepathic hallucination, but an actual being of an awful kind was in Smailholm Tower.
On the whole, if the evidence is worth anything, there are real objective ghosts, and there are also telepathic hallucinations: so that the scientific attitude is to believe in both, if in either.
The telepathic theory has the advantage of cutting down the marvellous to the minimum.
Perhaps Whizzer understood the command in some mysterious, telepathic manner.
I then explained this automatic, telepathicmethod of communication.
Other senses besides that of sight may receive the telepathic impression.
Here are two cases from the same writer belonging to the third division of her classification, namely, where an explanation of the vision requires the introduction of a telepathic influence.
The following case is in point and illustrates telepathic influence excited at a distance as well.
He had pointed out as nearly as he could determine it from brief, telepathic contact (the aliens showed him how to center on her) Julia's location on the planet.
With every unit and sub unit and compartment and section of his mind, pouring out every available degree of telepathic power, dropping the shielding, concentrating above everything else, he seized the Washington Monument.
Walt did not even think of trying fortelepathic contact.