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Example sentences for "signalled"

Lexicographically close words:
signalize; signalized; signalizes; signalizing; signall; signaller; signallers; signalling; signally; signalman
  1. After various attempts to dislodge them it was suddenly thought that they might surrender, which solution, on being signalled to them, they willingly agreed to.

  2. The Minotaur had signalled across to the Convoy, and soon we saw the warships that brought our escort up to five.

  3. The same request to have no cheering was signalled to Colombo, and it touched the captain of the Emden deeply, as he afterwards told us.

  4. There is the sun on the window of the house that signalled last night.

  5. Then we blew up a bridge that some Sappers had made for experimental purposes (they were rather stuffy about it) on its line of retreat, while we lay up in the mountains and signalled for the A.

  6. All lore our Lady Venus bares Signalled it was or told By the dear lips long given to theirs And longer to the mould.

  7. He signalled me to come forward with the car, and I strove not to be privy to what followed; but I saw the girl's face, blotched and frozen with grief, and I felt the hand without a ring clutching at my knees when we moved away.

  8. I got the cable into a boat, and a gutta-percha line from the ship to the boat, and we signalled away at a great rate--but no signs of life.

  9. Then, having marked, she quietly signalled the dogs forward.

  10. At this moment, their danger was seen by the officer in command of the main body, and he signalled to the sergeant to retreat.

  11. The officer in command signalled to the party an order to return.

  12. The chief, a powerful red-bearded German, who signalled to them to keep silence, began to listen.

  13. But about half-past five Ito signalled to his fleet to retire.

  14. Ironclads will ram and sink the enemy," signalled Tegethoff.

  15. At once he signalled to his fleet to weigh anchor, and a few minutes later ran up the signal to clear for action.

  16. Fire was opened at two miles distance, the balls being wasted in the waters between the fleets, "Full steam ahead," signalled Tegethoff.

  17. I then wrote the message purporting to be from Longstreet and had it signalled in full view of the Federal signal men whom we saw on the hill in front of my position, so that it might be read by them.

  18. A few minutes later the long wagon-train, loaded with provisions, that had been standing for hours in the Plains Store road, was signalled to go forward.

  19. Then they had been signalled by Colonel Jermyn and his niece, who were in a great state of horror and distress, and reported that their guest had been taken away as prisoner by the Ghazis.

  20. And he signalled Bhallu Khan to return just as that estimable Asiatic had himself arrived at the conclusion that there was no point in making further efforts to scare out of a hole something which was not within it.

  21. Now they were no great distance above that cave, and he soon signalled Bhallu Khan his desire to proceed thither.

  22. But instead of giving this order the admiral signalled to "lay-to.

  23. Then turning abruptly to the flower-bed in the orchestra, he signalled with his finger.

  24. After a run of a couple of hours, a halt was called, and Alondra was signalled to come alongside the king's yacht.

  25. Malto grew alarmed, and signalled to his companions to ascend yet higher.

  26. The Iowa has just signalled that she has seen a big Spanish warship showing her nose around the harbor point!

  27. Captain Anderson signalled to the Albany, at fifteen minutes past ten last night, to start at daybreak, and proceed to discover the station ship, and report us at hand.

  28. Passed and signalled the Cunard steamer from Boston to Liverpool.

  29. The Albany shortly afterward took up her position on our starboard quarter, and signalled that she spoke the Niger at noon, bearing E.

  30. The sea was running high, so that boats could not come off, but the Albany signalled that she had not toiled for nothing; that she had once hooked the cable, but lost it in rough weather.

  31. The Terrible signalled that a man had fallen overboard.

  32. At fifty-five minutes past eight we signalled to the Terrible to sound, and received a reply, one hundred and sixty fathoms.

  33. The Albany was signalled to go on immediately to Heart's Content, clear the northeast side of the harbor of shipping, and place a boat with a red flag for Captain Anderson to steer to, for anchorage.

  34. The Terrible being signalled to come up and take her position, informed us they had made the Lily out, and that she bore then about E.

  35. Terrible, steaming on ahead, in about an hour signalled to us that H.

  36. Antonov stood in the middle of the street and signalled a passing machine, driven by a soldier.

  37. The second period of the Revolution, the period of "compromise,"was signalled by the entrance of Tchernov into the Cabinet.

  38. Hereupon the Emir laughed consumedly, he and his wife, and they signed and signalled each to other deriding the judicial dance, and the Kazi ceased not skipping until he fell to the floor for his fatigue.

  39. In the act of mounting it he signalled to Kirstie to run downstairs for help.

  40. She signalled to us for a tow, which was quite impracticable in the state of the sea.

  41. At that moment the admiral signalled to me, "Ship in sight looks suspicious; stop her" Ambiguous as our signalling code is, this order seemed evidently to point to seizing one or several of the vessels just leaving the port.

  42. Lieutenant-Colonel Winsloe, of the 21st Regiment, who was commanding at a fort outside the village, signalled orders to Major Clarke to begin firing.

  43. The officer commanding our party (Captain Robertson, 92nd) then signalled the question, 'Who are you?

  44. Three minutes afterward yet another column of smoke was signalled from Sapper's Hill; and the Macedonia was ordered to weigh anchor on the inner side of the other cruisers.

  45. The presence of these had at once been signalled to Admiral Beatty and his cruisers, and the whole squadron at once worked up to its full speed of 28-½ knots.

  46. However, shortly after this signal was received, a bulkhead collapsed and she signalled for immediate assistance, and said her crew were abandoning ship.

  47. Removing the wounded, and concealing them in cabins, and bringing a hose to bear on the fire, he signalled that all traffic should be kept below the horizon during the final {206} act that was to come.

  48. To remain together would be to sacrifice both; the Canopus, still in ignorance, had to be warned; and the Monmouth seems to have signalled to the Glasgow, advising her to part company and make her escape as best she could.

  49. The signalman jumped to his feet, and, forgetting all about the stationary goods train waiting in the station on the same set of metals, signalled the approaching train.

  50. A violent gale was raging at the time, and a waggon standing in a siding at Chelford station was blown on to the main line, along which the mail was signalled to pass.

  51. They were rejoicing at the capture of nine large dolphins, which would supply them with a feast of fresh meat, when the look-out man signalled that a sail was in sight.

  52. Where Judy Trenor led, all the world would follow; and Lily had the doomed sense of the castaway who has signalled in vain to fleeing sails.

  53. Soon after this the commodore signalled to us to send our boats to assist in removing the prisoners from the Renomme.

  54. While the Belligeux steered for the largest of the French ships, she signalled to the Indiamen I have mentioned to proceed in chase of the others, we and the Bombay Castle of one of them, the Medee, and the other two of the Franchise.

  55. He took in wood and water, and was on the point of weighing anchor when the missing men appeared on the shore and signalled for a boat.

  56. Some Venetian galleys happened to enter the harbour as the fleet was preparing to weigh, and they joined in the salutes and demonstrations which signalled the departure.

  57. About half an hour later another person, in a great state of excitement, rushed into the tent and signalled to my guards to lead me out.

  58. After hesitating a little, four officers signalled to us that they wished to approach.

  59. Chanden Sing signalled to them to go back.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "signalled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.