Nueces without implying in the least that our claim to it had not been valid.
As it stands it is incongruous, for it gives the modern reader the idea that the watchman had been asleep, implying that he had been negligent, which, of course, is not in the original.
It was a local name, implying that John or Peter Churchman dwelt by the church.
At times He had not where to lay His head; but this is mentioned rather as a symptom of His want of friends than as implying any serious physical suffering in a climate like that of Palestine.
By the nature of the case our conviction, implying as it does some apprehension of spiritual things, must be more slowly wrought.
I rather object to "dearest" as a word implying comparison, and therefore never to be used where comparison should not and could not exist.
Clifford himself, in another year, would be placidly implying that there never had been anything in the rumour of an engagement.
Poverty, in any sense implying suffering, may be completely extinguished by the wisdom of society, combined with the good sense and providence of individuals.
The title seems to have been introduced first in the East, in the 4th century, as an honorary distinction implying no superiority of jurisdiction.
It was a conflict between two ideas of life, one based upon a belief in the supremacy of reason, the other implying that the final test of values in life remains in the sphere of the feelings, or is a matter of appreciation.
The people must have a proper appreciation of common interests as implying common work, and not be encouraged to believe that rights of representation are their chief concern.
Science has indeed explained away the anthropomorphic implications of Force and Energy, Attraction and Repulsion; and philosophy has reduced Cause and Effect fromimplying intention and effort to meaning mere constant succession.
So much for the meaning of good when implyingstandards and commandments; ninety-nine times out of a hundred there is, however, no such implication, and good means nothing more than satisfactory in the way of use and advantage.
The use of religious phraseology without understanding or sincerity; empty, solemn speech, implying what is not felt; hypocrisy.
Agreement or consent, implyingaid or contribution of power or influence; coöperation.
A meeting of minds; agreement in opinion; union in design or act; -- implying joint approbation.
Charge, oversight, or management, implying responsibility for safety and prosperity.
Affirming the contrary; implying a denial of what has been asserted; also, mutually contradicting; inconsistent.
To mention by way of courtesy, implying remembrance and good will.
By us the ideal, as it is transmitted through our consciousness, is recognised as implying the presence in us of a purpose higher than our own.
I loved him, but he made of righteousness a stern and terrible thing implying not joy, but punishment, the, suppression rather than the expansion of aspirations.
Young Mr. Garner himself spied me, and handing over a customer to a tired clerk, hurried forward to greet me, his manner implying that my entrance was in some sort an event.
Polar caps are plainly visible which melt in the Martian summer to form again in the Martian winter, thus implying the presence of a substance deposited by cold.
The slope of the wave is much the same for all, implying that a like force was at work successively down the latitudes.
Your Majesty tells us that you have been compelled to adopt these measures by the duty of maintaining peace in your states,--implying we presume that this trouble has been provoked by some individual belonging to the Society of Jesus.
Unfortunately some of his written words were interpreted asimplying it.
Washington rode to the rear of the division where he met Lee, to whom he spoke in terms of some warmth, implying disapprobation of his conduct.
It was necessary to express feelings adapted to the occasion without implying sentiments with respect to the belligerent powers which might be improper to be used by the chief magistrate of a neutral country.
He replied, "To below," a term implying that he was from New York.
Is it not evident that Lord Clarendon suggested the idea which Mr. Motley repelled as implying an insidious mode of action?
This fact was interpreted as implying something more than a mere coincidence.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "implying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.