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Example sentences for "suppositories"

Lexicographically close words:
supposing; supposition; suppositions; suppositious; supposititious; suppository; supposyd; suppoze; suppress; suppresse
  1. The enema or suppositories are promptly evacuant.

  2. Suppositories are solid bodies of various weights and shapes adapted for introduction into the different orifices of the human body and melting readily at body heat.

  3. It is interesting to note that in the rural districts in France the peasant women make up their preventive suppositories themselves, placing them carefully away in glass jars.

  4. Suppositories are becoming more generally used in U.

  5. This may be avoided by the application of vaseline to the rectum or by the use of the gluten or glycerine suppositories which cause the hardened masses to make their way out easily.

  6. The following ointments, lotions, and suppositories to be used freely within the bowels and to the piles, are effective in relieving the pain, reducing inflammation and diminishing pain and spasm in the sphincter.

  7. Make twelve suppositories and insert one in rectum every three or four hours.

  8. Suppositories of gluten are very beneficial if used in the morning.

  9. Proper regulation of the bowels and the use of gluten suppositories will often practically cure the condition, though there will be relapses whenever constipation returns.

  10. Where the pain is much complained of the coal-tar anodynes are useful, but ice in the rectum or even suppositories of gluten, or of cocoa butter without any medication often prove useful.

  11. The mucus of the rectum by aloe internally, by clysters and suppositories externally.

  12. Secretion of mucus of the rectum is increased by aloe internally, by various clysters and suppositories externally.

  13. Let the tincture evaporate by exposure to the air until of the consistence of a thick syrup, and proceed as for suppositories of carbolic acid.

  14. All difficulty of removing suppositories from the mould may be obviated by having the moulds previously dusted with lycopodium.

  15. Medeol suppositories do not contain any narcotic or any caustic or other constituent having violent action; their blandness permits of their use in either sex and at all ages.

  16. Today Anusol Suppositories are said to contain unstated amounts of the indefinite “bismuth oxyiodid and resorcinsulphonate.

  17. Iodoform suppositories greatly stimulate the absorption of the inflammatory exudation; one of these should be introduced into the vaginal canal each day.

  18. Tincture of iodine can be applied to the groins every second day, or iodoform suppositories introduced into the vagina.

  19. Use suppositories instead, and if need be, retain them by holding a soft compress of cloth over the anus, for ten to fifteen minutes until they are dissolved.

  20. Examination showed that the suppositories contain about 0.

  21. That relief might follow the use of suppositories made of these ingredients--especially when supplemented by an increased attention to simple cleanliness--can also be admitted.

  22. According to the claims of the manufacturers, 12 suppositories contain: “Anusoli 7.

  23. Anusol Suppositories of the present and Anusol Suppositories of the past.

  24. And the “anusol” suppositories should contain: Iodin 6.

  25. The statement in the note that “Anusol Suppositories have been proved to contain no Anusol” is also likely to create an entirely erroneous impression.

  26. Incidentally, the observant physician will notice that the list of the ingredients given on the Anusol Suppositories labels of 1913 differ from those of the vintage of four years ago.

  27. Now if the physical conformation of the reproductive organs of the husband and the wife render this event possible or probable, then soluble suppositories and contraceptive douching are alike unreliable, by themselves or in combination.

  28. These suppositories are disinfective as well as contraceptive, but they are at present sold for the ordinary purposes of birth-control.

  29. Generally speaking, the soluble quinine pessaries or suppositories which are sold in the shops are unreliable.

  30. The bowels are to be moved daily by glycerin suppositories or injection of warm water.

  31. Ointments may be introduced into the bowel upon the finger, or, better, with hard rubber plugs sold for the purpose; or suppositories may be employed.

  32. In this condition the treatment should include the use of anodyne and astringent lotions, suppositories or enemata, and the internal administration of Ward's paste--i.

  33. Any of the remedies spoken of may be given in the form of suppositories with greater advantage often than by the mouth.

  34. The medical treatment of this affection is necessarily restricted to efforts to alleviate suffering and to obtain sleep--anodynes in the form of suppositories of pil.

  35. During the paroxysm, hot fomentations, anodyne injections, and opiate suppositories will be beneficial.

  36. Suppositories and enemata are at the same time employed; the latter to clear out the lower bowels, the former to allay the irritation which accompanies the disease, and which may be increased temporarily by the bougies.

  37. Inferior parts, as clysters strong and weak, and suppositories of Castilian soap, honey boiled, &c.

  38. In this range, clysters and suppositories challenge a chief place, to draw this humour from the brain and heart, to the more ignoble parts.

  39. Pierce's Antiseptic and Healing Suppositories as advised on an other page under the head of Ulceration of the Uterus will aid greatly in effecting a cure.

  40. These Suppositories are powerfully antiseptic, destroying all offensive odors and have a soothing and at the same time tonic or strengthening effect upon the neck of the womb and the vagina.

  41. If your medicine dealer does not have these Suppositories in stock, mail 25 cents in stamps to Dr.

  42. In severe cases of piles great relief is afforded by the use of suppositories made after the following formula: 2 grains sulphate morphina, 2 grains extract belladonna, 1 scruple tannin.

  43. The above mixed with a sufficient quantity of cocoa butter to make twelve suppositories of one-half ounce each; one to be used every night on retiring.

  44. Glycerine suppositories act more quickly, but are too irritating for regular use.

  45. The best suppositories for continuous use are probably the gluten suppositories of the Health Food Company.

  46. I prescribe the Gluten Suppositories almost daily in my practice and am often astonished at the permanent results obtained.

  47. I have used your Gluten Suppositories in my family with great satisfaction.

  48. I find your Gluten Suppositories an excellent remedy for constipation.

  49. Tod Helmuth declares the Gluten Suppositories to be "the best remedy for constipation which I have ever prescribed.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suppositories" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.